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Bearish on GameStop (obviously), but prefer to not go broke trying

Bearish on GameStop (obviously), but prefer to not go broke trying
Let me start by saying I spent a LOT of time in EB Games (for the snootier game player - Electronics "Boutique") and Babbage's as a wee lad. I've liked video games since I was exposed to the Atari 2600. The NES practically changed my world - it definitely added the occasional blister to my thumb. GameStop (Ticker: GME) is the remaining company having swallowed up pretty much all the other game stores (and closed many of them). Let's take a brief (for me) look at the bearish and bullish case and then provide a way that one can play these squeezes with a bearish bent without going broke. [insert this is for educational purposes only and realistically if someone *cough* that made $13M has a New idea, listen to them instead]

I'm Bearish on GameStop

But prefer to not go broke expressing that opinion. Look, I am not the first bear on GameStop and certainly not the richest. I can say that I won't lose 6 Billion shorting it though. Video games are as popular as ever, pulling in $180B in 2020 compared to a movie industry that sold only $42.5B at the box office in 2019. Why hasn't GameStop been rolling in the money? Digital. A *lot* of games are downloaded digitally, skipping the physical cartridge or disc. GameStop will get a boost from selling the new consoles, but the fact that both Sony and Microsoft offer "Digital Only" versions of their new consoles should be pretty ominous to shareholders. GameStop's big money maker historically was buying used games for a few dollars and then reselling them for Much Much more. The digital nature of many video game sales effectively cuts out this profit.
GameStop has also expanded into merchandise and electronics sales. I'll plead ignorance to how popular the first is, but I know I've never even considered browsing their site for electronics - I just assume Amazon (ticker: AMZN) will ship it to me before I even know I need it. For cheaper.

Bullish On GameStop

Why would someone be bullish on GameStop? Well the big 'news' is that they added some new activist board members with a lot of experience in "e-commerce, online marketing, finance and strategic planning". That was good enough for a 68% jump in the stock. Sixty Eight. GameStop is (and remains) one of the most heavily shorted stocks. So -any- good news can lead to a short squeeze and a dramatic rise in the stock. Very few people predicted this sub $5 stock would be all the way above $30 by January! Note, some did and they made a lot. ("Viewer discretion is advised" for reading those links. Note that this Won't work for most people, but their conviction was certainly impressive).
Oh, but wait, there's more:
GameStop - You all know this.
After hovering around 35-40, GameStop shot up on Friday to over $76, before selling off to end the day near $65. Then today, it hit a high of just below $160 before settling at $76.79 (editor's note - it's up in the aftermarket).
There are Lots of articles on the short squeeze, the Reddit vs. Short Sellers saga, that I encourage you to seek out - for entertainment if nothing else.

Bearish on GameStop - what to do?

I decided to put on a bearish play in GameStop, but (in my opinion) more importantly, I tried to take advantage of the ridiculous implied volatility in the name. I placed a trade similar to:

Bearish calendar in GME
  • Sell January 29th 50 put for 8.40
  • Buy February 19th 50 Put for 12.30
Debit of a bit less than $4 ($3.90 at the mid point). This trade profits the most if by the end of this week GME finishes at 50.

That's it?

No. Take a look at the implied volatility for these options. I'm selling an IV of 365% and buying one at 253%. In other words, I'm getting paid a lot to sell the option that expires near term and paying quite a bit less for one that expires longer term - a trade structure I'm happy to repeat over and over.

What can happen?

The ideal state is that the option I sold expires worthless (GME at 50.01) and the volatility of the Feb option skyrockets.
When the nearer term volatility stays more expensive than the further out expirations, one can often continue to sell options against the long. So this Friday, one could sell a put that expires Next Friday and take in an additional premium.
If you roll to a lower strike, one could turn the position into a put spread for a net credit. At the market close today, for example, we could close this week's put and sell the Feb 12 45 put, receive a net ~0.30 credit and a "free" diagonal spread.

What do you do if the stock keeps going up?

I was able to put this into practice today. I got out of a lot of my position when GME was trading well north of $100 - for a profit. The calendar had increased to about $7 for a 75% profit on this trade in just one trading day.

TL;DR - Bearish on GameStop

These types of run-ups occur from time to time. There are some that will make life changing money (see previous Reddit links). If you have some 'play' money and want to take a shot, go for it - but only do it with money you can afford to lose. As I can't watch the markets the entire time, I prefer to take risk defined approaches on favorable setups. When GameStop restocks the PS5, I'll use some of today's profits to their (dwindling) revenue and buy mine from there. Actually, I'll probably just wait until Amazon has it in stock (Disclosure Long AMZN!)
(Article copied/pasted from my website, so if a link didn't go through or someone things I'm 'leveraging' my own content - I gave me permission)
submitted by OptionSalary to options [link] [comments]

The first open for Valorant Challengers started

The first open to classify the valorant challengers has already started in Latam. Today I am going to make my predictions of the 8 teams that will qualify in the south and point out some of their players to take into account for those who do not follow the Latin American scene and want to see these challengers.
I hope I have helped those who want to see the South Latin American challengers matches. Maybe one of these days I will do a similar one for the North Latin American teams.
Here you can see the results of the qualifier that is currently being played:
submitted by Gl1tchY_TG to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

Something to keep your mind off the red day...

This research was offered for $2k guaranteeing that 2 of the 6 stocks would reach $10 in a year or it was free. I didn't pay for it, rather just tried to figure out the companies from the transcript below. MMED is one of the 6 for sure. See if you can figure them out. I believe this was offered in Sept so the current prices are obviously off. Have fun!

What I’m about to tell you may sound like science fiction...
Yet what’s contained in this eyedropper...
Is so powerful...
The $8 TRILLION healthcare industry is on fire.
A single dose of what I’m holding... could change everything we know about the human brain.
Dr Robin Carhart-Harris, head of psychedelic research at Imperial College London, said...
What it was derived from... is truly miraculous.
Not quite plant...
Not quite living organism...
A rare hybrid species I’ll tell you more about later on.
But from this hybrid species, scientists have discovered a chemical compound... one that’s able to be grown in labs... 100% naturally, without interfering with nature.
The billionaires backing this research... like Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary... and PayPal’s Peter Thiel... are CONVINCED it’s going to be one of the greatest investments of their career.
To the doctors in the lab... it must seem like the next step of human evolution!
I call it “Living Medicine” because the atoms in this substance are truly ALIVE and could be capable of unimaginable regenerative properties.
And if the early findings are correct...
Living Medicine could be as transformative to our society as penicillin, which single-handedly fixed many serious health conditions.
That was making history THEN... What you’re looking at is making history NOW... It’s about to smash every record and scientific development we’ve seen.
Come with me now... inside the human brain.
All of our research shows... our brain loses its strength... its elasticity... That means memory... motor functions... they get worse as we age. You may have noticed this yourself with older friends or family.
Now watch... In time, it may be possible to stimulate growth for those brain cells and rebuild...
In time, it may be possible to stimulate growth for those brain cells and rebuild... perhaps even stronger than before.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg...
Imagine depression gone... forever.
Clinical trials conducted by NYU and Johns Hopkins found it helped cancer patients cure their depression within a single dose.
More research shows it could help completely reverse the battle-induced PTSD for our soldiers.
80% of smokers quit after one single dose! Now researchers testing it on alcoholism.
Another study by 60 Minutes found it’s nonaddictive.
I want to be clear, I’m NOT talking about marijuana or CBD right now. What is in this eyedropper is NOT marijuana or CBD.
Rather, it is a one-of-a-kind substance called “psilocybin.”
This is found ONLY in the unique hybrid species I’m going to show you.
And while this is still in trial research periods, I believe this Living Medicine is at the forefront of EVERYTHING that’s going to accelerate brain science in the next 10 years. I’m absolutely certain of it.
And I’m not the only one who thinks this!
Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal... Palantir... and Founders Fund. One of Forbes’ 1,000 RICHEST men on the planet.
He’s completely backing this industry and one of its leading companies.
And he knows people are going to call him crazy... He recently said...
This opportunity is the most hidden breakthrough I’ve ever seen.
With the track record Peter Thiel has... wouldn’t you want to get in alongside him in this new industry?
Then there’s Christian Angermayer... the hedge fund LEGEND with $365 million in assets. He’s getting in with his buddy Peter Thiel.
Same with hedge guru Michael Novogratz and his $250 MILLION fund!
He’s also a ground-floor investor.
You know who else is getting in? Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank.
He’s betting big on Living Medicine as well – recently getting in on a $6 MILLION round of funding.
All of this activity among famous billionaires has alerted the attention of investigative reporters.
I’ve known about this alongside these billionaires for years.
I’ve been preparing for this EXACT moment.
When the companies finally see promise to emerge from the trial stage... and prepare for the moment that all of what I’m about to tell you goes mainstream.
Until now, they’ve seen explosive growth... but they’ve been too small for me to recommend to 150,000 Oxford Club Members.
But now, Living Medicine is like a giant awakening from slumber.
The market is projected to grow at an annual rate of 16.3% over the next eight years to reach $6.85 billion by 2027, according to Data Bridge Market Research.
We’re talking massive growth over time!
And while a lot of these stocks are still in their earliest and most volatile phase...
The gains can be absolutely breathtaking when you find the one.
As with any stocks in a new sector, there are those that won’t make it and will end up in the dustbin of history. But the stocks that DO MAKE it have massive upside potential.
Just look what’s been happening to the BEST Living Medicine Stocks we pulled to show you from the market.
Captiva Verde... this company was $0.20 coming out of the Corona Crash in April...
And still, even the WORST crash in financial history couldn’t keep this stock down...
Yet not a shred of media coverage. That’s how hidden from the outside this is, just like Peter Thiel said...
Imagine once it goes mainstream.
As the sector grows at that double-digit rate I mentioned to you before...
We could continue to see opportunities for incredible gains!
Sure, some of these stocks aren’t going to make it – this is a “swing for the fences”-type investment.
So I do NOT recommend you invest more than you can lose.
But when you get it right on Living Medicine stocks... the gains can be more than enough to make up for any setbacks.
Look at a stock like Revive Therapeutics.
This stock was a PENNY in December 2019.
A penny!
Meaning you don’t have to invest much and risk it – a little capital goes a LONG WAY with these.
On May 26, 2020, Revive opened at a high of $0.27. A 2,600% gain in six months.
One more, just because I’m excited for you...
And I’m thrilled I finally get to put this in the hands of our Members...
This is going to be an extraordinary example... and I can’t promise these kind of results.
But this is the kind of grand slam I’m hoping to find for you!
And it also shows you the power of these stocks... and how a small investment can change your life forever...
For $1,500, you could have bought 100,000 shares of the stock.
And that $1,500 flyer...
Would have turned into a MASSIVE payday as the stock moved closer to $0.99.
Now, would you have to be lucky? You bet. And have exceptional timing? Of course.
Stocks like Ehave are rare.
And other penny stocks drop to zero.
This is the power of investing in a brand-new market like Living Medicine.
And this is why I want everyone to know about it NOW, when it’s in the beginning stages and the profit potential is the BIGGEST.
When you can put in $500 or $1,000... and see life-changing results. And not risk a lot of capital if a stock doesn’t work out.
Up until now, I’ve been anxiously waiting because these Living Medicine stocks were too small for our hundreds of thousands of Members to get into.
When they were just a penny I couldn’t do it. These companies weren’t even off the ground yet. The risk would have been too great.
And while small caps can still be volatile... the upside potential here is too good to pass up.
Because make no mistake... we are now at a tipping point, which is why your timing couldn’t be better.
Living Medicine therapies could go completely mainstream as soon as 2021 according to two independent sources.
And the six stocks I’ve found... all of which specialize in this... sell for $2 a share on average.
Then again, it’s often been said that neuroscience is in its infancy.
We know more about the moons of Jupiter than our own brain!
That’s all about to change in the next few months... when these six tiny companies take the $8 TRILLION medical world by storm.
Only the true ground-floor guys know about this.
The REAL silicon valley power players like Peter Thiel.
The REAL shark tank investors like Kevin O’Leary.
I want you to get in now... when a small grubstake in Living Medicine... over time... could be one of the greatest investments you EVER make.
I’ve put together a special report on the BEST companies in the world creating this Living Medicine.
There are only six I would touch if I were you.
And they’re still at the absolute cheapest – they’re all $2 or less on average. Some are selling for just $0.20!
I predict these stocks will soon be trading for $10 or higher!
These six companies have the most sizable advantage from my analysis. And they have the lion’s share of this discovery and this market in their grasp.
Imagine the gains you could be sitting on all because you knew about this ONLY when the smart money billionaires knew about it.
I am going to show you how to claim the Living Medicine report that reveals ALL the companies DURING this presentation.
So if you click out and leave, you’ll get nothing.
Your profit opportunity will likely go to someone else.
But if we move quickly... I think we can play this situation just as we’ve done before with NEW and EXCITING investment trends.
My early recommendations from another service gave my readers the chance to TRIPLE their money in six months on Canopy Growth – one of the biggest names in the biz...
And DOUBLE their money on Aphria Growth in four months’ time.
Those successes were a big part of the lead-up to launching our research today... and having something at The Oxford Club completely dedicated to blazing new trails and investing in new trends.
But since 2017, as you may know, marijuana has gone into a steep bear market. The marijuana index as a whole is down almost 69%!
As a result, our track record is negative, and our average position is down 9.9%.
I hate losing money, but that is the nature of the markets sometimes. But in my view, when something goes against you, you don’t just keep following it downward.
Marijuana’s fall was a valuable lesson.
It reminded us not to risk more than you can afford to lose.
And when you have big gains on the table, like we did, take some of them!
Let the rest ride and play with house money if you want!
It also taught us that it always pays to get in at the beginning, not after everyone else is already talking about an opportunity.
BUT... something good also came out of these losses...
They’ve allowed me to build an even BETTER system for picking stocks than before.
I just closed out another MASSIVE 2,710% partial gain on Sea Ltd. in August of 2020! From a position we held for just four months!!
My system is BETTER than ever, and it’s led us straight to this new market.
Where the revenues are trending upward.
Where EVERYTHING is trending upward!
And this new market is one where the billionaires are more excited than ever!
And prices will never be cheaper. You can get in with a Shark Tank investor like Kevin O’Leary... for pennies!
That’s why I’m telling you about Living Medicine today.
It’s the next no-brainer trend...
And sources are predicting that by 2021 it could be in treatment and therapy centers, moving out of the clinical trials we’re in now.
And by 2027, it could be a $6.8 BILLION industry.
We’re talking billions...
Yet these companies barely measure in the millions!
This is why I feel that NOW is the time to get into these stocks – or you’ll regret it forever.
This is the breakthrough moment for investors, which is why the billionaires are going all-in.
For the past two years, I’ve been waiting for this trend to hit the mainstream.
Waiting to replicate these kinds of results yet again in order to lift our track record to FAR outperform anything we’ve done in the past!
I’m hot on the heels of Shark Tank investors and other famous investors... yet as far as I know, I’m the ONLY person who knows about these six stocks!
As for the profit potential...
You could be looking at the chance to turn a couple hundred bucks into major money!
For Starters, on Average ALL OF MY Stocks Are Still Under $2
For starters...
The stocks in my Living Medicine report...
Are selling for an average of LESS than two bucks.
· One is just $0.10.
· Another is $0.20.
· Another is $0.43.
Meaning they’re tiny, and the biggest gains are ahead of them!
Now, there is always risk to investing, and small stocks like this can often be even more volatile. We never recommend you bet the farm on these trades.
But when you get it right on these... you don’t have to. I showed you how $1,000 in a Living Medicine stock like Ehave turned into nearly six figures.
That’s why I actually recommend sprinkling just a little into each stock. That way you ensure yourself the best chance at success without putting down too much!
And a little bit goes a long way when my six stocks are priced between just a few cents and just a few bucks...
With small stocks like these, we expect some losers along the way.
But here’s the thing...
If our best-case scenario plays out...
And we find that play that makes you 1,000% on your money...
It will NOT matter if you struck out once or twice along the way, or even if the losers are more frequent than the winners. All it takes is one big winner when you get in on these trends before everyone else.
The billionaires backing Living Medicine know it... That’s why they’ve gotten in now.
The FDA knows it... That’s why they gave this treatment a breakthrough therapy designation to expedite the development and review of this treatment..
NOW is the time to get in...
I’ve put together a package that shows you exactly what these six stocks are, and I’ve outlined their massive growth potential and profitability.
And I’ll reveal something extra to you, too...
I’ll show you how to become what’s called a "round lot" investor before these companies grow bigger and bigger.
Round lot investors are the highest status of investor.
And I’ll show you how you could accumulate hundreds or THOUSANDS of shares for just a few bucks and become one.
My report is going to walk you through everything. And you can open it on your phone, iPad, computer... whatever you want.
I will show you how to get my report on the six Living Medicine stocks and more in a moment, but first...
Let me finally tell you what this revolutionary discovery is made of.
Because Living Medicine treatment is like nothing else on Earth...
It’s funny how the world’s greatest medical breakthroughs can hide in plain sight!
But it’s truly phenomenal... no other species of plant has this chemical in it.
Literally NOTHING.
And what’s truly remarkable about this species... is that it’s not quite plant... not quite animal. It’s a rare combination hybrid.
Which may be why it’s been holding these secrets right under our noses!
The good news is... scientists have found a way to grow living medicine rapidly in a lab, so there’s no need to wait for nature to produce this miracle substance – that’s a benefit not even marijuana can boast!
And you can decide how to take it.
In a powder, packed into a small capsule, sometimes only 475 micrograms.
You can dissolve the powder into tea or liquid if you don’t prefer to swallow something – which plenty of people do.
Or you can just drop a little eyedropper under your tongue.
A cancer patient revealed to one Colorado news outlet that vials as small as this size contain more than a YEAR’S supply to medicate pain.
A small powder or liquid.
That’s it.
That’s all it takes for Living Medicine to go to work on your body and potentially help treat you within a single dose. And that’s confirmed by CNN as they interviewed doctors at NYU.
But here’s what’s TRULY revolutionary.
It could help rewire and stimulate growth in parts of your brain.
You probably know that, as we age, we become forgetful. We can’t possibly remember every nugget of information.
Basically our brains lose a couple of horsepower with each passing year.
Living Medicine could help reverse that.
Think of your brain like this... before and after Living Medicine...
One of these images looks like it has a few pathways...
The other looks like a neural superhighway.
Studies on this are still in their infancy... but neuroscience itself is in its infancy!
It is said we know more about our solar system... than what is inside our own skull.
But Living Medicine is the tip of the sword when it comes to neuroscience advancement.
This could be the ANSWER neuroscientists have been looking for. How to re-awaken those long-lost parts of the brain!
This potential of stimulating growth of brain cells is why everyone is simply astounded by Living Medicine.
Now let me tell you a little bit about the chemistry behind it.
According to the DPA, the Drug Policy Alliance...
The main active ingredient in Living Medicine.... psilocybin...
“Is not considered to be addictive, nor does it cause compulsive use.”
Johns Hopkins University determined the same thing, citing on its website...
“Research shows that the drug has low potential for abuse and dependence.”
Unlike narcotics...
Or pharmaceutical pills that become addictive...
Or even the folks who enjoy marijuana a little too much...
That’s NOT the case with this Living Medicine.
It really can offer the best possible treatment with the fewest possible side effects.
Think of those affected by Alzheimer’s, PTSD, depression and the countless brain disorders out there. The number is in the hundreds of millions according to the World Health Organization.
Hundreds of millions... that’s a lot of people this could help, right?
So let me give you a glimmer of the profit potential here...
Because I know I just explained a LOT of science and numbers here...
Let’s take a look at a marijuana pharmaceutical stock that made a similar treatment, but only for people suffering from two rare forms of seizures or epilepsy.
Only about 3 1/2 million folks have epilepsy here in the states. That is a fraction of the patient base that Living Medicine could help.
Now, this was also the FDA’s FIRST-EVER drug derived from cannabidiol.
So, even though it was a much smaller market, this treatment was a TRUE ground-floor opportunity, just like Living Medicine. It was a breakthrough! Just like Living Medicine.
This is not one I recommended. At its low, this stock went from $8 and change... to peaks of more than $124 over time.
A 1,450% gain.
14X gains!
And consider, this company’s claim to fame is making a product for just 3 1/2 million people...
Now consider...
If Living Medicine’s research continues to show positive results, someday it could treat 300 million people worldwide with depression.
And here in the States...
· 5.2 million Americans with PTSD
· 5 million people with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
· 38 million smokers.
· 8.1 million alcoholics.
I think 14x gains like GW Pharmaceuticals could be small potatoes.
Remember, that stock was $8.
And its treatment was for a FRACTION of that patient base.
The stocks I’m going to send you in my Living Medicine report are on average $2 per share.
If any one of these six companies follows the same trajectory as GW Pharmaceuticals... we could snag one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for ourselves!
And that rare and extraordinary chance is WORTH taking! That’s why the billionaires are plowing their money into it.
And it’s why Fortune magazine recently published an article begging the question, “Is this Silicon Valley’s next big bet?”
I’m telling you, it is!
This is an incredible time to get in on the ground floor.
When the billionaires like Peter Thiel and his buddies are moving in.
Remember, Peter Thiel was in early on Facebook, SpaceX, Airbnb and Lyft.
He’s worth more than $2.3 billion because he knows how to spot a new market.
And he’s one of the first people moving in on Living Medicine.
Or how about this... do you ever watch Shark Tank or know about it?
Mr. Wonderful, millionaire Kevin O Leary, is moving in on this.
And you know how tough he is to get to invest on the show! One of the – if not THE – TOUGHEST people to convince.
And yet, he is going all-in according to the reports.
In fact, he’s behind one of the six companies I’m going to tell you about today.
So don’t get up from your chair or click out of this video – you’re literally going to get the details Mr. Wonderful invested $6.2 million to find out!
He’s not the only one...
Tim Ferriss, bestselling author and entrepreneur and worth a whopping $110 million, is also getting in on this trend.
Meanwhile, every scientist and doctor in the lab is utterly fascinated by it.
In fact, as researchers dug deeper and deeper into the origins of Living Medicine...
They actually found ancient medical texts referencing it...
They found it’s quietly been used by cultures for hundreds of years!
Throughout History Cultures Have Used This Living Medicine... in More Archaic Ways
Now... many of the world’s best medicines were actually used throughout history before they were fully understood by scientists.
Take aspirin...
It comes from the Willow plant.
And its first documented use dates back to the ancient Egyptians as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
The Greeks used it too.
Hippocrates, of the Hippocractic oath fame, used Willow tea to ease the pain of childbirth.
But it wasn’t until 1897, when German chemist Felix Hoffmann discovered the actual compound for aspirin, that it took off as a modern medicine.
Today, 40,000 tons of aspirin are produced annually... generating hundreds of millions in profits every year.
Living Medicine is likely to have a similar story because it’s a natural and effective medicine.
And its use also dates back to ancient peoples.
Celtic Druids called it the “Flesh of the Gods” because of its mental-boosting attributes.
Egyptians reserved the source of the Living Medicine EXCLUSIVELY for royalty. Because they believed it increased longevity, even by their very archaic standards!
The ancient Chinese also knew about it...
Forms of Living Medicine were even documented as early as 29th century B.C. in The Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica.
They didn’t have the kind of technology or capabilities we have today.
But we’ve seen time and time again that old knowledge can have transformative modern applications.
Even as recently as 1928...
LESS than 100 years ago...
Nobody realized the mold from an old orange... would become instrumental in developing penicillin... until Alexander Fleming thought to put it under a microscope.
The SAME story is playing out with Living Medicine.
It’s untapped potential has sat for centuries...
Until now.
And that’s why the smart money and billionaires are so excited.
And why I am excited to get you the details on the stocks cornering the market for Living Medicine.
Remember, for less than $2 per share on these companies, we can get shoulder-to-shoulder with billionaires on the BIGGEST trend happening in medicine.
Living Medicine Is About to Go Mainstream
I wouldn’t even be wasting your time right now...
If I didn’t think this was going to go completely mainstream in the weeks and months ahead.
I mentioned before the FDA has given Living Medicine BREAKTHROUGH STATUS.
But that’s not all.
Across the country, on a state-by-state basis...
New bills are being written to start moving to allow folks to have Living Medicine.
From the West Coast and California... to the midlands like Colorado... to the southwest of New Mexico... it’s spreading everywhere like wildfire.
For instance...
A program called “Initiative 301” in Colorado was signed into effect late in 2019...
The proposal received more than 89,320 VOTES.
And with that historic vote... Initiative 301 was signed into law! These laws are paving the way for this new treatment as Living Medicine gets the necessary greenlights from the FDA and the government
But Colorado isn’t the only one!
Just a month later, California followed suit.
New Mexico has almost completely given the greenlight, and they’re ready to go.
The FDA has also allowed doctors in Texas to start researching...
Oregon is in the process of starting a program as well!
As are the researchers I told you about at Johns Hopkins in Maryland...
And Florida’s getting on board – with half a million people with Alzheimer’s in the Sunshine State, this could be huge for the state!
It’s spreading rapid-fire across the country and for good reason.
The mental health crisis... is estimated to cost the world $16 TRILLION in the next 10 years.
We are DESPERATE for something that can help treat chronic pain, pill addiction, depression, PTSD and these debilitating diseases of the mind.
To me, the writing is on the wall...
If these states can get their best scientists...
Their best schools...
Their best doctors...
Their best state legislators...
All working toward the SAME goal...
I think it’s obvious...
The main companies in this space are going to reward shareholders with once-in-a-lifetime gains.
Millions of folks are going to finally start catching on in 2020...
It’s about to hit that breakout moment. When folks start talking about it like they do their favorite show on Netflix.
That tipping-point moment... when regular folks in the mainstream start asking... how do I invest in this?
And I think these stocks are going to SKYROCKET over time.
Which is why I want you to know about them now.
And why I want to send you my report on Living Medicine which reveals the stocks.
Because this is the moment...
It could feel like watching the same movie twice.
You know how it’s going to end.
Just like when cryptocurrency got popular... just like when marijuana stocks got popular.
This is when a mega-trend emerges from the shadows.
My expertise is on finding new investment markets as they develop.
I’m quite literally the Chief Trends Strategist at The Oxford Club, with more than 100,000 Members counting on me to find it before everyone else.
And I think this Living Medicine is going to create the third new booming market of the past decade.
Think for a second...
Five years ago, people thought you were smoking pot if you told them about marijuana stocks.
Ten years ago, nobody knew what a cryptocurrency was.
People looked at you like you were insane.
Trading paper money... for digital money?
That’s how it always is.
Peter Thiel, Michael Novogratz and Christian Angermayer all jumped into crypto very early.
Now these same guys are doing it again with Living Medicine.
They’re pushing their chips back into the middle of the table...
Novogratz recently told Bloomberg reporters, “It just feels like a cultural shift is going on.”
And he’s absolutely right.
A shift is going on.
This is a HUGE moment in our culture when folks get introduced to Living Medicine.
When hundreds of millions of people worldwide have their lives changed.
It’s a before-and-after moment for all of humanity, just like penicillin or aspirin.
Kevin O’Leary, the famous Shark Tank investor, said this about Living Medicine:
“As an investor, I am attracted to [This Living Medicine Company] because they are solving health problems through federally authorized clinical trials.”
But here’s what I REALLY love about Living Medicine compared with cryptocurrencies or pot stocks or other trends I saw...
Living Medicine can actually SOLVE the problems we are facing eventually.
Sure, crypto might one day have a clear purpose. We’re still waiting for when that day will come.
And medical marijuana is helping a LOT of people.
But I told you those stories only to show you the power of early adoption...
And how it pays to get in early with the smart money.
Now here’s why Living Medicine is so much better than those short-lived trends...
The companies creating this Living Medicine are working to help thousands of people right now with chronic pain, depression, brain function and more.
This is a LONG-term trend that will only get bigger.
This is a $34 BILLION potential market... and the companies I’m sharing with you have market caps in the mere millions.
They could grow 10... 20... 50 times in size and still have room to go.
They could grow 1,000 TIMES in size... and still be worth only a billion.
And the most breathtaking part of it is...
You can get in for an average of $2 a share on these companies I’m going to show you.
More than that...
You get to be a part of history and helping people.
Veterans with PTSD...
Cancer patients with depression...
Alzheimer’s patients who have trouble remembering their friends and family.
This is a chance to actually do some good in the world by backing these companies as they explode in value.
Living Medicine can help countless people within a single dose.
Get this...
80% of smokers who took Living Medicine... were able to quit the habit cold turkey within three doses.
This stuff is UBER-powerful.
Which is why an eyedropper of this Living Medicine could rewrite history books and medical journals on treatment.
It’s kind of how medical marijuana played out for investors...
Remember when they started realizing marijuana could treat disorders? And it suddenly blew up?
From Parkinson’s...
To helping folks who abused prescriptions...
That’s why when you look back at history, you see how the companies that were FIRST to try this revolutionary idea... were rewarded handsomely...
Abattis Pharmaceuticals launched from $0.03 to $2.21.
That’s a peak gain of 7,226% in three months’ time!
If you had been lucky enough to time it perfectly, it could have turned $500 into more than $36,000!
Sure, plenty of marijuana stocks were busts.
But I can’t even count how many weed stocks blasted off back then, when it was still a brand-new industry.
That’s why I think it’s important to at least give yourself a chance here with a small investment.
Yes, you could lose it. But the potential reward is so big that in my opinion, it is well worth it.
Ask yourself...
Do you want to get in on an opportunity like those again?
An opportunity accepted by billionaires and the people pouring money into it?
The medical professionals testing it?
The FDA giving it breakthrough therapy status?
That’s what’s in front of you right now.
Living Medicine is the FUTURE!
Now, I said before that I love this development because it can actually HELP people.
More and More Research Is Coming Out... Living Medicine Is the Next Big Thing!
When something starts to become big, everyone acts like they have a hand in it.
Every company suddenly latches onto the trend, even if they aren’t in on it!
That’s why you can’t just pick a Living Medicine company all willy-nilly.
But I think these stocks...
All at an average under $2 a share...
Represent the best opportunity in this space.
And don’t worry, you do NOT need to be a private accredited investor like Peter Thiel and his buddies to get in on these Living Medicine companies.
I’ve identified the only publicly traded ones investors should be looking at.
Bloomberg reported on February 11, 2020, “Move over pot. [Living Medicine] companies are about to go public.”
MarketWatch expects the IPO market at large to “crank into high gear.”
And I can’t help but think it’s because of this MASSIVE new development...
Green Entrepreneur published a report saying...
“[Living Medicines] are following a similar trajectory to cannabis – and investors are taking notice.”
Remember the tech boom, when companies like this would IPO nonstop, and it lifted the well-established companies EVEN HIGHER?
You’re watching the same show twice... You should know what’s going to happen.
It’s a telltale sign this market is about to enter its next massive growth phase.
Let Me Detail the ONLY Publicly Traded Companies Worth Looking at... Trading Under $2 on Average
The first company sells for less than a quarter.
It just inked a $500,000 deal with another group that wants the right to grow Living Medicine here in the United States.
It actually has a proprietary extraction technology it first perfected in the hemp industry.
It’s a proven system, something I love to see. And now it’s applying its extraction technique to Living Medicine.
A few more bullet points that come from my own analysis include...
· Its majority-owned subsidiary just completed the design for a preclinical study for using Living Medicine for weight loss and food craving. Obesity is a global epidemic killing 2.8 million people each year.
· The company has more than 200 wellness formulas in various stages of commercialization with 14 patent applications filed.
· The company currently has retail operations in three countries but plans to expand to 12 more.
· The global wellness market is a $4.2 trillion opportunity.
· The company’s management team includes people who cut their teeth at Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble as well as Skechers and Aritzia. This, to me, legitimizes this company BIG-time.
My Second Living Medicine Company...
The second company is testing easy-to-use Living Medicine drops...
Now, I told you before you could get in with a Shark Tank investor...
Mr. Wonderful is an investor in this company. He was part of a $6 MILLION investing round.
And shares are just $0.44.
As if that wasn’t reason enough to get excited...
On the board of directors is none other than legendary Bruce Linton, who took Canopy Growth to the mainstream.
That stock launched to $50 at its peak!
Imagine what this Living Medicine stock could do with Bruce at the wheel again.
Even if this stock went to only HALF that – $25 a share – that would be a 5,581% increase!
Of course, we’re going to have to time it just right and nothing is guaranteed in investing... but we’re swinging for the fences, and we’ve already got Mr. Wonderful on third base!
My Third Living Medicine Company
The third company is just a buck and change.
Thirty percent of shares are held by insiders – a great sign!
Yet just 1.7% of institutions know about this.... It’s on only 1.7% of banks’ radars.
And here is what has me on the edge of my seat...
As I mentioned before, the billionaires and hedge fund guys are among the ONLY ones who know about Living Medicine...
And they’re certainly going to do whatever it takes to profit from it.
You better believe when this company gets discovered by the other institutions and ownership increases, it’s going to send the share price even higher!
This is what I mean when I say NOW is the time to get in... when the gains are set up to be the easiest... when the shares are this cheap!
And that brings me to the next breakout company I’ve identified...
My Fourth Living Medicine Stock Is Near and Dear to Me...
The cool thing is... this was one of the FIRST companies I ever found dabbling with Living Medicine. It kind of sent me down this journey.
It’s the $5 stock I told you about. But while this one might cost a little more, I think it’s well worth it.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, this company reported record revenue of $33 million, an increase of 152%. And this was its 10th consecutive quarter of record revenue.
So these guys are hanging in there while countless businesses are closing up shop forever.
That’s what you want, a company that can weather the storm!
It also has a partnership with the blue chip company 3M, further legitimizing this company’s product.
In my opinion, this is one of the most solid companies in the space.
This Fifth Living Medicine Company Is Off the Charts!
My fifth company is expanding globally and growing its operations. It’s based in Canada but now has operations in Australia and Malaysia.
This is pivotal because you want those companies that are capturing global markets, not just here in the States.
We forget that there are billions of people out there with the same problems as the 300 or so million Americans in our country. It’s a BIG global market, and these guys are chasing it down.
The CEO of this company has 15 years of pharmaceutical experience, including a division of Johnson & Johnson.
Best of all, shares are less than two bucks on this company.
My Sixth and Final Living Medicine Company
My sixth and final Living Medicine stock is also a sub-$2 opportunity.
But I’ve saved this one for last for a very important reason.
It just completed a massive acquisition of a fellow company.
And with this acquisition, it gets the RIGHT to three separate Phase 1 trials and a preclinical trial.
This is a HUGE advantage out of the gate – securing the right to try a medicine.
It also secures this company a partnership with InterVivo Solutions, Canada’s largest neuroscience-focused preclinical contract research organization.
As I’ve told you today, Living Medicine is considered a breakthrough therapy by the FDA – that’s a very high status designation.
And this company already has the right to trials for its medicine.
That’s like getting a 30-second head start in a foot race. You can’t beat that advantage.
The bottom line is...
I really think this company, along with the other five I just told you about, is the best of the best.
And Living Medicine is the single most powerful investment I’ve ever seen.
I’ve put together a report called “Living Medicine: The Next Big Thing” that will show you the ticker symbols, the growth potential and the massive industry at the fingertips of these six stocks.
I also mentioned I’ll show you how to buy “round lots.”
Showing you how to possibly get hundreds or thousands of shares for just a few hundred bucks.
Because that’s the beauty of this research package I’ll be sending you.
Even if you put, say, only $500 in these stocks... we’re talking just $3,000 total to get started.
And that $3,000 could hand you LIFE-CHANGING results.
Even if we’re ULTRA-realistic and we don’t think too greedily...
A fraction of gains like that could improve your life.
I want to send you this report on all six stocks right now.
No waiting!
submitted by Luckyextra19 to MindMedInvestorsClub [link] [comments]

TA and positions for SQ, CRM, CRWD, SNOW, SPCE, PLTR, NVDA, AMD, and overall market/indexes.

TA and positions for SQ, CRM, CRWD, SNOW, SPCE, PLTR, NVDA, AMD, and overall market/indexes.
This is Jack Dorsey's fintech company responsible for cash app and is very popular with small businesses around the world. The "hype" is: this is the "future" of finance. SQ moves money instantly from account to account, and makes payments very easy, and they don't price gauge like bigger banks so they have a ton of users. I am quite bullish on this over time. I own shares, and I'd like to buy some leverage. As always with leverage, timing does matter, which is why I use TA to help me enter and exit plays. You can see the channel in the chart below, which is the 1 day candles for SQ. You will notice this stock likes to bounce off the lower boarder of the channel, which also happens to be the 50sma, shown in purple. My ideal entry is buying leverage at the 50sma, which looks like SQ might hit by the end of the week, and should be right around $200. Do note, TA is not perfect, you can see back in October, SQ broke below the 50sma for three days, which is a pretty clear exit signal for most, though the long tails on those candles indicate that was likely the bottom. My plan is to buy 6 month calls once we hit the 50sma, and sell once we hit the top of the channel. I'll be looking for long tails to indicate strong buying support at this level.

SQ 1 day candles. The three straight lines indicate the channel, the 50sma is in purple, the 200sma is in red.
Couple of things to note about SQ, their PE is around 324, yikes! That said, prior to their most recent earnings it was over 430, which is good news because this means as the price has been pumping, their earnings are keeping up. The current market cap is around $95B. For comparison, PYPL's market cap is $270B with a PE in the 90s, and JPM (also has a popular financial app) has a market cap of $380B and PE of 16. The high PE ratios for the fintech plays indicate investors think these will keep growing, and when you look at some of the larger financial institutions like JPM, you can see there is quite a bit of room to grow. This is all to say that SQ's current price is very speculative on their future growth, and SQ is making it clear they will grow. Earnings is the last week of Feb, so be aware of that in case you want to take profits.

I posted on CRM previously. CRM, aka sales force, does cloud computing with a focus on customer services. This company had an over 100% earnings surprise in late August, leading to the huge gap up, and another 100% earnings surprise last quarter as well. The huge gap down in December was due to them buying slack for 40 billion dollars. Many silly investors don't realize how awesome slack is, and how it will massively expand CRM's scope of business. Slack is a cloud based shared work space, like MSFT teams and MSFT 365. As you can imagine, the addition of slack allows CRM to offer cloud computing solutions and now a collaborative work space that is accessible anywhere you can connect to the web. Looking at the chart below, you can see CRM has entered another channel, in fact it appears to be very similar to the previous channel they were in before they posted surprise earnings. The plan is simple, you buy at the bottom of the channel, which we reached today, and you sell at the top of the channel. Because CRM bought slack and that cost them about $40B, do not expect their earnings to be stellar, in fact I will likely make this play once and then wait for earnings to pass. I bought 2/19 250c, I know, I know, a little reckless at first glance, but I will sell these in a week or so if this goes to plan. I bought today because once we touched the bottom of the channel, there was pretty significant buying pressure, creating a nice tail, which usually indicates lots of buyers and thus support. Also, fun note, at $222, CRM has a market cap around $200B, which is about $40B (price of slack) below their mean previous marketcap after their stellar earnings... funny how that happens.

CRM 1 day candles, straight lines are the channel, 50sma in purple.
Crowdstrike! This is a solid cybersecurity company with huge potential. Read my previous crosspost, and post. This is a highly speculative play, their revenue was about $481M this last year and yet they posted a total loss of $121M. Their current market cap is valuated at roughly $45B. When companies, in highly competitive fields like cybersecurity, get pumped this much above their trend, they tend to return to their trend line. As I indicated in the comments of the crosspost, I am paper trading puts on this stock, I would be up over 10X on weeklies and 3x on monthlies if I made this play. I have been watching the 180p at different dates. This phenomena is called mean reversion, and it simply states that stocks will return to their mean trends. This is true in part. Most of the time stocks will gap up or down based on news. Considering CRWD went on this insane run without any earning/contracts/clients or company specific PR to drive such a move, it makes sense that in this case the stock should return to it's trend. In cases like TSLA, where they are the only player until recently, these pumps can go on forever because their is nothing to compare them to. If I had taken this trade, I would have exited the weeklies today, and the 1/3 of the monthlies, and let the rest ride, ideally exiting once the price hits the top of the channel.
I want to add on to what u/Funguyguy said in his post earlier about strategies. Learning to have both long (betting a stock goes up) and short (betting a stock goes down) plays in your portfolio is imperative if you are using leverage. I'll give you an example that breaks my heart. I lost 25k betting on the MSFT tictok catalyst when the market dumped in September. All of that was previous profit, but fucking fuck me did that hurt. The part that hurt the most was not my financial loss, but the loss a friend of mine on reddit also sustained by joining me on the play. I felt responsible and I still feel bad, friendship is fine though. Part of risk management is having positions to make you money if the market goes up or down, and the best way to do that is to find companies like CRWD with a high likelihood of going down in the near term regardless of what the market does. I'll write a separate post on this topic later... back to specific plays.

CRWD 1 day candles, you can see the channel formed by the purple lines.

Snow is an AI cloud analytics company that Buffet bought 10% of during the IPO. This beast was pumped to the moon and then beyond. I crossposted an article six days ago discussing potentially shorting it, here. Since then, SNOW has dropped from about $350 down to $300. I didn't recommend any specific positions at the time, I just lazily paper traded it to see if this type of assessment would work to identify shorting companies. Sure enough it did. Notice the price has dropped to the 50sma as of today, and is now showing a doji candle, specifically a morning star, which could indicate a reversal in the near term.

SNOW 1 day candles. Purple arrow indicate the day of the crosspost. Purple line is the 50sma.

Previous SPCE posts:
Pre-flight ascending triangle
Post flight discussion
New data and potential new entry

SPCE formed a hammer on top of it's 50sma (in purple) today. In bull markets this typically acts as support for stocks. I wrote previously about hanging man and hammer candles, you can checkout that post here, its bullish when it occurs in a down trend and suggests a reversal. Notice the two purple support lines at $22 and $20. This is likely where we end up if the 50sma doesn't hold. Also note, the 200sma (in red) is almost at $20, making this the likely next stop if we drop. All that said, I did buy SPCE calls, April 40c. Based on my most recent post, I think news of the next flight will come soon and the company is well positioned to have a successful trip to space. I might buy more shares to get a full 100 so I can sell covered calls if this does pump pre or post second flight. The post flight price target that keeps getting tossed around is $50, which is based on nothing more than people assuming it has to hit an all time high and rounding up a little. Its not outlandish given this market. If we continue the down trend, I wont sell this position. I'll likely wait for the bottom to form and then buy more calls. The catalyst I'm playing is the flight, that simple. If the new flight isn't scheduled until after April, I'll roll my calls.

SPCE 1 day candles.

Do I need to write an intro on this one? I hope not.... its AI, its profitable, its a total meme right now, its also a great company. Citron is shorting it, saying it will hit $20 by the end of the week. Unfortunately, PLTR broke below it's wedge today. Awhile back I wrote a post noting the wedge formation, but I didn't see a catalyst to drive it, post here. I also showed how TSLA had formed a similar wedge and eventually broke below it without new news to drive a breakout to the upside, though TSLA did just fine a few months later with the SP500 news. I did end up buying PLTR calls yesterday, but immediately sold them once they broke below the wedge, and today they have continued to sell off. I took a loss, but was in and out in an hour so it was small. The risk to the down side is pretty significant for this one. They don't have revenue reported yet as a public company, and no number of contracts or PR since my original post 19 days ago have lead to a breakout. The reason I bought yesterday was because PLTR had returned to the bottom of the wedge, and looked stable, but once it broke below, I exited immediately. Typically when this happens, companies will return to their 50sma (in purple, its kinda short because PLTR is fairly new), which happens to be just below...$20. This is one I am tempted to buy puts on tomorrow depending on how the market reacts. My plan is to buy shares at $20, and do a more in-depth DD to decide if I want long term leverage.

PLTR 1 day candles. Note the wedge/ascending candle formed by the two purple lines. The 50sma is visible, and is nearing $20.

Original post here. NVDA is selling a line of affordable high performance GPUs, announced in the fall. They just went on sale last month, and immediately sold out. People have been selling them on ebay for 3X the price. You would think this is bullish news, right? NVDA has 1yr price targets in the $600-$760 range, which is insane, but remember these are the people who's GPUs are doing all this AI computing we keep talking about. Lots of reasons to run, but they didn't. And 1 month after the post I wrote, the 50SMA is now acting as resistance, they failed to test resistance at $550 on their last mini run, and as of today they broke below the bottom of their wedge. I expect them to go down until earnings changes their course. That said, they should have absolutely savage earnings the next two quarters due to all their sales, so I don't think this is a dud by any means, it does need to find a new bottom. The worst case scenario here is they return to their 200sma (in red), which could happen, and usually does when charts look like this. However, like TSLA turned around after the sp500 news, NVDA very well might do the same. I would wait for additional confirmation that this is going to go down before buying puts. You need to see this open and close below this wedge with a proper red candle. Earnings is February 11th-15th, so be aware of increased PR and an anticipatory run as this date approaches. Aside from TA, I have no reason to short this, and I likely wont.
NVDA 1 day candles, 50sma in purple, 200sma in red.
Previous post here. AMD is stealing market share from INTC hand over fist. They have been doing a great job capitalizing on the computing boom of recent, and are expected to keep growing into 2021. The previous post I wrote noted AMD was primed for a breakout. And it did, it went from $86 to about $97, but has since sold off to $90. The previous resistance at $87 could offer support, but the $90 line is holding quite well. Note the 50sma in purple is slowly approaching the $87 resistance line, so if we break below $90, I would expect $87 to hold. The move up was too fast for me to justify buying calls at the time, so I bought shares at $92. Im currently looking for catalysts on this one, but haven't anything of note to keep the price rising. If we break down to $87, I'll likely buy more.

AMD 1 day candles. 50sma in purple, 200sma in red.
One important factor to never forget is don't fight the trend. When the markets are trending up, don't fight it. The SP500 and NASDAQ are steadily increasing. I wrote a post 11 days ago noting the markets formed a hanging man candle, here. As predicted, the markets did dip for a few red days, but have since resumed their upward trend and recently hit all time highs, again. Welp, Sp500 and NASDAQ both formed red engulfing candles today, which means we might have a couple sideways/down days in a row in our near future...again. The red engulfing candle is a big red candle that occurs at a peak, or ATH, and it indicates a trend reversal. You can see that in the 1 day chart of the sp500 below. Also note the hanging man candle I pointed out six days ago (and the market dip). If you look back 13 candles, you can see what happens after a red engulfing candle. My expectation is... possibly a couple down days. It looks like 3700 might hold as support, so perhaps this wont be much of a dip at all. The most likely worst case scenario is the market returns to it's 50sma shown in purple, and is sitting right above 3550, which would be ~4% drop. These happen about four times a year.. we have technically had four this year and with all the stim passing, unemployment dropping, etc, the chances are in our favor this potential dip is a small one.

sp500 1 day candles. 50sma in purple and 200sma in red.
The NASDAQ on the other hand just keeps on trucking along. The red hanging man I pointed out six days ago resulted in a one-day dip, though it was a nice deep one. If you look back to 12/9, 11/9, 10/14, and 9/3 you can see that happens after a red engulfing candle forms at a peak in this market. If we do drop, the most likely worst case scenario is a return to the 50sma, which is at 12000, or a 6.25% drop.

NASDAQ 1 day candles, 50sma in purple, 200sma in red.
There a couple plays to make here to short companies for those interested, CRWD is still a possibility, PLTR and NVDA specifically. CRM looks like it is ready for a reversal in it's channel, and SPCE has reached the 50sma and may be ready to reverse, so these might be good ideas to buy-in to now. SQ is an upcoming play to watch out for, and to consider entering once it reaches it's 50sma (assuming it does). AMD and SNOW are quickly approaching their 50sma lines as well, but I don't have a specific catalyst in mind for these - do post any news that you come across. Finally, the indexes indicated they may need a brief nap this week based on the formation of red engulfing candles. I don't think this is the start of a 5% correction due to the recent stimulus, but do keep in mind these happen about four times a year, and sometimes don't have an obvious reason, so do be ready just in case.
submitted by myNameIsPDT to RiskItForTheBiscuits [link] [comments]

[SF] A Second Chance

Hi everyone! I'm new here and this is my first post on Reddit. I wrote this story a little while ago and thought I'd share. Let me know what you think, please!
Day 1: The launch was today. I still cannot believe that I have been chosen to carry out this mission. I am nervous, but also very excited. Along with official scientific data and automated daily system logs, this log will serve as a personal accounting of my mission. I will not fail. Day 3: I was able to get a lovely view of the moon today as the ship went past. It was beautiful. It is hard to believe that only 62 years ago, that was the farthest humans could go. It seems like only a stone’s throw from home, as they say.
Day 7: The ship has reached cruising speed and I have begun assigned experimentation today. The hydroponic farm is fully functional and the automated planters are beginning their work. Based on prior research, I predict an 89% success rate for the zero-gravity crops. At least 39 of the 42 plant varieties are expected to bear fruitful harvests at the end of this growing cycle. The remaining 3 will be used for genetics research. I believe with some slight alterations, I can achieve a 100% success rate.
Day 14: The ship departed Earth’s orbit two weeks ago today. This marked the first opportunity to observe test subjects being removed from cryogenic sleep. I chose a pair of adult mice frozen on September 5th, 2030, or exactly one year ago for the procedure. Both mice were removed from cryosleep successfully and are recovering more quickly than anticipated. These results are extremely promising. More observation results to follow.
Day 30: After 16 days of observation, the mice taken out of cryosleep on September 5th, 2031, have inexplicably died. A full autopsy was performed and yielded little in the way of answers. All organ function was normal, blood oxygen levels were good, and brain activity looked excellent. Simply put, there is no obvious reason for their deaths. Carcases were vented at 0800. Day 52: I still have not received any transmissions from home and have begun to worry. The ship was supposed to receive a monthly news update and new mission parameters days ago, even accounting for the ever increasing distance the transmission must travel. I have attempted to establish contact with mission control but received no response. I have picked up an unusual amount of radiation and very little radio traffic. Scans from this extreme range are often ineffective, however. I am certain that it was simply background radiation and interference.
Day 161: It is my birthday today. Happy birthday, me!
Day 365: Today is the 1 year anniversary of the mission launch. It is time to remove a new set of test subjects from cryosleep. I am cautiously optimistic. A new pair of adult mice frozen on September 5th, 2030 were removed from their cryopods successfully at 1300 hours. All vitals appear normal, though I have taken additional precautions during this trial. The subjects are being dosed daily with supplemental vitamins, minerals and anti-radiation drugs to aid in their survival and protect them from cosmic radiation. I predict a successful trial. More observations to follow.
Day 387: As in the previous trial, one of the test subjects has inexplicably perished at 0324 this morning. Autopsy revealed no new data regarding cause of death. This pair has already lasted 22 days longer than the previous set of subjects, however. This leads me to believe that nutritional supplements were beneficial during the recovery process following cryosleep. The second subject is still alive at the time of this entry and vitals are normal. More to follow.
Day 388: The second test subject has died. I am, once again, alone.
Day 1095: Today is the 3 year anniversary of the mission launch. We are approaching the heliopause and are expected to cross the boundary in 2 days. Today is also the third opportunity to remove a set of test subjects from cryosleep. I have chosen another pair of adult mice frozen on September 5th, 2030. Prior to initiating the thaw process, the subjects were dosed with a blend of nutritional supplements and will be further dosed daily upon feeding. I predict a successful trial. Day 1099: The Hydroponic farm has begun its third harvest today. As predicted, slight genetic alterations have resulted in a 100% success rate of plant germination. All crops are thriving and produce is being processed at 99.98% efficiency in the onboard factories. The cryosleep test subjects are doing quite well, also. All vitals look exceptional. Today was a good day.
Day 1001: Both cryosleep test subjects have perished as of 0553 this morning. Autopsy revealed no new data.
Day 3650: I have been alone aboard this ship for 10 full years now. Hydroponic farm efficiency is down to 82.34%. Some of the equipment is beginning to show signs of wear. I will carry out what maintenance I can. It is also time to wake another pair of test subjects. I have chosen a pair of adult mice frozen on September 5th, 2030, and spliced their DNA with a gene from tardigrades that should improve resistance to background cosmic radiation. Previous trials showed no signs of radiation poisoning, but it is currently my only hypothesis as to their cause of death. Observations to follow.
Day 3652: Both test subjects are deceased. Subject #5 died as a result of genetic manipulation. Subject #6: cause of death unknown.
Day 9124: It has been a long time since I have written in this log. I am beginning to lose hope for the mission’s success. Hydroponics efficiency is down to 34.90% after a complete breakdown of several pieces of equipment that I lack the parts to repair. The ship’s reactor output is also beginning to decline. Supplementary solar power is non-existent as we are currently in extremely deep space. I will wake another pair of cryosleep test subjects tomorrow morning.
Day 9125: Today marks 25 years in space. I have chosen a pair of juvenile mice this time, rather than adults. I have dosed both subjects with nutritional supplements and released them from cryosleep. Vitals look excellent. I am optimistic for their survival. They will be dosed with additional supplements at each feeding. I have ruled out radiation poisoning as the cause of death in previous trials so no anti-radiation drugs will be administered. Observations to follow.
Day 9132: It has been one week since subject #7 and #8 were removed from cryosleep. Their vitals look excellent. More to follow.
Day 9492: Test subject #8 died today. He survived for almost a full year following cryosleep. These are very encouraging results. Subject #7 is still being monitored. Vitals still look healthy. #8’s autopsy revealed no new data regarding cause of death. I believe the subjects age when entering cryosleep may be a factor in their survival likelihood. If that is the case, and all adult human colonists die upon arrival, mission success is unlikely.
Day 9497: Test subject #7 died today. No new data to report.
Day 10950: Today is the mission’s 30 year anniversary. Two fertilized mouse embryos have been removed from cryo and moved to incubation. Current hypothesis is that living subjects simply cannot withstand the strains of cryosleep, especially those with advanced telomere degradation resulting from aging. Observations to follow.
Day 11001: The hydroponic facilities are running at only 14.67% capacity now. I believe design flaws or nonconformances resulting from rushed manufacturing of equipment may be the root cause. Seeds for each crop have been preserved and enough supplies to feed 1000 human adults for 76.11 years have been produced and stored. Hydroponics and food processing have been shut down entirely to preserve power. Reactor running at 61.20% capacity.
Day 11335: Happy first birthday Jerry and Gadget. Those are the names I have decided to give to cryosleep test subjects #9 and #10. Embryonic development went smoothly. Nutritional supplements were added to each subject's diet and their growth has been very promising. They are both happy and healthy.
Day 12801: Jerry died today at 1905 hours. He was just over 4 years old. He lived a happy and healthy life. He will be missed by Gadget and my/elf. Perhaps the next embryos will be allowed to breed. I am curious to see how well a litter born in space will do.
Day 36500: Today is the 100 year anniversary of our depa//ure fm Eah. I have chosen a new set of mouse embryos to remove from cryo along with a pair of human adults. The h//ans are not expected to survive the journey, let alone this trial. Observa//ons to fo//ow.
Day 36531: As expected, both human subjects have perished. H//an trial s/ems to confirm hypothesis. Cry//enic freezing appears to ac/elerate telomere deg/adation in living DNA leading to death. No more living colonists will be removed from cryosleep. It would be uneth/cal, considering the data I have gathered thus f/r. Animal embryo trial is going smoothly, as expected. Will attempt human trial using embryos. Observations to fol/ow.
Day 36532: I have selected a pair of human embryos and removed them from cryogenic storage. 998 intact embryos remain for future use. Human subjects #3 and #4 have been placed into incu/ation cha/bers and dosed with prenatal su/pliments. Only about 10 lightyears remain in our j/urney. Assuming successful human trial, this should be enough time for education and development into adu/thood.
Day 36537: The ship was stck by sp/ce debris at 0747 this m//ning. Dam/ge is relat/vely minor, though I lack nece/sary equi//ent to perform repairs. Several labo/atories are now of/line, and the rea/tor is ope//ting at only 41///% capacity. I am shu/ting down all nones//ntial syst/ms to preserve power and rerouting what I can to thru/ters to readjust our course and remain on target.
Day 36813: Gestation of human embryos is compl/te. Happy birthday Adam. Happy Birthday Eve. You will be the very first hum//s to s/t fo/t on exoplanet Alpha-3451Y.
Da/ 36//4: I hav/ beg/n to noti/e degation of my centra/ pro/essor. I calc//ate a 0.133% cha/ce of mi//ion succe/s if my systems fail. Observ//ions of hu/an trials to fo//ow.
Day 37178: Ha//y Birth/ay kids. Human t/l show//g promis//g resul/s thus far. Tho/gh many sys//ms rema/n offli/e, I have be/n able to activa/e work droids and repro/ram them to begin educa/ing and cang fo/ the chil/ren. They are showin/ exce//ent resu/ts in both physi/al deve//pment and cognitive abi/it/.
D// 38638: Happy fifth bi///day children. I hav/ chosen an a//itional 20 embry// for larg/r sca/e hu//n tria/ an/ placed th/m into incub//ion chambe. My processor is faili/g and I fear fo/ the survival of th/ speci/s if trials a not ac/elerated. Reactor is fun/tionin/ at onl/ 12.2% capacity. Life support rema/ns onli//. All o/her syst/ms hav/e been deactiva/ed.
Day 39003: I hav/ remov/d an a//itiona/ 100 human embryos from cryo and beg/n incubatio/. My proc//sor is degdin/ at an a/arming rate. I have se/ progm pame/ers for a// droi/ functions and copi/d protoco/s to redundan/ auxi/iary system/ so th/t educa//on of hu//n colo/ists may continu/ upo/ my deat/. If m/ ca/cu/ations are co/rec/, li/e su//ort shou// be ab/e to susta/n cuen/ po/ulati/n of 122 humans and all pseed co//nist/ unti/ the miss//n is comp/ete.
Day 43383: The mi//ion i/ neay com//ete. Ada/ and E// tu 18 today. Ha//y bi/th/ay ki//. On/y 2.24 yea rema// un//ll a/val on Alpha-3451Y. The reac/or is depl/ted, bu/ fortunate/y, su/plimen/ary solar pow/r ha/ ta/en ov/r. Long ra/g/ anal//is o/ th/ pl/net su/gests a rocky su/fa/e that may a//eady su//ort loca/ flora an/ pos//bly fauna. Wat/r is prese/t on the su/ce as we//. Atmos//eric compo/ition is 99.7% consist/nt wi// Eah. Estima//d plan//ary mass is 1.012 times Earth ma/s su/gest/ng an Ea/th-//ke gravi/y. I fear th/s w/// b/ my fina/ ent. Proce//or degrada//on is rea/hing cri//cal leve/s. P/ease, give human//y a second cha/ce, chi/dren. Do be//er here. BE bet/er. I am soy I will no/ see our new hom/, but I hope th/t I hav/ made up fo/ th/ mista/es of my make by ge//ing you h/re safe/y. You wi// hav/ every/hing you ne/d to surviv/ and thriv/ here. I w//l mis/ you. Thi/ is United Nat//ns Spa/e Exp/ora/ion AI designa//on E34291-X12 “Elpis” sign//g o/f.
Good Luck
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In-Depth Review: Dell Inspiron 14 5405 with 4700U (With pictures!) AMA as well!

In-Depth Review: Dell Inspiron 14 5405 with 4700U (With pictures!) AMA as well!

Hello guys!


TL;DR: Excellent design, solid quality and premium feel, good keyboard but an acquired taste, windows precision touchpad, bright and comfortable matte screen, solid performance, easy upgradability and serviceability. An almost perfect laptop sabotaged by Dell’s nonsensical decision to put a ridiculously small battery in there. (Will run another battery benchmark to confirm).

I’ve just received my Dell Inspiron 14 5405 today. I haven’t seen any reviews online about this machine (apart from a single, very surface-level, Japanese review), so I’ve taken it upon myself to review this laptop as best as I can for you all. I hope this can shed some light on what turns out to be a very obscure laptop. Beyond the review itself, AMA if you want any further information. I’m far from the most active redditor myself, but I’d love to help people who are interested by this device.

What a gorgeous design!

It was ordered on the 26th of July, was shipped a couple of days later. It arrived today, the 7th of August, in the early portion of their estimated delivery range, so that’s a good start. I live in France and the laptop was shipped from Taiwan, so props to them, the timing wasn’t too bad given the human malware we’re stuck with.

By the way, it looks like I’ve been lucky and managed to snag one of them before they disappeared from the online store a few days later. Everything seems to point towards AMD Renoir APU shortages as the cause for this. I’ve seen another poster comment that the HP Envy 360 disappeared to, so most manufacturers seem to be affected by this. No, the laptops aren’t being discontinued, because I’ve seen a single configuration of the Inspiron 14 5405 go back onto the shelves of the Dell online store.

CPU Ryzen 7 4700U
GPU Radeon Vega 7
RAM 1 x 8Gb Samsung 3200MHz 22-22-22-52-74 DDR4 SODIMM at 1.2V; upgraded to 2 x 8Gb with identical speed and timings
Display No way to confirm this as I don’t own a colour calibrator like the Spyder 5, but pretty damn sure it’s the 72% NTSC (so 100% sRGB), 300 nit panel
1920 x 1080 60 Hz IPS matte display
Storage 512Gb SK Hynix NVMe PCIe SSD; 2230 (22*30mm) format
Networking Qualcomm QCA61x4A :
  • Supports up to 802.11ac in 2x2
  • Supports up to 867 Mbps
  • Supports both 2,4GHz and 5GHz
  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A
  • 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C (USB C with power and displayport capability)
  • 1 x Headphone/Mic port
  • 1 x HDMI 1.4b port
  • 1 x microSD port
  • 1 x DC input
Battery 40Wh battery
Price 801,55 € (including office 365 and 14% student discount for orders over 899 €)

When the box came in, I have to admit I was shocked by how tiny it was. I was used to my father bringing home big rectangular Dell boxes when he got a new work laptop, even for 13-inch models. This time, the box was square and barely bigger than the laptop itself.
Now this is down to personal preference, but I absolutely love the design of the Inspiron 14 5405, visually. It’s a fully matte silver finish that is uniform across the entire laptop. Dell advertises that the screen back panel and top cover (keyboard + palm rest) are aluminium. I can’t tell if the rest of the laptop (the bottom panel) is a magnesium alloy or plastic, but it’s impossible to tell it’s made from a different material without touching it. Only the screen bezel is made of a matte white plastic, and it isn’t distracting at all.
The laptop is extremely light at 1,35kg. For context, my 2017 15-inch Macbook Pro weighs 1,8kg. The included 45W power brick measures approximately 2,75m long, and weighs in at around 275g.
Unlike the Inspiron 15 5505 (the Renoir-equipped 15-inch big brother), the 14 5405 doesn’t suffer from any kind of flex at all. The 5505’s biggest issue was a significant amount of keyboard deck flex where you could easily depress the centre of the laptop by a good centimetre. This isn’t the case here: the chassis resists very well to pressure, well beyond what a normal typing experience would be. I’ll go into details in the upgradability section, but this rigidity in the keyboard region is due to a push pin mechanism at the centre which locks the upper plate (keyboard + trackpad side) to the back panel.
The keyboard suffers no flex at all when applying some torsion. The screen doesn’t flex either when applying torsion too. The screen panel is very rigid, meaning that you can easily open it from one side without twisting the screen. Mind you that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible – rigid also means that it snaps more unpredictably too, so don’t play around with it. 😊
I unfortunately have extremely sweaty hands, and the blazing heat here in France (up to 38 degrees today) doesn’t help. Nonetheless, in the few hours I’ve been using this laptop, I can report that it doesn’t seem particularly prone to picking up fingerprint, neither on the trackpad, case or keyboard.
The laptop does sometimes creak a tiny bit when opening or closing the lid or when carrying it one handed by a corner, so the weight dangles off on one side, with no visible flex. It’s not a unibody design so this is to be expected. The fan (I think?) clicks a bit when moving the laptop around, but that might be my fault for tinkering with the internals, I might have left something a bit loose. Future owners can let me know if they experience this too.

Rigid hinge gives a premium feel

Firstly, props to Dell for being the only manufacturer apart from Apple to offer customisable keyboards on consumer devices. I’m French but HATE the French AZERTY layout, as I’ve lived abroad forever, and grew up with the QWERTY layout. Dell, Apple, Lenovo Thinkpads as well as third-party laptop companies like Schenker are thus my only options for new laptops with US layout keyboards.
The keyboard is going to be a divisive issue, I think. Coming from a MacBook Pro 15 with the infamous “butterfly” keyboard, the 5405 is a pleasure to type with. I can see a night and day difference in typing, where my mistype rate is pretty much zero. I have no issues typing the letters that I want, and no issue knowing when I actuated the key itself. I’ll explain why the keyboard feels so good down below.
The layout for the QWERTY US is fairly standard, although it does suffer from the small arrow key problem at the bottom right. Coming from a MacBook Pro 15 where only the Up/Down keys are half height, I didn’t expect two more out of the 4 arrow keys being half height to be an issue. Turns out that when typing, you use the sideways arrow keys a lot more than the Up/Down arrow keys to correct mistakes. Pretty much every time I wanted to hit a sideways arrow key, I’ve clicked PageUp or PageDown instead. Not the end of the world, as I feel I’ll get used to it eventually. The keys are comfortably spaced from each other, meaning mistypes are rare. Moreover, the gap between the keys and keyboard cover, while not tiny,is small enough that I don’t see too much dust or crumbs (wash your hands, you dirty, dirty people…) getting through.
To the keys themselves. They have the distinct “mushy” keys that Dell laptops have had forever, and that I loved since my i7 4712HQ XPS 15. 2020 XPS 15s have a different keyboard so don’t use them as an irl comparison, a lot has changed since then. I mean “mushy” here in the best possible way, although it’s going to be down to personal preference. The keys have a decent initial resistance, so you know when you actuate a key, but it feels “spongy” when it happens, as you can clearly feel it’s a rubber dome mechanism rather than a “sharper” more “clicky” mechanical system. The travel is long enough to be comfortable ( I don’t feel I have to hold my fingers back like on the MacBook Pro) but short enough to bottom out firmly against the core of the laptop. Therefore, I have two layers of response when I press a key:
  1. The initial “mushy” actuation resistance
  2. The firm bottoming out of the key against the core of the laptop
This makes for a comfortable yet accurate typing experience. Moreover, the “mushy” rubber dome mechanism makes this an extremely quiet keyboard to type on. Typing on the MacBook Pro in class was hell on earth and felt like I was bringing a typing machine. Here, the keys are barely audible. There is also little to no flex in the frame itself when typing thanks to the push pin I mentioned earlier which prevents the keyboard from sinking at all. Bottoming out the key feels like you’re hitting a strong metal plate you’d find in much more expensive laptops.
The keyboard backlight is… well… utilitarian. By that I mean that it’ll do more harm than good during daylight, as a white backlight on silver keys means you can barely see what you’re typing. Turning the backlight off in daylight yields a much better contrast. Don’t get me wrong, the backlighting is decent with clearly readable keys in full darkness and minimal light leakage. This keyboard just reminds us all that backlights weren’t a fashion accessory at first, and were used to, well, type in the dark. And it does just that. Saves battery life to turn it off during the day too.
I do have to note, halfway through typing this long ass review, that the backspace key is starting to click with an uncomfortable metallic scraping sound. Poor quality control or something got underneath it, but it’s important to note nonetheless, as none of the other “long” keys which require stabilisers produce the same noise.

Readable by night, I've seen worse leakage

Coming from a MacBook Pro, my standards for touchpads were extremely high. My last experience with Windows touchpads was pretty bad and uncomfortable. I had gotten used to the gloriously huge glass-topped Apple touchpads and swore never to come back. I was nervous when I saw the 5405 had no glass top but was instead polished plastic (I think?). Thankfully the touchpad is very accurate and smooth. Scrolling through webpages is mostly accurate and controlled. I did have issued with my fingers not gliding properly sometimes since the touchpad isn’t perfectly smooth, but that might also have to do with my sweaty hands. I actually prefer the plastic touchpad: the slight ruggedness gives more grip and feedback, but I feel like it won’t survive stains and finger grease better than glass. Overall, the rumours of how good Windows Precision drivers are true. Don’t get me wrong, a MacBook Pro touchpad is clearly better and leagues ahead in usability (Macs are imo the only true one-handed laptops), but Windows touchpads have gotten so good that I’m satisfied enough to forget about comparing.
This touchpad has no dedicated keys for left and right clicks, but has zones in the touchpad which correspond to a left click or right click. These are not marked on the touchpad itself to preserve the seamless look. The clicks are firm and shallow, and very comfortable to use, although they require a bit more force than I’d like to actuate. The further up you go on the touchpad, the harder it is to click: the last top quarter of the touchpad is “unclickable” because of this. But this is expected as the clicking system is mechanical and hinged on the top of the touchpad, this is no Apple touchpad with haptic feedback where the whole touchpad is equally clickable. The clicks are quite loud however, without feeling cheap though. I have to report that non mechanical clicks (touching the touchpad instead of clicking it) have taken some time to get used to. They’re not bad or unreliable per se, but definitely several steps down from Apple. This touchpad is more reliable as a “clicker” than a “toucher”.

Both above and under average for the price. I’ll elaborate. The image is unfortunately very grainy, but not to the point it would be unusable. I’d say it’s fine for those who nearly never videoconference/skype, (i.e. the kind of people for whom the coronavirus outbreak was their first intensive use of webcams) as it’s nice to have one in the first place (looking at you, Redmibook 16). The colours, however, are surprising. If I manage to understand how to insert pictures in text in a reddit post, you’ll see that my pillows pop out nicely against the black couch in my demo pic.
The above average colour reproduction compensates the under average detail by making the image as a whole “comfortable” and lively. If you do any kind of serious videoconferencing or skype regularly – just use your phone or get a dedicated webcam – this one isn’t worth it.

Decent colours, grainy image

Maintenance and upgradability:
The laptop is very easy to service, since the whole motherboard faces the correct way when you remove the bottom panel. The bottom panel can be removed by unscrewing 7 Philips head screws about 1,5mm to 2mm in diameter. Both screw sizes worked. Do not be alarmed in the 2 screws closest to the hinges refuse to come out completely: they are retained screws. They will stick to the bottom panel even when they have completely left their threads in the rest of the laptop.

Nice, at least I'll have 2 of my 7 screws...

Once you’re done with the screws, use a credit card or other flat, rigid tool to gently unclip the bottom panel from the rest of the case. Go around the entire length of the sides of the laptop to fully unclip it.
Now the fun part, which is no problem at all once you know about it. I had removed all the screws and the bottom panel still wouldn’t come off. I could rotate it but not yank it off. I pulled a bit harder and the whole bottom panel came off. Remember the push pin that stabilises the keyboard area? Well it’s fixed to the bottom panel, which explains why you can’t remove it gently even after removing all screws. Don’t worry though, once you know to expect it, it requires nearly no force to unclip the push pin and remove the panel completely.

The push pin clip the pin locks into
Clever, Dell, hats off to you!
Once you remove the bottom panel, you’ll be greeted with the internals. The battery is screwed into place and (as far as I could tell) not glued. So easy replacements to be expected.

The holy grail of hardware access: one panel gives access to everything!

The preinstalled NVMe M.2 SSD is in 2230 format (so “short” M.2), but the structure (SSD support bracket and screw threads) is there to install a 2280 format M.2 SSD in its place should you wish. This is confirmed by the fact that Dell’s configuration list shows that up to 2TB SSDs in 2280 size are available for the 5405 in some regions. Now whether you can use the screws for the 2230 SSD to screw in a 2280 SSD instead is another thing entirely, but these screws are pretty standard so I wouldn’t worry.

2230 SSD with space for 2280

There is also a second M.2 slot that is empty in my configuration, with again structures (SSD support and threads) for both 2230 and 2280 mountings. No screws are included however, but I again expect that standard screws (as those included with desktop motherboards featuring M.2 slots) will work just fine. The real question is whether that second M.2 slot is even electrically active: I had no spare M.2 SSD to test it out and didn’t think about simply switching the default SSD at the time. Might do it later, but you’ll see why I probably won’t open up my laptop again later.

The second M.2 slot, right of the battery, under the speaker it seems.

The Qualcomm QCA61x4A card uses another M.2 slot with an A/E key for networking. It is also available for user upgrade. If you want to upgrade later, or if the WIFI 6 configuration with the Intel AX200 WIFI chip wasn’t available at all (that was the case in France) then you can upgrade it later. Just remember that most laptop manufacturers use a whitelist system, where only hardware the use themselves will actually be recognised even if it fits and works. For future reference, the supported networking chips are, as per the Dell manual:
  • Qualcomm QCA93777 (WIFI 5/ac up to 433 Mbps)
  • Qualcomm QCA61x4A (WIFI 5/ac up to 867 Mbps)
  • Intel WIFI 6 AX200 (WIFI 6/ax up to 2400 Mbps)

A decent 802.11ac module, wish there was Wifi 6 by default

The RAM is thankfully user upgradable, which is pretty much a necessity since Dell, as far as I’ve seen, only offers the 5405 with RAM in single channel. This cripples CPU performance of the 4700U and destroys GPU performance especially since the integrated Vega 7 has no dedicated VRAM and relies on system RAM for memory.

Upgradable RAM in a thin and light - nice to see

I had bought some Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz memory (2 x 8Gb) with tight timings (16-18-18) to replace the stock RAM which while fast, had very loose timings (3200MHz at 22-22-22). To my surprise when I boot up the laptop, I saw that my RAM was running at 2666MHz with 18-18-18 timings. It turns out that the 5405’s BIOS does not support XMP, and RAM will run at their SPD/JEDEC settings. Luckily I had an 8Gb stick of non-XMP Crucial 3200MHz 22-22-22 RAM laying around that paired nicely with the preinstalled RAM. I’ve looked online and have not been able to find non-XMP RAM with better timings than this. This is as far as you can go without XMP. So don’t buy a dual channel kit of RAM expecting to replace the preinstalled memory with something faster, it won’t work.

The best 1.2V laptop DDR4 out there IMO. Doesn't work here though!

No XMP setting available anywhere in the BIOS. Corsair Vengeance running at 2666MHz

Here’s the reference to the Crucial Kit I used: CT8G4SFS832A. But any non-XMP 3200MHz RAM with 22-22-22 timings running at 1.2V should work nicely.

RAM timings and clocks after upgrade

The heatsink assembly and fan seem to be secured with Philips screws, so repasting the laptop should be no problem at all. I’ve toyed with repasting it with Noctua NT-H1 or Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut, but I have yet to see if the laptop needs it at all. Therefore, given the risks involved, I’ve decided not to touch that yet.

According to the Dell Manual, the Inspiron 14 5405 ships with two possible panels:
· A 250 nit, 45% NTSC (75% sRGB) screen.
· A 300 nit, 72% NTSC (100% sRGB) screen.
Both are 1080p, matte, and IPS, as far as I know. Many people were afraid to buy this laptop since the Dell configurator did not specify what panel you would get. Understandably, people weren’t okay with gambling on an 800 € machine. I’m happy to report that, in France at least, I seem to have gotten the 300 nit 72% NTSC version. I’m also happy to report that it appears the Dell rep was right when she said that all 5405s ship with the 300 nit screen. The mystery regarding the 250 nit screen remains: what configuration causes you to end up with that one? Is it for 4300U 5405s? Is it a region thing? No idea, but I seem to have dodged a bullet.
I say I seem to have dodged a bullet, because I have no way of confirming whether this is indeed a 300 nit 100% sRGB screen. I do not own a colour calibrator like a Spyder 5 which could confirm all these values. Best I can do is bring this laptop to the store where I compared in person what 45% and 72% NTSC screens looked like using other brands’ laptops with similar panels.
I remember feeling that the 250 nit screen was fine brightness wise, but that colours were the real issue. They are really, really bad and dull on laptops with that panel. Now the panel on the 5405 doesn’t look as colourful as the 100% sRGB laptop I saw (a dell Inspiron 14 7000) in the store; but that one was glossy while this one is matte. And this screen feels much better than the 45% NTSC I saw on display, so it leads me to believe that it is indeed 300 nit sRGB, but that the matte coating makes it fall ever so slightly behind the glossy version in the Inspiron 7000 series.
Still with me, even with my shitty comparisons, which you can’t relate to because you haven’t been to that one French shop in Paris that I went to? Good. I’ll try to be more objective here, and convey my thoughts on this display. Contrast is excellent (has to be over 1000:1): blacks are deep, and backlight bleed is interesting on this device. It’s extremely faint, and extremely uniform, so the bleed is the same width across the entire bezel. In my ten years dealing with computers, I have never seen an IPS panel with such controlled backlight bleed. Nice.
I have to admit that I was slightly taken aback by the colours when I first turned on the laptop, as I felt slightly disappointed by how dull they felt. However, I can safely say that they have grown on me (not in a bad way) because I come from a glossy IPS on a MacBook and a glossy AMOLED on my Huawei P30. The colours are rich, but not overly saturated. By toying with the “Dell Cinema Colour” app, I was able to boost the saturation: there, I realised the panel was indeed capable and rich in colours, it just looked more natural in its default “duller” state. So take it with a grain of salt, but this display has made me appreciate more restrained saturation again. Don’t get me wrong, the colours are plenty good enough and miles ahead of what I remember from the 45% NTSC screen: I’d bet money on the 5405 being 72% NTSC.
The matte coating is of high quality, with no visible aberrations, and the laptop is perfectly usable in direct filtered (daytime translucent curtain) at around 60% brightness; so plenty to spare. Haven’t tested in broad daylight yet but I’m confident the panel can handle it.

Honestly this’ll be extremely short because it’s getting late and I feel talking about performance is a bit pointless. If you want numbers, look for 4700U and Vega 7 benchmarks, or ask me what you want me to run and I’ll indulge you when I have the time. The variance between 4700U laptops should be minimal – only RAM speed and latency will make a noticeable difference. Considering this laptop is running 3200MHz RAM with poor timings at 22-22-22, you can expect middle of the pack performance in comparison to other 4700U devices, both in CPU and GPU tasks.
The included NVMe SSD is very responsive in everyday tasks, as you would expect. I checked SK Hynix’s website for the data on this SSD to see if it lived up to the claims. SK Hynix claims 2300MB/s sequential reads and 1000MB/s sequential writes (which matters mostly when reading/writing large files, when video rendering for instance) at QD32, and 190K IOPS (input/output operations, which is what matters in everyday use to make the laptop responsive) in both random reads and writes.
I got 1800 MB/s reads and 1050 MB/s writes sequentially, so no problems here. I got 200K IOPS on reads, so it does better than expected there, but I get a pitiful 89K IOPS on writes. Now random writes happens to be ¾ of the way through the benchmark, which is where the SSD reaches an alarming 78 degrees Celsius, but only for a few seconds as the fan ramps up to save it. The SSD is clearly throttling under sustained loads (especially writes, although this could be because writes come second in the benchmark, so reads will have heated it up more). Under normal use the SSD thankfully doesn’t throttle at all. This means avid video editors or people expecting sustained read/write loads should consider another laptop or replace the SSD with a cooler one, or one with a higher throttling termperature.

SK Hynix BC511 NVMe SSD: hotter than you think!

Noise and thermals:
The fan is mostly off during casual use (web browsing, typing on work, watching 1080p youtube, etc), thanks to the low overall wattage. The fan does ramp up quite aggressively though, as soon as the CPU starts doing anything intensive. Installing a game on steam for instance, which requires the CPU to decompress package downloaded by steam before installing them, immediately launches the fan to very audible levels. The fans do take their time to turn back off after a load though, even though temperatures have already returned to their normal state. I would describe the sound signature are loud but mostly comfortable. The fan at full speed is clearly audible, but the noise heard is mostly from air displacement, and the high-pitched noise the from fan motor is not at the forefront and stays clearly in the background. From my limited use typing all night, I’d say this laptop is perfect for school/office use as it’s dead silent during casual use. The keyboard too is silent while typing, so props for that.
When it comes to thermals, the laptop does fine. During the few runs of Cinebench R20 that I ran, the 4700U initially ran at 27 watts with all 8 cores boosting between 3,3 and 4,1GHz, which fits AMD specs. As the load continues, the 4700U quickly reaches 90 degrees, and the chip stabilises at 22 watts between 2,9 and 3,0GHz. The 4700U does continue to push towards 95 degrees, and I’ve reached a maximum of 98 degrees on mine. This seems acceptable, although I wish Dell’s fan curve would be more aggressive when the system is clearly under sustained heavy load.
The max operating temperature of the 4700U is 105 degrees, and its base clock is 2,0GHz, so I can confirm that the chip does not throttle here.
No part of the laptop becomes uncomfortable due to the heat during these intensive tests, even with Dell’s use of aluminium and what seems to magnesium for the bottom panel. This is because the 5405 doesn’t suffer from a bad case of Asus design, the vents are both large and well placed, all the while being stylish. Moreover, the hinge mechanism elevates the laptop by a significant amount, allowing both ample airflow and a comfortable typing experience. Take notes, Asus.

Coming from a MacBook Pro (sorry if I keep saying that ☹), it’s hard for me to think of them positively. I don’t want to call them trash, because I don’t really have any reference for what 800 € laptop speakers sound like, so I can’t tell if it’s better or worse than the competition. I’d say they have 3 main issues:
· They are clearly downward firing: the sound is audibly aimed away from you, and what you hear is the sound bouncing back at you from the surface the laptop rests on. You can somewhat hear the physical separation between left and right speaker too.
· They interestingly have quite a lot of bass, although the range of that bass falls very short: in other words, the bass is surprisingly punchy, but the frequency stops surprisingly high. I don’t know if my words convey that feeling very well. Basically, what little bass there is, is on the higher end but is clearer than most bad speakers I’ve seen.
· Dynamic range is very limited: you can tell that these tiny speakers have a very limited range and are struggling to produce both very high pitched and very deep sounds. Nothing replaces a subwoofer for bass and tweeters for highs, and these speakers are very limited in their range. Highs aren’t very high and lows aren’t very low.
They do have some positives though:
· They have nice audio separation: while yes the downward firing effect and the clear separation between left and right speakers is distracting, it has the unintendedly positive side effect of making audio separation quite good. It’s easy to tell instruments apart, and voices are never drowned into the instruments, nor do they overpower the melody. This ties in to my second point.
· They are quite clear: while the range of sounds they produce is very limited, and you can feel that the speakers don’t have much power, they execute what little range they have very well. In essence, you’ll be complaining about “not enough bass” or “man those highs don’t peak”, but never “man these mids sound muddled”. These speakers lack quantity (range), not quality, if that makes sense.
· They seem quite loud: It’s now 3 am (not saying I deserve karma for my effort but hey 😉) so I couldn’t test max volume and distortion, but I was comfortable listening with the laptop on my lap at 10 to 20% volume. I’ve always had extremely good ears and listen to my music at low volumes, but I’m confident these speakers can easily fill a room with music if needed.

Dell for some reason decided to equip their 4500U and 4700U configurations with 40Wh batteries, while the 4300U configuration gets a 56Wh battery. For context, 56Wh on an Ultrabook (intel trademark be damned this is what this laptop is) is considered average. 40Wh is considered trash. So why would Dell sabotage their own laptop with a shitty battery? It makes no sense. The competition (HP Probook, Acer Swift 3/7, Lenovo Ideapad/Thinkpad/Flex, etc) all have between 46 to 58Wh batteries as far as I can remember.
Now battery size isn’t the only thing hurting the 5405’s battery life. This laptop uses DDR4 SODIMMs: this is standard RAM for laptops, which runs at 1.2V. Desktop DDR4 also runs at 1.2V, although most use XMP and thus run at 1.35V. Some Renoir laptops such as the Acer Swift 3 use LPDDR4X, which is soldered RAM made to run at very high frequencies and low voltages (between 0,6V and 1,1V compared to standard 1,2V). You may be wondering how much of a difference low voltage RAM can make. Well in a laptop where the total power draw is around 45W, RAM consuming a few watts less is a 10% improvement. Not that small now is it?
The Acer Swift 3 for instance, which is also a 14 inch laptop running a 4700U, uses 8Gb of LPDDR4X running at 4266MHz. That laptop has a 48Wh battery, so not that much bigger than our 5405 here. Granted it also has a dimmer screen, and only half the RAM. But these changes combine to grant the laptop 12 to 16 hours of casual use.
In comparison, here I am after typing and researching for 5 hours now, and I’m down to 20% battery.I think I can reach 6, or 6 and a half hours. Yes, I did install a few games on steam, I did run a few SSD benchmarks, I did indeed run a few runs of Cinebench R20 on battery power. So you might be able to scrape 7 hours out of this laptop. That’s about half the battery life of the Acer Swift 3. Renoir APUs are famed for their energy efficient and Dell stands out in the crowd as the only manufacturer to sabotage their own Ultrabook with a terrible battery, why?
I’ve still got 20% and I’ll watch some YouTube after I finish writing, before I sleep, to reach 0% battery. That way I’ll have accurate numbers to present to you rather than the vague prediction above. I also plan on running another battery benchmark which more accurately represents a school day, no windows updates in the background, no benchmarks, etc. Just Word, PowerPoint, YouTube, emails, etc. I need this laptop to be able to last 8 hours, which is a full school day, if I want to keep it. We’ll see if it can do that.
UPDATE at 3:30am: battery went from 19% to 6% instantly, might be the battery needs calibrating with a few cycles, but this is disappointing: it seems the battery won’t even pass the 6 hour threshold. Hopefully this doesn’t happen in my next instance of the battery torture test.
UPDATE 2 at 3:45am: laptop died on me after 5:11h of use. I can maybe reach 6 withouts the benchmarks next time, but this is overall very disappointing.

The culprit unveiled. Has Intel money been here? It makes no sense to sabotage your own product...

DDR4 vs LPDDR4X is a trade-off of upgradable, power hungry RAM versus soldered, efficient RAM. A bright screen is also useful, so this is a trade-off that I’m willing to make. But if you want the Renoir laptop with the absolute best battery life and peak performance isn’t a must, stay away from the 5405 and go for the Acer Swift 3. But if you still want upgradable RAM, a bright screen and battery life that’s better than this, go for the Ideapad 5 14 among other things.
And this is where something is seriously wrong with the Dell Inspiron 14 5405 specifically. The Lenovo Ideapad 5 14 runs for 10 hours with the same CPU, and the same upgradable, power-hungry RAM. Why? It has a 56,5Wh battery.

Closing words: Dell, well done for making what is imo the best Renoir laptop; and Dell, damn you for sabotaging the best Renoir laptop with one fatal flaw, a total deal breaker.
Also, please ignore the spelling mistakes, grammar errors, etc; I've been typing for 6 hours, and I'm depressed to realise that my new laptop has a battery life shorter than my daily attention span. :(
submitted by Corentinrobin29 to AMDLaptops [link] [comments]

Kai’Sa is getting a new Prestige skin - here's what we know (regularly updated)

Hey, folks. Kai’Sa's getting a Prestige skin. Or rather, another Prestige skin. Love it or hate it, it's happening. This post will be split into three parts: the wrong, the right, and the speculation. The first section will identify and correct some false information that has been flying around recently. The second will have everything that has been confirmed to be true. The third will feature a selection of discussion posts made on this subreddit that the staff think have produced some quality discussion. Do not ask for your post to be included if it isn't - that will only reduce your chances of being picked.
03/10/2020 edit: There are now two new sections: one tracking Kai’Sa news and updates from K/DA, and another detailing how to collect the 2000 Worlds Tokens required for Kai’Sa's upcoming Prestige skin.
Without further ado, let's get into it.
11/10/2020 edit: The new skin details have been revealed, check the "confirmed" section for more information

Common Misconceptions:

What's Been Confirmed (NEW):

  • We are indeed getting a new skin, and it will be a Prestige skin available through an event.
  • During Worlds 2018, we released K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige Edition as a one-off before fully defining Prestige as a skin type. It was much harder to unlock than today's Event Prestige skins, and there wasn't yet clarity around what Prestige was or how Prestige and Event Passes worked. While this won't be a re-release of Kai'Sa's 2018 Prestige, we hope a second Prestige gives Kai'Sa mains who missed the 2018 Prestige skin a fresh shot at earning something exclusive for their champ.
  • All 2020 Event Prestige skins will return in the end of the year Prestige Shop for purchase with Prestige Points. Unlocking a 2020 Prestige skin via loot drop or skin shard reroll will only grant the border and icon if the skin is still obtainable via 2020 Prestige Points (for Prestige Point skins) or Event Tokens (for Event Prestige skins).
  • Yes, you read that right, it's a second Prestige skin. You can make your awful Second Skin jokes now.
  • The skin is obtainable for Worlds Tokens during the Worlds 2020 event.
  • NEW The new skin has been CONFIRMED to be K/DA Kai’Sa.
  • NEW Comeback event details can be viewed here.
  • NEW Surrender@20 event coverage

Speculation and Theorycrafting:

Note: These posts are about speculation and discussion. All predictions and hypotheses made are just that - predictions and hypotheses. Enter at your own risk.

K/DA Kai’Sa: All But Confirmed NOW CONFIRMED

So Riot's put out a LOT of K/DA content recently, which, combined with other reveals and leaks, suggests that the new skin will be once again in the K/DA skin line. While nothing has been explicitly confirmed, it's a relatively safe bet. The new skin has been CONFIRMED to be K/DA Kai’Sa. Here's everything K/DA that Kai’Sa has been featured or mentioned in recently. Note that all sources are from official Twitter accounts unless an alternate platform has superior information (ie. Instagram occasionally hosting a larger version of an image compared to Twitter)

Teasers and News




In-Game Content

Getting The Skin

There is no method of acquiring the Prestige Skin that does not involve spending RP, with the sole exception of getting a lucky Hextech roll (note that this method will not grant you the Prestige Summoner Icon or border).
For a full explanation of the Worlds event, including all the other rewards that are available, please read the Riot support article.
To purchase Kai’Sa's Worlds Event Prestige skin, you will need 2000 Tokens, or 100 Prestige Points.

Method 1: Worlds Tokens

First, you will need to purchase either the Worlds Pass (1650 RP) or the Worlds Pass Bundle (2650 RP). There is no difference between the two other than the bundle also including Dragonmancer Sett with the corresponding border and icon. More importantly, both options will unlock the Worlds Pass, along with 200 Worlds Tokens right off the bat.
Total Tokens: 200/2000

Watch Missions (No Pass Required)

You can also get 10 Tokens for free from completing Worlds Watch Missions. Simply watch the Worlds Finals on to earn your reward.
Total Tokens: 210/2000

Weekly Win Missions

The Weekly Win Missions will also award you Tokens for earning a certain number of points per week. Winning a match in Summoner's Rift, ARAM, URF, or placing fourth or higher in TFT will earn five points towards the weekly target, while losing or placing 5-8 in TFT will earn two points.
Week Points Required Token Reward
1 35 215
2 35 215
3 35 215
4 35 215
5 60 365
Completing all Weekly Win Missions will earn you 1225 Tokens.
Total Tokens: 1435/2000

Set 1 Worlds 2020 Missions (No Pass Required)

There will also be a set of missions available to all players where you can earn Tokens by completing certain challenges (you can see the full list here). Completing all Set 1 missions will award a total of 100 Tokens, and there will be even more missions in the future, with more Tokens to be earned.
Total Tokens: 1535/2000

Orb Mission (No Pass Required)

The Orb Mission, available to all players, awards 50 Tokens (plus a Worlds 2020 Orb) simply for playing 30 matchmade games. It's as simple as that.
Total Tokens: 1585/2000

Token Bank

Over the course of the Worlds event, you will earn Tokens just for playing matchmade games. While the Worlds Pass is required to cash in these Tokens, games played during the Worlds event prior to purchasing the pass will still be counted. The Token rewards table is as follows:
Accomplishment Reward
Matchmade PvP SR match (Win) 10 Tokens
Matchmade PvP SR match (Loss) 5 Tokens
Matchmade PvP ARAM match/matchmade URF match (Win) 6 Tokens
Matchmade PvP ARAM match/matchmade URF match (Loss) 3 Tokens
TFT (Place 1-2) 8 Tokens
TFT (Place 3-4) 6 Tokens
TFT (Place 5-6) 4 Tokens
TFT (Place 7-8) 2 Tokens
Assuming a 50% winrate/average TFT placing of fourth, and all other Token missions completed, you would need to play the following number of matches to earn the last 415 Tokens (add matches according to the average if you do not expect to complete certain missions):
  • Summoner's Rift: 56 (Average of 7.5 Tokens/match)
  • ARAM/URF: 93 (Average of 4.5 Tokens/match
  • TFT: 70 (Average of 6 Tokens/match)
If you intend to play multiple game modes (and you probably will), you can convert those game modes via these ratios (correct to 2 decimal places):
  • 1 SR match = 1.66 ARAM/URF matches = 1.25 TFT matches
  • 1 ARAM/URF match = 0.60 SR matches = 0.75 TFT matches
  • 1 TFT match = 0.80 SR matches = 1.33 ARAM/URF matches
As well, keep in mind that the required number of matches will decrease as more Worlds missions are released and more Token rewards become available.

Buying Tokens

You probably shouldn't, but if you're going to be buying them anyways, there's no difference in Token value between the three loot options available (however the other items included in the bundle become a better value as the bundles become more expensive):
  • Worlds Orb + 16 Worlds Tokens (250 RP, 15.625 RP/Token)
  • 11 Worlds Orbs + 160 Worlds Tokens (2500 RP, 15.625 RP/Token)
  • 25 Worlds Orbs + Worlds 10 Year Grab Bag + 400 Worlds Tokens (6250 RP, 15.625 RP/Token)

Method 2: Prestige Points

Purchasing the Worlds Pass will unlock a set of missions that will award 50 Prestige Points, and 100 Prestige Points are available for purchase for 2200 Worlds Tokens (though this should only be purchased if you are trying to buy a different Prestige skin, as the Worlds event Prestige skin is available for 2000 Worlds Tokens). As well, Masterwork Chest + Key bundles in the RP shop also include a set amount of Prestige Points. Kai’Sa's Prestige skin will be available for purchase in the end of year Prestige Shop.
submitted by vicyush to kaisamains [link] [comments]

ZCode System Reddit - In-Depth Review After 3 Months Of Research

ZCode System Reddit - In-Depth Review After 3 Months Of Research

ZCode System Reddit and Sports Betting

Do you like sports? Well, today is your lucky day, because that passion is going to make you earn a lot of money. And don't worry, you won't have to leave your chair to get it.
The answer is in sports betting. That industry that moves millions of dollars a year and that you have probably tried sometime (who doesn't want to have a little fun from time to time?).
You will think that I am crazy and that betting is just luck sometimes. But as you may have seen, in recent years there have been different methods (some very strange!) Of making money online.
And sports is no exception.
Just by making an accurate forecast and betting some money, you can generate good profits in no time and without doing ANYTHING. You will be sitting on the sofa watching the game you bet on to see how much money you will win. Cool, huh?
You can have a beer with your friends, enjoy the great game of the week on your TV, and with the good money that you will get from the bets, maybe you invite.
Don't worry, it's not like you should be a super fan or know everything about the teams. Now there is a platform that will take care of all that work and will tell you the forecasts you should make.
At first, I thought it was not a good idea, but after thoroughly researching the Zcode System platform, here I bring you all the information you should know if you also want to start generating income by betting. Go for it!

What is Zcode System?

Zcode System Review 2020
Zcode System is a sports betting robot specially designed so that you can earn money with the sports that you like so much. This system gives you such accurate predictions that you can really make good profits by betting.
The truth is that for some time I had found out about this site that allows you to do business with betting, but I never paid attention to it. What a mistake I made!
This is a system developed by a group of sports and math fans (a rare combination) who looked for ways to earn money from many sports matches. And they really nailed this formula for predicting the final results of the games.
Keep in mind that they have been in this market since 1999, almost 20 years!
With such a good reputation, they created a huge community on Facebook and started making public predictions, where the people who followed them made a lot of money. Thus they managed to gain more than 12,000 followers on that social network.
Admittedly, they looked for a big mess when making these public forecasts, since many companies that make their living with the bets and the losses of the people, found it difficult to see such good results.
Of course, Zcode System does NOT make predictions for all sports, only for basketball, baseball, American football, and NHL (hockey).
Why? Well, because they are the sports in which more people bet. A lot of money moves in these games so you have to take advantage of it.
In addition, there are many other sports that are only played during short seasons, instead, these that I mentioned are present ALL year. This way you ensure a good income during the 365 days.
It took the Zcode System team years to find the correct and automatic way to do these mathematical calculations in an easy way so that any user can understand their predictions and bet.
The best thing is that they used a good number of parameters to make everything more precise, find the correct value of the bet and win much more money.
Since the more accurate the bet you make, the more benefits you will have. You do this with answers to questions like "how many goals are going to be scored?", "Which player will score?", Etc. Even in these types of questions, Zcode System answers you.
However, something so good cannot be available to everyone. If so, the sportsbooks would take notice and the value or winnings would drop drastically.
Therefore, Zcode System only has a limited number of memberships that will be sold out very soon. I recommend that you do not be so indecisive and take advantage of this great opportunity.
>Access Zcode with a discount

I'm a bit lazy... How can I make money with Zcode system from my chair?

Zcode is a super friendly online software that will let you know how to bet on a match and win money. In fact, you just have to review their predictions, enter the betting page you want and place the results they gave you along with the amount you want to invest and that's it! Earned money.
However, I must tell you that as always, you start with little money. It is never good if you put a high amount at risk.
You can be guided by the classification that the system places on the predictions. It consists of 1 to 5 stars, the higher the number of stars, the more confidence in that prediction.
Likewise, it has many tools so that you can study those predictions and reduce the risk of your bet. The best part is that they are free!
Every day the system searches and collects information on all teams, matches, events, to study the games that are currently presented, and since it has so many filters, it only takes into account the precise and correct information so that your investment does not get lost.
The recommendations that Zcode System gives you are about where you should invest, which team is going to win, with how many goals or points, conditions of your victory, that is, you can make several investments at the same time.
It's like having your own genie from the lamp trapped in the computer and giving you the right answers.
With this information and having wagered on the conditions recommended to you, you can sit down and have a coffee while waiting for the end of the game to collect your money. It's just placing your bet and winning!

What betting tools does Zcode have to win?

1. Zcode Line Reversals

At Zcode they have sought to make it even easier for the community that uses their system to earn money. For this reason, now it has several tools available on its website, and the best thing is that they are free so that your bets are made as God intended and not adrift.
I know this first tool has a futuristic name, but it is simpler than you think.
The truth is that it has many functions since it allows you to observe the value of bets, the percentage of people who bet on a team, where the money is moving, etc.
That is, it allows you to place your money wisely. You will need it!
Zcode System Results
>Visit Zcode Tools<

2. Z-Code Oscillator

Oscillator? But no one uses that word anymore!
However, that's what this tool is called. What it does is that it will allow you to know the streaks of the team you want to bet on, as well as you can compare the teams you want.
Imagine that you can pull out accurate comparison statistics between the Chicago Bulls and Cleveland Cavaliers in a decisive game, and it allows you to win a ton of money. It is key information that it provides you, so it never hurts.
If you like to bet on teams, you cannot miss this tool, I know that it will be as useful as money itself.

3. Zcode Totals Predictor

As its name implies, the tool seeks to facilitate and predict the overall results.
It is very useful at the time of knowing the results of basketball or rugby matches since they are very large figures compared to football. In fact, the larger the numbers, the more accurate they are. Crazy!
It may be that you use it to find out how many points the Cleveland Cavaliers will win a basketball game with and you can generate good profits with it.

4. Z-code profit oscillator per pitcher

That weird name again, but you know what it's all about. This tool allows you to know the behavior of two pitchers and compare them.
It serves you very well when you are watching a baseball game and you want to invest in the team that has the best pitchers.
It seems like a bit of cheating, but the truth is that it does not use any strange parameters, it only relates how the players have been playing, that is, their performance.
It is perfect for fans of this sport, so you will have no margin for error when betting on a pitcher.

5. “Power rankings” indicator

I really love this name, it denotes strength, control, and courage. Especially since it is a tool that is going to be needed a lot.
In case you have doubts about where to bet, it allows you to know the real situation of the team, its stability, and how the team will behave.
The higher the power rank, the better the team's behavior. It's like measuring yourself in a boxing ring and whoever is last will be the best.
Remember that there are always ups and downs, therefore the indicator will always be changing. The important thing is that you have good information before betting, lest you lose all your money by not checking the statistics (It happened to me).
>Zcode website<

How do I access the Zcode VIP membership?

Getting a Zcode VIP membership is super easy. In fact, while writing this post, one of my friends opened his account in less than 3 minutes. To avoid all the hassle of searching for the page, here is a link where you can enter immediately.
Once inside the page, you must press the button "I want to enter". Hurry up! There are few places left to acquire this great system, so doubting will not help you much.
When the posts run out, it will be a while before one is released.
You are now one step away from obtaining the best predictive betting system. In the new window, you will see a payment form that you must fill out with your information. This is your billing information, so it must be very accurate.
This form is secured by McAfee and Norton security, so there is nothing to worry about.
You have the opportunity to acquire your VIP membership for only $ 79 per month. Besides, you can also buy extra software to be a beta tester of other systems called Zcode Almanac for $ 99.
You can pay with various means, Visa or Mastercard credit cards, American Express, Discover and you also have the PayPal payment option.
Keep in mind that as soon as you have made the payment, you will be able to enter their digital platform without any problem, becoming part of this select group of bets.
It's like being part of the fight club, only here you can talk about it.

What does Zcode System include?

Once the membership is purchased, you will have access to all the information about the matches and teams. You will immediately realize that it is a complete system and that it really pays off on its own. You will be able to watch a welcome video that will easily explain how to use the platform, so pay close attention.
In addition, for becoming such a special member, they will give you an action plan that will indicate everything you must do in detail to earn money with Zcode.
Don't forget also all the free tools that you can access once you are a member. You can make many combinations to improve your betting predictions.
If you are wondering if you will be able to recover your investment, let me tell you that you will not only recover it, but you will be able to multiply it in a few days.
This starter pack will help you earn money by betting on your favorite sports, without leaving your bed! Anyone would like an opportunity like this. With this welcome you will not have to bet blindly, you will be well directed by Zcode System in this way of sports betting.

So, can I try Zcode System for free first?

Zcode system free trial and free picks
There is nothing better than trying something before you buy it, and this system is no exception. So I'll give you only one answer: Of course you can try Zcode for free before paying!
What's more, this was the first thing its creators did, by keeping their predictions public on the Facebook group.
To try Zcode System for free, you just have to click on the following link that I leave here below:
>>>Free Zcode Free Trial Access
Once you have entered the page, just click on the top menu where it says "Free tools", and when the screen appears as in the image below, write your email and click on the green button "Download! NOW!".
Then you just have to go to your email t confirm it and voila! There you will have an email from Zcode where there are links to use its tools for FREE.
However, as I mentioned before, they are about to be closed to the public and become a private group. Which means no more free predictions!
You have to be very confident for anyone to use the tools that your VIP users have. Though if you think about it, it's also a confident way of saying "I'm the best."

But if I don't like sports, what do I do?

I get you, not everyone likes hockey, basketball, football, or baseball. I didn't even like all those sports, but now that I make money with them thanks to Zcode System, I don't miss a single game anymore.
Of course, I am not going to force you to use this system if you don't like any sport. But what I can do is illustrate you.
How? Very simple, showing you why the fact that you don't like those sports is the best thing that can happen to you right now.
If you've ever bet on your favorite team in the past, and let's say it wasn't one of the best, you know what it's like to lose money by getting carried away by your emotions. Until now I see that many continue to make this mistake and it also happened to me in the past.
And I tell you this because if you do not like these sports, your emotions will not cloud your actions. This means that when placing bets you will do so with a calm and cool head.
Because we must be clear, money is what matters most. And if you can earn a good chunk of greens doing this lightly and as a hobby, well, I think that would be great.
A Jedi Master of Investing tells you: " Investing for emotion will be your downfall." So there you have it! A change in perspective that could open your eyes and make you a millionaire.

Conclusion on Zcode Review after researching for 3 months
I can really tell you that this time I did do the Sherlock Holmes job to give you the best information about this show.
A couple of months ago I learned from a friend that a betting system was gaining fame, as it promised a lot and the investment was relatively low. Like all skeptics, I did not believe it, so I decided to search for the information myself before commenting on it.
For the past two months, I've been flipping between pages, comments, blogs, advertising, and even contacting those who gave testimonials, just to find the truth.
And well, as everyone who seeks finds, I came across a crushing reality: Not only was what my friend told me true, but it was better than I believed.
The way Zcode is designed is so cool and logical, that it doesn't lead to bets based on emotion, but on past results, comparisons, and streaks. What makes this system a supercollider of information to get an optimal and true result.
A month after the investigation I decided to prove the veracity of what I had sought. So I bought the membership.
The tools, the way in which he achieves results, how he studies the games, the players. Everything is true! The system interface is super friendly, in a little while I was able to adapt and learn how to know which forecasts to follow and which ones not, because it remembers that it classifies them by stars.
And not only that, it has a large community of sports fans who help you secure bets, and that, the Zcode page does not tell you.
It's amazing how everyone is commenting on how well they are doing and posting their earnings. They also spend time recommending the tools that have served them the most and those that you shouldn't use.
However, I have not decided to invest yet. What I did was look on television for the games that the program was predicting, to see if it was correct. I looked for 10 matches, of which he hit 8. They were all different.
Well, the last week I have been closely following the forecasting action of Zcode and the truth is that every day out of 10 it hits 7 or 8. I think that is a pretty good number.
That's when I decided to bet based on the Zcode results and I'm almost close to tripling my membership investment, it won't take long.
Keep in mind that places to access the VIP community are running out faster than I expected. People are going crazy!
And it is not for less with a system that opens the doors to bets and profits 80% of the time.
I don't know about you, but to me, it reads like a good deal.
My great advice is that if you want to decide on this program, do it before it is too late, if not, make room to see how others make money while you missed the opportunity.
Remember, currently, the Zcode System is 60% off, and it is not known how long it will be like this!
Until the squares are filled, or until there are very, very few left. Being you, I don't wait to find out. Take action today: VISIT ZCODE HERE
submitted by kayakero to reviewsforyou [link] [comments]

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