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What phones and laptops I've used in my life, and how I finally become a fan of Apple

This post is a recap of how I got involved in the Internet and IT, what phones and laptops I’ve used, and gradually replaced them to the Apple ecosystem, and me becoming a fan of Apple.
As a former fan of Android and Windows (not that I hate them now, I just like Apple ecosystem over them now), I wanted to give my two cents about the things that Apple does better than others, and share my story of becoming a fan of Apple.
This is not a thorough analysis. Rather, my personal story of how Apple ultimately satisfied my needs regarding IT devices.

My early experience with Apple

When I was a kid, my grandpa had an iMac. And I vaguely remember goofing around with it few times, but nothing serious.
Around 2010, my mom got an iPhone 3GS. It was the first iPhone released in South Korea. And it was really revolutionary. Even to the eyes of 10-year-old me. It showed the Internet and played videos and shit. In a handheld device. It was like a fucking magic.
In 2011, when I was 11, I got a chance to get a first smart device. A tablet PC, to be exact. I contemplated my choice between iPad and Galaxy Tab 10.1. My little brother, who was already an Apple fan back then and have already bought iPod shuffle 4th (to lose it about a week later lol), insisted I get an iPad. But I chose Galaxy Tab 10.1. It was not that I didn’t like Apple (at least) back then. I think I was just more inclined to Galaxy Tab 10.1 because it’s Samsung, the company of my country. It was not like I compared specs and benchmarks. Anyway, I really loved it, because it played videos lol. I watched hours of YouTube videos with my Galaxy Tab (and stumbled upon the first porn. It was a Japanese AV, with a doctor dogging a nurse. You know, back in the wild days of YouTube. I was kinda shocked because I really didn’t have a knowledge about these stuffs back then, and couldn’t get my head around why he was sticking a penis in the bum. I just wanted see some tits).

Smartphones I’ve used

Blackberry Q10 (2015 Aug-2016 Aug)

The first smartphone I got was a Blackberry Q10 (It was not my first smartphone, per se. But it wasn’t a really serious or major smartphone player in the market, so I will skip the previous one). My little brother was fascinated, and so was I, with Blackberry because they got a whole damn QWERTY keyboard in a phone, and it was fucking awesome. So we both got a Blackberry Q10.
It was a quite decent device, IMO. I really loved the keypad. Though, the lack of app ecosystem was a huge blow. I didn’t really have a game to play with a Blackberry.

Nexus 6P (2016 Aug-2018 Jun)

It was just about the time that I really wanted to try either Android and Apple, two serious players in the smartphone market.
At the time, Android had a tech-savvy impression for me. That was what I was looking for. On the other hand, Apple was just an overpriced, and not-so-tech-savvy option to me. My logic was powerful customizability == tech-savvy. It was back in the day when the jailbreak was still a thing, and I thought, "Why would you need to go through so much hassle just to tweak some stuffs?" So, the choice was obvious. Android.
I originally considered getting Samsung Galaxy, but I really loved the idea of having a pure Android phone. So I chose Nexus 6P.
I really loved it. It was snappy and beautiful. And I loved the customizability of Android. I liked tweaking stuff, and Android was just the right OS for me.

iPhone 7 (2018 Jun-2018 Sep)

I’ve been using Nexus 6P without an issue (although I could feel it was getting slower), but one day in Jun 2018, I dropped it and it shattered. It wouldn’t turn on. It was not a serious problem though, since I’ve using cloud to backup important stuffs like photos. That’s when I got a first Apple device. iPhone 7.
My brother, who’s been a fan of Apple already, had a spare iPhone 7. Although I still thought Apple was overpriced, but if I’m not going to pay for it, it really doesn’t matter, right? And I also wanted try Apple to, so I gladly changed to iPhone 7.
At first, I was kinda worried that I wouldn’t be able to get used to iOS. But it wasn’t. iOS, compared to Android, was more simple and unified. Although not as customizable as Android, it didn’t bother me much. I just didn’t need to.
While using iPhone 7 for about three months, my impression on Apple changed. From an overpriced phone to a phone with a decent OS.

Galaxy A8 Star (2018 Sep-2019 Oct)

My little brother, the original owner of the iPhone 7 I was using, needed it back. So I had to change a phone again. So why didn’t I change to iPhone 8, you might ask. Well, it was mainly because of an app called Kanji Study developed by Chase Colburn. Seriously, it’s damn impressive. It’s the best app you can find for studying Japanese. I loved it so much that I became a volunteer translator for Korean of that app. Unfortunately, iOS version of the app was few more years behind than the Android version as the developer was focusing on Android. Besides, I also wanted to try Samsung phone too.
So that’s what I got. Galaxy A8 Star. Although not on the flagship lineup (such as S series or note series), it was a really powerful device, positioned right below the flagship lineup. And Samsung did a great job of polishing Android too. I was quite satisfied.

iPhone 11 (2019 Oct-)

In 2019, I started to consider iPhone as my next smartphone, and I waited until iPhone 11 was released in South Korea, and bought it right away. And I can’t be more satisfied choosing an iPhone. My positive experience with iPhone 11 made me seriously go into Apple ecosystem.
So why did I finally decide to switch to iPhone again after all these 4 years? Few factors played into this.

1. Apollo App

I’ve been using reddit since 2017, but I only came across with the existence of Apollo app in early 2019. From the descriptions and appraise from the users who’ve used the app, it really seemed like a decent app. At this point, I already have been browsing reddit quite a lot everyday, so I really wanted to experience a decent reddit app. Although the official reddit app was quite great, I really wanted to know what the fuss for Apollo app was about.

2. Apple Pay

Having visited Japan before, I’ve already experienced how fast and convenient Suica card is. Seriously, you barely swing it around the reader and it’s done. And almost every vending machine and convenience store accepts Suica. As I was having a plan to visit my friend in Japan in late 2019, I really wanted to use Suica with my phone. Unfortunately, for Android devices, Suica is generally only supported by Japan-specific models due to licensing issues. On the other hand, iPhone supports Suica on every model, starting from iPhone 8. So if I wanted to use Suica with my phone, I had to get an iPhone.

3. Updates

This is the point where I was quite disappointed with Android. Even though Samsung being a major manufacturer in Android, it took about a year to get an Android 9 update on my phone (Android 9 was released in Aug 2018, and Samsung rolled out update to Galaxy A8 Star in Jun 2019). Seriously, a year? I could’ve gotten a Google phone. But Google discontinued Nexus series at this pointed and launched Pixel series, and I didn’t like Pixel series much.
On the other hand, Apple was known for releasing updates quite frequently, and providing updates for devices released more than 3 years ago. Apple began to seem like a really attractive option for me.

4. Pre-installed Apps

This is the another point I was disappointed with Android. Frankly, compared to iOS, pre-installed apps from Android, Google or Samsung, was lacking in quality-wise. Having used iPhone 7, I began to miss the simple, beautiful, yet powerful pre-installed apps, such as fitness tracking and photo. Google and Samsung apps did the job too, but overall experience wasn’t as satisfying as Apple apps.

5. OS

This is the point I become to like Apple. Apple seems have more unifying language around the iOS. Experience is consistent and expectable. Design is unified across the apps. Android was more fragmentized. Design and experience differs across the apps. I’m not saying that being fragmentized is the bad thing. It was the reason I originally liked Android. But I realized I liked unified experience more.

Laptops I’ve used

Just like the case with phones, Mac was never an option for me. I’ve been growing up using Windows, and all the programs I needed was on Windows. Besides, I really didn’t have other Apple devices back then.

ASUS laptop (2016 Mar-2017 Mar)

As I went to the high school, I needed a laptop for school stuff like homework and such.
The first laptop I got was a cheap ASUS laptop around $300, which I can’t even remember the model name. It doesn’t really matter anyway as it didn’t really have a distinguishable model name. It was advertised as a budget gaming laptop.
It did the job, but it was clunky and super heavy (about 3 kilos), and it constantly made the fan noise, and it got really hot after the moderate usage. I needed more light and slick laptop.

Dell XPS 13 9360 (2017 Mar-2019 Feb)

I originally contemplated between MacBook Pro and XPS 13. I did my research, and hardware-wise, MacBook Pro was the top notch. Without considering OS, I wanted to get a MacBook Pro. But XPS 13 was also a very decent laptop, and was considered a "Mac killer". As I couldn’t picture myself using macOS. Bootcamp was not an option for me neither. So I chose XPS 13.
XPS 13 was fantastic. It was light, slick, and fast. I really loved the aluminum feeling of the machine. The coil noise bothered me though.

Surface Pro 6 (2019 Feb-2020 Jun)

In 2019 I went to a university. That meant I needed a note taking device. I didn't want to carry physical notes. When you can just take notes and have them in cloud, why would you need to carry physical notes, which are prone to damage and loss?
So, two options for me. iPad, or Surface Pro 6. My logic was "Why would you need to carry two devices (laptop and iPad) when you can use both of them in one device (Surface Pro 6)?" So I chose Surface Pro 6.
Surface Pro 6 was a really decent device to. It was lightweight, and Surface Pen was great. Though the heat when I use it as a note was quite bothering. I could feel it with my palm. And the edge of the device made my wrist sore.

MacBook Pro 13-inch 2017 (2020 Jul-)

Because of coronavirus, all classes this year was done online. It meant no need for note taking. No need for note taking meant that, Surface Pro 6 didn't have a real advantage over traditional laptops.
And after I bought my Apple Watch in April, I've become more fascinated with Apple ecosystem, and wanted to expand my experience with the ecosystem.
Windows 10 experience also pushed me into trying Mac too. It periodically acted up, and I spent lots of time fixing them, or formatting the whole machine (these experiences gave me deeper understanding in computers though). Installing IDEs such as PyCharm or Anaconda broke things in Windows 10. And most of all, fonts and overall aesthetic in Windows really sucked. It was like a dumpster fire. HiDPI was a half-assed feature. It worked on some, but didn't work that well. Oh yeah, CLI tools in Windows 10 suck too. At least not as good as in Linux or macOS.
And again, whole experience was too fragmentized. I wanted my laptop to work as is. When I got a new Windows laptop, what do I do first? Format the whole machine and do a clean install of Windows 10 because it's filled with useless craps from the manufacturer. I started to feel being tired of needing to tweak things constantly.
So as soon as my first semester this year ended, I got MacBook Pro 13-inch from my brother. And it's much better than Windows experience, at least for me. Things work as is, as I expected. Aesthetics are beautiful, and there are much less issues related to legacy support (e.g. file path length limit in Windows). Although macOS has its own learning curve, I adapted quickly. Having used Mac for about 3 weeks now, I wonder why I hadn't switched earlier.

My Current Apple Devices

Currently, I have four Apple devices.
And I really love them! Maybe after this corona thing calms down and I take offline classes again, I might get an iPad as well.

What do I love about Apple now

Now having used a phone, laptop, and smartwatch from Apple, there are few points I really love about Apple.

1. Simplicity

The design, and overall experience can’t be copied by other companies. In iOS, gesture controls are self-explanatory and intuitive.
This includes not only iOS and macOS, but their web pages too. Apple web pages are just astounding. It shows what their products are, and how these products are great for you. It’s simple yet holds all the information you need. On the other hand, Microsoft and Samsung webpages are too bloated and not simple enough, IMO.

2. Running smoothly out of box

This is what I really love about Apple. There is little to no need to tweak things. I can turn turn it on and get the things going with Apple devices.

3. Powerful ecosystem

This is what only Apple can do, IMO. Sure, Microsoft, Samsung, Google has their own share in their field. But when you see the whole thing, only Apple successfully deliver unified, powerful, and interconnected experience across every device: smartphone, laptop, OS, tablet PC, and smartwatch. Windows and Android has their own strength in their own field, but when it comes to using them all together, Apple really is convenient.

4. Aesthetics and unified experience

It’s just beautiful. They really care about the design. What I especially love about Apple is fonts. Their East Asian language support (for Korean and Japanese) is top notch. These default fonts are beautiful. And it’s unified across the whole Apple devices.
I also can expect my iPhone and MacBook work just the same anywhere in the world. I can just bring my iPhone and Apple Watch to Japan and use Suica right away. Apple making a single model to distribute to the whole world (it’s not the same model per se, as they slightly differ due to carrier support, but you get the point), really makes Apple unique. No one can deliver the unified experience across all devices and the whole world better than Apple does, IMO.

5. Updates

Apple provides update constantly, and for a long time. Apple also discontinues legacy techs when needed, like discontinuing 32-bit apps. I really appreciate it. I love that Apple can push and implement new technology this aggressive.
Man, the post is much longer than I thought it would be. I think about 2/3 of this post is just me changing phones and laptops lol. I just wanted to share my story of getting into Apple ecosystem, and why I become to love Apple and their products. Thanks for reading!
submitted by answer_forty_two to apple [link] [comments]

[DEBUNKED] Did Phil Spencer really shoot down xCloud on Switch? | The Definitive Analysis

This started out as a simple reply to a comment but turned into a 10+ hour long writing session of a huge wall of text! Hope you can still read it, though, as it will answer all your questions and doubts :) ------------------------------------------------ CONTEXT I made a video on why Master Chief in Smash makes perfect sense as a marketing buzz for xCloud on Switch (as well as Halo: Infinite, especially since it's F2P), but then Phil Spencer (head of Xbox) seemingly said Game Pass/xCloud isn't coming to Switch/PS4 in an interview. Let's analyze that!
Video on why Master Chief in Smash makes sense Phil Spencer's interview (6:11) ------------------------------------------------
TL;DR: read headings "In Conclusion" and "Final Conclusion"

== Analysis ==

People seem to be jumping to conclusions from Phil Spencer's statement, so let me clear this up after carefully analyzing his words:
The thing about other gaming console platforms is we're not able to bring a full Xbox experience on those platforms
According to him, they've brought the "full Xbox experience" on PC and mobile devices:
In places where we have [been able to bring a full Xbox experience], like mobile phones, like we're doing now with xCloud coming to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate [and] what we've done with PC and bringing our full Xbox experience there.
so, What does "full Xbox experience" exactly mean?
(continued directly from last quote) Because we know when somebody is playing one of our Xbox games there is an expectation that I've got my Xbox Live community, I have my Achievements, Game Pass is an option for me, my first-party library is there, is completely there...
And the other, you know, competitive platforms, aren't really that interested in having a full Xbox experience on their hardware. But for us, we want to be where the gamers want to be.
"Full Xbox experience" consists of:
He mentions this list twice in the full interview! But is he sure about Nintendo not wanting such an experience on Switch? Let's tackle these one by one for Switch.

Xbox Live

Game Pass

1st Party Titles

In Conclusion

Conclusion: release Game Pass on Switch through xCloud with a limited Game Pass library, and it should still be considered a "full Xbox experience", meaning Phil isn't being 100% honest about Nintendo not wanting a "full Xbox experience" on the Switch.

B-but, Nintendo gains NOTHING!!

Then there are those who claim that Xbox Game Pass coming on Switch is a loss for Nintendo, as they wouldn't get a cut from the monthly fee of subscriptions, and it would only take over Nintendo's sales.
But still, wouldn't Game Pass cannibalize Switch sales?
The most convincing argument, that many seem to fail to grasp, is that cloud gaming is the future, it's coming in hard and it's here to stay. How is Nintendo, with its portable Switch, prepared for this wave?
The last argument remaining for why this is bad, is that 3rd party developers can just put their games on Game Pass and tell Switch owners to play it there through xCloud

Final Conclusion

---------------------------- There you have it! Can't believe I sacrificed my sleep for this, haha, but would love honest criticism if there is any :)
submitted by prid13 to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

When is Black Friday 2020? Early deals, predictions, and the latest news

Black Friday is a name given to the Friday following Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year in the United States. Since 1951, this Friday is considered as the beginning of the United States Christmas shopping season. According to the US police, the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving Day are termed as Black Friday and Black Saturday also because of the huge traffic that happens during this season. Black Friday offers impressive deals and heavy discounts to the consumers while shopping during this period.
📷This year, Black Friday is on the 27th of November and is already set to be another impressive and huge consumer event. Following Black Friday, Cyber Monday is on 30th November, which is famous for online marketing. On this day, heavy discounts and impressive deals are provided to the consumers on online shopping. However, this time there will be a change due to the COVID-19 pandemic as most of the shops in the United States are giving Thanksgiving off to their staff, and most of the stores are not likely to open this year. This time, more online deals can be expected as compared to offline deals. Also, Amazon Prime Day can be set between 13th October to 14th October, which might impact the Black Friday sales this year.
If we talk about the last Black Friday, the hottest selling products were Argos Crazy Codes and the Nintendo Switch being the most lovable gaming console. This year, the new PS5 and the Xbox Series X can be expected to be the hottest selling products, even without discounts. There will be heavily discounted deals on electronic items as usual such as mobile phones, smart speakers, laptops, cameras, televisions, and other gadgets. It becomes difficult for a consumer to select one gadget out of so many impressive gadgets, which are available at great prices.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday both of the days are related to marketing following Thanksgiving Day. However, both events share different modes of shopping. On Black Friday, people rush to the high streets for shopping, whereas Cyber Monday is reserved for online shopping. The Black Friday deals are more about technical products, but Cyber Monday focuses more on lifestyle products. Black Friday will officially start at midnight on 27th November, but you may see some of the shops offering Black Friday deals earlier also. Although you may see some earlier deals, the majority of the deals can be seen on an actual day.
How will Black Friday 2020 be different?
Black Friday 2020 is expected to bring a lot of deals and offers, but there can be some changes also in the behavior of shopping because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has already affected the economy and might also affect the availability of the deals. We may see impressive discounts on smart televisions such as HDR and 4K TV. Apple can also bring its usual deals on iPads and AirPods for you this year. The older version of AirPods Pro can be available at lower prices. Similarly, PS4 can also be available for you at a lower price, and the new PS5 is expected to arrive in the Black Friday deals 2020. If we talk about the cost of the iPhone 11, then it is not expected that Apple will drop the prices for iPhone 11 because of the delay in the launch of the iPhone 12.
Where to find the best Black Friday deals?
Currently, Amazon is one of the largest retailers, which provides a lot of offers and deals during this festive season. Its primary products are Echo Dots, Kindles, and Fire TV sticks that you should grab during this heavily discounted event. John Lewis is another excellent and popular brand which may also tend to drop the prices of their products such as 4K TV and several other technical products with a discount of up to 30 percent off. Another fantastic brand that may drop prices on their electronic products can be Currys PC World that provided a lot of early offers last year. This may include smartphones, gaming consoles, and smart televisions.
To keep the consumer aware of all the Black Friday deals, we have a lot of guides on the best Black Friday deals such as Amazon Black Friday, Black Friday, Apple Black Friday, Argos Black Friday, Currys PC World Black Friday, Dell Black Friday deals, and many more.
After learning about Black Friday and Black Friday deals, we have concluded that Black Friday 2020 is going to come with a lot of deals and offers. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the deals can be seen online instead of stores. There will be early deals also, and one of the major parts of the Black Friday 2020 is that it may include the new PS5 and the Xbox Series X.
Source-Early deals, predictions, and the latest news
submitted by JAMESFAULKNERSS to u/JAMESFAULKNERSS [link] [comments]

[DEBUNKED] Did Phil Spencer really shoot down xCloud on Switch? | The Definitive Analysis

This started out as a simple reply to a comment but turned into a 10+ hour long writing session of a huge wall of text! Hope you can still read it, though, as it will answer all your questions and doubts :) ------------------------------------------------ CONTEXT I made a video on why Master Chief in Smash makes perfect sense as a marketing buzz for xCloud on Switch (as well as Halo: Infinite, especially since it's F2P), but then Phil Spencer (head of Xbox) seemingly said Game Pass/xCloud isn't coming to Switch/PS4 in an interview. Let's analyze that!
Video on why Master Chief in Smash makes sense Phil Spencer's interview (6:11) ------------------------------------------------
TL;DR: read headings "In Conclusion" and "Final Conclusion"

== Analysis ==

People seem to be jumping to conclusions from Phil Spencer's statement, so let me clear this up after carefully analyzing his words:
The thing about other gaming console platforms is we're not able to bring a full Xbox experience on those platforms
According to him, they've brought the "full Xbox experience" on PC and mobile devices:
In places where we have [been able to bring a full Xbox experience], like mobile phones, like we're doing now with xCloud coming to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate [and] what we've done with PC and bringing our full Xbox experience there.
so, What does "full Xbox experience" exactly mean?
(continued directly from last quote) Because we know when somebody is playing one of our Xbox games there is an expectation that I've got my Xbox Live community, I have my Achievements, Game Pass is an option for me, my first-party library is there, is completely there...
And the other, you know, competitive platforms, aren't really that interested in having a full Xbox experience on their hardware. But for us, we want to be where the gamers want to be.
"Full Xbox experience" consists of:
He mentions this list twice in the full interview! But is he sure about Nintendo not wanting such an experience on Switch? Let's tackle these one by one for Switch.

Xbox Live

Game Pass

1st Party Titles

In Conclusion

Conclusion: release Game Pass on Switch through xCloud with a limited Game Pass library, and it should still be considered a "full Xbox experience", meaning Phil isn't being 100% honest about Nintendo not wanting a "full Xbox experience" on the Switch.

B-but, Nintendo gains NOTHING!!

Then there are those who claim that Xbox Game Pass coming on Switch is a loss for Nintendo, as they wouldn't get a cut from the monthly fee of subscriptions, and it would only take over Nintendo's sales.
But still, wouldn't Game Pass cannibalize Switch sales?
The most convincing argument, that many seem to fail to grasp, is that cloud gaming is the future, it's coming in hard and it's here to stay. How is Nintendo, with its portable Switch, prepared for this wave?
The last argument remaining for why this is bad, is that 3rd party developers can just put their games on Game Pass and tell Switch owners to play it there through xCloud

Final Conclusion

---------------------------- There you have it! Can't believe I sacrificed my sleep for this, haha, but would love honest criticism if there is any :)
submitted by prid13 to xbox [link] [comments]

Great deals for 6/23, including 4-Day Best Buy Apple sale, and a bunch of new Mac bundles from StackSocial

submitted by MarkDMill to MDMDeals [link] [comments]

Great deals for 6/15, including great Apple hardware sales for Father’s Day, Pro Camera, Pyto, & more

submitted by MarkDMill to MDMDeals [link] [comments]

Great deals for 5/25, including a massive Memorial Day sale at a Best Buy, Spend Stack, and more

submitted by MarkDMill to MDMDeals [link] [comments]

Email List Building 2020: How To Create A Mailing List From Start To Finish?

Email List Building 2020: How To Create A Mailing List From Start To Finish?

Email marketing has the highest ROI – 42:1 – compared to any other form of communication. As such, it’s the best approach for businesses to build a relationship with their customers. Yet, if you are starting from square one, creating an impressive email list can feel like a Herculean task.

“A small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.” – Ramsay Leimenstoll

You’ve designed the perfect marketing email. However, if you don’t have an email list to send it to, what good is it? Regardless of your business’s industry sector, the most vital element of your email marketing strategy, as well as one of your most valuable business assets, is the email list. Except, did you know that attracting new customers costs five times more than nurturing exciting ones? Don’t worry though. Even if you are starting from ground zero, with no email lists whatsoever, there are a few tried-and-tested email list building techniques you can implement to attract new subscribers.

In this article, we’ll cover the following email list building topics:

  1. What is an email list?
  2. Pre-email list building DOs and DON’Ts
  3. Email list building techniques
Let’s dive in.
Email List Building 2020 |
No matter if you are an experienced email marketer or a newcomer, having an effective email list building strategy could make all the difference to your business. Especially if you are operating on a sparse budget.
Let’s face it, without a good-quality email list all your email marketing efforts may well be a waste of time and funds from that shoestring budget you have. No need to despair though. Growing an email list from the ground up might not be easy. But, it’s certainly not impossible.
In the email marketing world, email list building from scratch is also known as organic email list building. It’s a permission-based strategy where only people who expressed explicit consent will be added to your email list.
Before we reveal some of the best email list building techniques for you to take advantage of, let’s talk about some basic terms.

What Is An Email List?

As email marketers, the term email list is not foreign to us. However, a refresher is always a good thing.
An email list is a collection of email addresses from customers, leads and subscribers that have been gathered through a blog, website, lead-generating campaigns, live events, leveraging business cards, etc. It allows for widespread distribution of marketing emails to multiple recipients.
Email lists shrink for two reasons: a) people opting-out and b) natural decay. Did you know that an email list naturally decays by about 22.5% every year? On the other hand, there are numerous email list building strategies that can be implemented in order to continuously attract new contacts as well as engage with and nurture both new subscribers and existing ones.

Pre-Email List Building DOs and DON’Ts

Before you even start building your email list(s) and implementing all the awesome techniques we are about to divulge, there are a few things you must have in place first.


1) Get to know your target audience. Who are the people that you’re targeting? What’s their name? Their job? Their goals? How old are they? Where are they located? In the marketing world, this is referred to as a buyer persona. Once you’ve understood who your ideal email subscribers are, you can easily craft the perfect email campaign to attract them.
2) Make sure you have a website with a landing page. You need a place for all your potential email list members to gather. A website is a good start. But, even if you don’t have one with all the bells and whistles, you don’t need to worry. All you actually need is a landing page which hosts your opt-in/sign up form. In fact, stats point out that only 64% of small businesses have a website – meaning that a whopping 36% of small businesses do not have a significant online presence!
3) Get a trustworthy ESP. Some email marketers may not perceive the need to complement their current ESP (such as Gmail or Outlook) with a professional email marketing provider. Yet, whichever email service you use to handle your one-2-one business emails won’t be set up for handling, tracking, analysing, data segmentation and automation of thousands of emails. Furthermore, many well-known business email providers can only send 50 emails at once before your account gets flagged and potentially disabled. Therefore, considering a professional email marketing provider that will work in collaboration with your chosen ESP will certainly be a strategic win-win move. If you are interested in taking your email marketing game to the next level, you can try EmailOut – at no cost.
4) Always keep your email lists healthy. Regardless of how long you’ve been building your email lists, make sure you do a regular spring clean to remove inactive subscribers. Up to 30% of subscribers change their email address every year. Thus, our recommendation would be to ‘cleanse’ your lists every 6 months at a minimum. Don’t focus on having a huge email list, focus on having a high-quality one. EmailOut offers a one-click list cleaning tool ensuring that only engaged recipients receive your marketing – better engagement, increased open rates, improved click-through and increased domain reputation leads to even better inbox delivery & placement (winning!).


There is only one crucially important DON’T many marketers are falling for – buying or renting email lists. Never, ever buy or rent an email list. It doesn’t matter that it might seem like an easy, low-cost, accelerated shortcut to growing your email list, as well as your business. It’s a huge no-no for email marketing. Here are the reasons why –
a) the quality of the list is unreliable; b) reputable ESPs will not allow you to send to purchased or rented lists; c) people on those lists have no idea who you are; d) you will definitely be marked as a spammer; and e) you will be violating anti-spam laws which will result in serious ramifications for your business.
If you decide to ignore our warning, that’s your prerogative. However, beware that by buying/renting email lists, you will kill your email marketing strategy before you’ve even started.

Email List Building Techniques

Waiting for people to come across your website organically is not the best email list building approach. Instead, focus your marketing efforts to potential subscribers around various email list building techniques. This approach differs from that of marketing to customers as its main purpose is to get more subscribers rather than outright sales. Just remember, gaining more subscribers ultimately aids generating more sales.
Now, here is a list of comprehensive email database building techniques that can certainly help you build your list from start to finish –

1) Don’t underestimate the power of pop-ups

Don’t use pop-ups on just one landing page. If you’re not part of the 36% of small businesses that don’t have a website site then you definitely must add a pop-up/slide-in or two or three to your website. But, be mindful. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Don’t overwhelm or annoy your potential subscribers. Just gently remind them of your newsletter. Google OptinMonster. We found this tool to be great when it comes to designing awesome pop-ups. You may find the most effective method of deploying them is to set the first pop-up with a timer, which is 85% of your Google Analytics ‘Session Duration’, and have an additional exit pop-up that will remind website visitors that you offer valuable weekly newsletter content, discount, flash sales, etc.

2) Surprise potential subscribers with sign up CTAs on every page

Why not take advantage of that small empty space at the end of your blog post by adding a simple, standard sign up form? Yes, we are well aware that ‘white spaces’ give a more polished and easily readable vibe. However, why not utilise that to achieve your email list building goals. If it creates too much clutter though, have the sign up form appear on the website’s footer or sidebar. Potential subscribers visiting your website or blog are looking for something specific. Therefore, remember, when it comes to call-to-action personalisation is key. Make sure your CTAs will meet the potential subscribers’ needs.

3) Utilise your social media profiles

If you have a follower-base on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn or any other social media platform, why not use those already established connections to build your email list? Those that already like you (hopefully!), might’ve not had the chance to sign up to your mailing list. Simply pitch your newsletter sign up form across all social media platforms and give potential subscribers the opportunity to join your email list.

4) Add sign up/opt-in forms in your email signature

Do you feel a little pushy, seemingly desperate and a bit uncomfortable pitching your sign up form on social media? Are most of your business communications happening through emails? If the answer to both questions is ‘Yes’ then this email list building approach is exactly right for you. Simply add a link to your sign up page in your email signature. People who are already communicating with you on a one-2-one business basis are already engaged with your business so why not offer them the opportunity to receive your industry knowledge once a week, special offers, discount codes and flash sales too?

5) Use a referral program

Referral programs are basically using what you have (existing subscribers) in order to get more of what you want (new subscribers). Simply put, you are ‘bribing’ people so they refer friends, family and colleagues to your website where you ‘seduce’ them to sign up for your mailing list. Don’t worry though, you are not actually bribing them in the real sense of the word. It’s more of an exchange program. People refer others to your website and as a show of gratitude, you give the referrer a discount, a free ebook or an extended trial of your service. However, there is a free approach where you don’t have to ‘bribe’ anybody: a forwarding option in your welcome email or newsletter. A referral program can do wonders for attracting new subscribers and turning them into paying customers later.

6) Use gamification

Building a good-quality email list is not an easy task. You need to attract and engage visitors to your website in order to convert them into subscribers. More often than not standard coupons, discounts and sales might not be enough to get the job done. In such cases, thinking outside the box can be very useful. This is where gamification comes into play. It’s an interactive sign-up approach where visitors can have some fun before signing up to your email list. Since people are generally competitive in nature and one of the core elements of gamification is competition (with the other two being engagement and award), people are more likely to participate. Especially, if there is a prize involved. It’s a win-win.

7) Create powerful lead magnets

A lead magnet can be defined as offering your target audience something of value in exchange for their email address. As you can probably guess, the end goal is to boost subscriptions. A lead magnet could be offering a free ebook/guide/report, a checklist, a whitepaper, a video tutorial or really anything your visitor truly wants and needs. Overall, if your lead magnet offers something of value to the visitor, they will be happy to give you their contact information. This might as well be one of the best email list building techniques.

8) Try out telemarketing

During the day you probably talk to tons of customers and prospects. Why don’t you make good use of that opportunity, before you hang up and ask those people if they’d like to join your mailing list? Give them a short overview of all the benefits that’ll come from enrolling such as exclusive offers, discounts available only to email subscribers, etc. After all, the only thing you risk from asking is them saying ‘No’.

9) Piggybacks and forwarding

Have you ever considered sharing your email list(s) with other businesses? No, not giving it for free. That’d be against anti-spam laws, especially, since your subscribers gave their explicit consent to you. We are talking about a mutually beneficial relationship between businesses where one offers the other a bit of space in their newsletter where a link to their opt-in/sign up form will be and vice-versa. It’s called piggybacking.
On the other hand, we have forwarding. Make sure any emails sent to existing subscribers or anyone for that matter, have a link to your opt-in form. In that way, once your email is forwarded to someone, they’ll have a direct way to sign up to your email list.

11) Use the power of the printed press

In this digital day and age, a lot of marketers underestimate the power of the printed press. From newsletter and magazines through flyers and brochures to billboards, banners, printed ads and direct-mail as well as any other printed marketing materials – you have tons of opportunities to advertise your newsletter and give potential subscribers the option to sign up. So, why waste it? Simply add a QR (quick response) code, which is easily scannable with a smartphone app, to any printed press and voila, people will be directly opted-in into your email list.

12) Offline email list building

Since most email list building techniques take place online (websites, landing pages, social media, etc.), most marketers have probably forgotten the ‘old-school’ offline method of collecting emails. However, we haven’t. Here are two offline email list building options you can take advantage of –
a) collecting business cards – this is probably one of the oldest methods of building an email list. By having your own printed business card you can exchange it whenever you meet other people to talk about business. Make sure at the point of collection that you inform your future recipients what to expect, a weekly/fortnightly email including news, views and offers etc.
b) sign up lists at business events – if you attend any business trade fairs, conferences or business exhibitions, make sure you have a signup list with an email column at hand. Then, anyone interested in opting-in for your email list can simply write down their email address. Having an iPad on a plinth that only shows your sign up form, thanks the visitor for their details and then refreshes back to your sign up form after a few seconds is an ideal way of capturing data quickly and efficiently.
A very important thing to remember, when implementing offline email list building techniques, is that as you will have to enter the email addresses manually there may be some typos or mistakes (no ‘@’ or .com for instance) and so setting up this ‘Expo List’ as double opt-in is a must.
As email marketers, any email list building techniques you can think of can be appropriate, as long as they’re legal, of course.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of whether you’re starting your email list building from scratch or not, the most imperative thing is to know your target audience. Thus, in order to grow your list, give the recipients a compelling reason to subscribe. Have a specific strategy and be consistent in your communication not only for customer acquisition but also for customer retention. You can’t just build a list and then forget all about it. You must nurture it.
Your knowledge of building an email list from start to finish might not always be needed. Sometimes, you might just need to clean up an inherited email list. Either way, being familiar with all the different email list building techniques can only give you an advantage.
Now that you know all there is to know about email list building, you should start thinking about the perfect way to greet all those new subscribers and we have the perfect ‘email onboarding’ article to help you prepare for it.
This article was originally published on 10 May and can be found here.

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submitted by emailout to u/emailout [link] [comments]

My toxic ex boyfriend

This is my story from when I was 14 (female) and my ex boyfriend at the time 14 male.
We dated we dated for 2 years and about 3 more is where my story arises.
I want to write this to get it off my chest because I have stayed quiet for way to long, to get my story out. I feel like reddit is where people can read it.
This is to why I’m so quiet, to why I kept my friend groups small.
This isn’t a sob story, but to probably why I pushed myself to do things I wouldn’t do, or even as far as going against my family’s words and just to think of only myself like what was better for me? To make my life a better place.
My first love broke me, and I probably still consider myself broken from what has happened to me, but I worked on that and have made myself a better person.
I was 14, I thought I had it all, a perfect boyfriend. He was honestly everything to me, both gamers and really didn’t ask for much other than each others attention. First for everything. We did everything together, stayed up for days without sleep just gaming and enjoying each other’s company. I genuinely thought we were both happy.
Until it changed, distancing. That hurt. Ever had those late responses or the short replies, the appearing offline sort of deal? Left on read. No more gaming nights. No more walking home together. No more spending any time together, everything was cut short. We didn’t even speak to each other at school. Till one day during lunch I asked for his phone because that’s where everything would be right?
Messages upon messages from another girl.
But this just didn’t happen once it was constant, and because he was my first I was so scared to be alone, I tried everything to keep him, to just have him stay.
When caught, he was angry, abusive, even hit me. But as I kept finding pictures and messages he started hurting himself, or others around him. He would punch anything that was near him to then just act like nothing happened.
All I ever wanted to know was what did I do wrong? Why was I not good enough? Did he even love me?
This went on for 2 years. Chances upon chances I gave him. Maybe he would stop?
Different girls, different accounts, different names he would even go under just to hide from me. He blocked my number to only unblock it. He never broke it off but he would constantly ignore me for days and even weeks till he felt like it was okay to message me like nothing ever happened.
He made me out to be that psycho to everyone. Even to the girls that I called my best friends, but as you may have experienced as well, one of those girls was already having another taste. I say that because she dated him in the past and now she thought it was a great idea to put two and two together. I found out when I was over at her place, when her iPad wouldn’t stop buzzing, finding out it was my boyfriend at the time both exchanging nudes on a different account. I kept that quite for a while.
When I finally called it off the word psycho spread like fire. I even tried cutting him off but he always found a way to make me feel guilty and just as I started to move on... I even ended up running back.
This went on for another 2 years during our high school years together. No we weren’t even dating. I call it abuse. I was confused and still in love and had no one else To even talk to about this situation but him.
The hard part was I lost everyone but the hardest bit was as he talked down on me to everyone he knew, when he was coming to me after school about what we had planned for the night. He was using me. He’d let me know what he wanted from me knowing I wouldn’t say no. He made it clear that I was nothing to him but just friends with benefits. I went with this because I thought I still had a chance. This went on as everyone started calling me the town bus, but me being me I didn’t care because I thought I still had someone... he knew what he was doing and he did it to keep other guys away from me.
We went everywhere together. He got me things as if I was still his girlfriend, it was hard because I loved him and he just always had to remind me he didn’t. He always wanted to know how happy I was with him, or how I couldn’t go without him.
He showed me photos nudes of girls he was messaging he asked me to do roll play the things they sext about. Which was when I knew I wasn’t even in his mind anymore.
I moved on in the last year we had of high school. Well I thought I did, thought I had it on with another guy, so happened to be his mate. But you guessed it he came crawling back. Yes I fell for it AGAIN.
I remember when it just fell apart, I broke a persons heart because I fell for this manic again.
We weren’t messaging for a good 6 months, I found new friends, people who kept my mind off everything. When one introduced me to this guy she knew, thought we would work. We messaged everyday for about two weeks , in classes, out of classes but then this is when it went down hill.
During class we had a media project, and I was in my ex’s media group. I had to do his makeup for a scene, as I was applying the make up we locked eyes, I would say it was a long stare. I shook it off before my boyfriend come into the room to check up on me, before he went home. That’s when I felt like I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready for another new relationship.
I went home with my ex. It was a mistake, I broke it off with the guy and honestly it’s not his fault. But he didn’t understand that I wasn’t ready. That I was still stuck in my old toxic relationship, and that it wasn’t right for me.
Just as school ended I guess they both spoke about me, because the guy I dated for two weeks asked if I could be and I quote “no strings attached”. I was shocked I asked him to repeat himself and all he had to said is “well you’re doing it with him so why not with me?”.
I left In my car crying, because is that really all I am?
I told myself I wasn’t doing this again, that this was too much for me.
I went 4 years and it was destroying me more. It was destroying my family. I was his sex doll as I can only describe it, called me when he needed me for his sexual needs as well as drive him places to get high as he had no licence. I even took him to other girls places. He had other girls too that he would see and because we were only “friends” he showed me people he was seeing. A lot more bigger girls, he liked the emo look in some the dark black hair, tats and all, he liked to be dominated by these girls. I felt uncomfortable but this is where I told myself it was enough.
I ended up changing my number and blocking all of his social media accounts, all his other named ones too.
It was the hardest thing I have ever done. It took a lot. I tried it so many times before and I felt as if this time was going to just end up like the rest but it didn’t. I successfully moved on. Without him.
Doesn’t end there though.
It’s now 2020 this started in 2012 all the way through to 2016.
I found someone and guess who didn’t like that? The first 2 years of being with my partner my ex checked up on me about every month, he went through the effort of finding my social media accounts. He always wanted to meet up and chat, but he didn’t like it when I showed up with my partner in my car and when I showed him I was happy guess who slowly got the point that I wasn’t ever coming back. Only took him 2 years? To get the message.
My partner knew I was broken, that my trust wasn’t so easy to gain. Honestly it was worth going through everything to end up where I am today.
He knows I’m still paranoid, sometimes a so called psycho but he assures me that even when I’m feeling that uneasy he will let me know that his nothing like my ex.
He understood that my past was going to come with me, He knew there was work needed to be done. He walked me through it, and that road wasn’t easy but it did get easier.
Being intimate was hard with my partner and still is today, in all honesty, because of the memories I have, it’s still a working battle but I’m able to talk about my past, and it’s made me stronger. I don’t hate on it. I just don’t wish it on anyone.
I’m quiet and chose my friends wisely but do you understand me?
I worked hard, so hard that my family even said I wouldn’t be able to with this depression that was circling me.
I found my happiness, in my partner.
I worked on better distractions, I even proved myself wrong, as well as my family.
I bought my first own car. I rented my first house to then buy our first house to then Buying my second car. I feel like I’ve done it all, have it all. A dream come true.
I’ve started a family and I don’t have it as hard as some people out there but I am grateful.
TL;DR** this is about my ex who think I had hope for 4 years, only to remind me that I was nothing more than just friends with benefits, he lied, cheated and much more. I’ve now moved on and I’m in a better place**
Thanks for reading! Something that’s needed to be said and I think this is the best place to have it.
I want to hear from you.
Were you in a similar position?
Did you have a toxic relationship?
How long did you keep thing going between you two?
submitted by thisonetimestory to story [link] [comments]

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My toxic ex boyfriend

This is my story from when I was 14 (female) and my ex boyfriend at the time 14 male.
We dated we dated for 2 years and about 3 more is where my story arises.
I want to write this to get it off my chest because I have stayed quiet for way to long, to get my story out. I feel like reddit is where people can read it.
This is to why I’m so quiet, to why I kept my friend groups small.
This isn’t a sob story, but to probably why I pushed myself to do things I wouldn’t do, or even as far as going against my family’s words and just to think of only myself like what was better for me? To make my life a better place.
My first love broke me, and I probably still consider myself broken from what has happened to me, but I worked on that and have made myself a better person.
I was 14, I thought I had it all, a perfect boyfriend. He was honestly everything to me, both gamers and really didn’t ask for much other than each others attention. First for everything. We did everything together, stayed up for days without sleep just gaming and enjoying each other’s company. I genuinely thought we were both happy.
Until it changed, distancing. That hurt. Ever had those late responses or the short replies, the appearing offline sort of deal? Left on read. No more gaming nights. No more walking home together. No more spending any time together, everything was cut short. We didn’t even speak to each other at school. Till one day during lunch I asked for his phone because that’s where everything would be right?
Messages upon messages from another girl.
But this just didn’t happen once it was constant, and because he was my first I was so scared to be alone, I tried everything to keep him, to just have him stay.
When caught, he was angry, abusive, even hit me. But as I kept finding pictures and messages he started hurting himself, or others around him. He would punch anything that was near him to then just act like nothing happened.
All I ever wanted to know was what did I do wrong? Why was I not good enough? Did he even love me?
This went on for 2 years. Chances upon chances I gave him. Maybe he would stop?
Different girls, different accounts, different names he would even go under just to hide from me. He blocked my number to only unblock it. He never broke it off but he would constantly ignore me for days and even weeks till he felt like it was okay to message me like nothing ever happened.
He made me out to be that psycho to everyone. Even to the girls that I called my best friends, but as you may have experienced as well, one of those girls was already having another taste. I say that because she dated him in the past and now she thought it was a great idea to put two and two together. I found out when I was over at her place, when her iPad wouldn’t stop buzzing, finding out it was my boyfriend at the time both exchanging nudes on a different account. I kept that quite for a while.
When I finally called it off the word psycho spread like fire. I even tried cutting him off but he always found a way to make me feel guilty and just as I started to move on... I even ended up running back.
This went on for another 2 years during our high school years together. No we weren’t even dating. I call it abuse. I was confused and still in love and had no one else to even talk to about this situation but to him only.
The hard part was I lost everyone but the hardest bit was as he talked down on me to everyone he knew, when he was coming to me after school about what we had planned for the night. He was using me. He’d let me know what he wanted from me knowing I wouldn’t say no. He made it clear that I was nothing to him but just friends with benefits. I went with this because I thought I still had a chance. This went on as everyone started calling me the town bus, but me being me I didn’t care because I thought I still had someone... he knew what he was doing and he did it to keep other guys away from me.
We went everywhere together. He got me things as if I was still his girlfriend, it was hard because I loved him and he just always had to remind me he didn’t. He always wanted to know how happy I was with him, or how I couldn’t go without him.
He showed me photos nudes of girls he was messaging he asked me to do roll play the things they sext about. Which was when I knew I wasn’t even in his mind anymore.
I moved on in the last year we had of high school. Well I thought I did, thought I had it on with another guy, so happened to be his mate. But you guessed it he came crawling back. Yes I fell for it AGAIN.
I remember when it just fell apart, I broke a persons heart because I fell for this manic again.
We weren’t messaging for a good 6 months, I found new friends, people who kept my mind off everything. When one introduced me to this guy she knew, thought we would work. We messaged everyday for about two weeks , in classes, out of classes but then this is when it went down hill.
During class we had a media project, and I was in my ex’s media group. I had to do his makeup for a scene, as I was applying the make up we locked eyes, I would say it was a long stare. I shook it off before my boyfriend come into the room to check up on me, before he went home. That’s when I felt like I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready for another new relationship.
I went home with my ex. It was a mistake, I broke it off with the guy and honestly it’s not his fault. But he didn’t understand that I wasn’t ready. That I was still stuck in my old toxic relationship, and that it wasn’t right for me.
Just as school ended I guess they both spoke about me, because the guy I dated for two weeks asked if I could be and I quote “no strings attached”. I was shocked I asked him to repeat himself and all he had to said is “well you’re doing it with him so why not with me?”.
I left In my car crying, because is that really all I am?
I told myself I wasn’t doing this again, that this was too much for me.
I went 4 years and it was destroying me more. It was destroying my family. I was his sex doll as I can only describe it, called me when he needed me for his sexual needs as well as drive him places to get high as he had no licence. I even took him to other girls places. He had other girls too that he would see and because we were only “friends” he showed me people he was seeing. A lot more bigger girls, he liked the emo look in some the dark black hair, tats and all, he liked to be dominated by these girls. I felt uncomfortable but this is where I told myself it was enough.
I ended up changing my number and blocking all of his social media accounts, all his other named ones too.
It was the hardest thing I have ever done. It took a lot. I tried it so many times before and I felt as if this time was going to just end up like the rest but it didn’t. I successfully moved on. Without him.
Doesn’t end there though.
It’s now 2020 this started in 2012 all the way through to 2016.
I found someone and guess who didn’t like that? The first 2 years of being with my partner my ex checked up on me about every month, he went through the effort of finding my social media accounts. He always wanted to meet up and chat, but he didn’t like it when I showed up with my partner in my car and when I showed him I was happy guess who slowly got the point that I wasn’t ever coming back. Only took him 2 years? To get the message.
My partner knew I was broken, that my trust wasn’t so easy to gain. Honestly it was worth going through everything to end up where I am today.
He knows I’m still paranoid, sometimes a so called psycho but he assures me that even when I’m feeling that uneasy he will let me know that his nothing like my ex.
He understood that my past was going to come with me, He knew there was work needed to be done. He walked me through it, and that road wasn’t easy but it did get easier.
Being intimate was hard with my partner and still is today, in all honesty, because of the memories I have, it’s still a working battle but I’m able to talk about my past, and it’s made me stronger. I don’t hate on it. I just don’t wish it on anyone.
I’m quiet and chose my friends wisely but do you understand me?
I worked hard, so hard that my family even said I wouldn’t be able to with this depression that was circling me.
I found my happiness, in my partner.
I worked on better distractions, I even proved myself wrong, as well as my family.
I bought my first own car. I rented my first house to then buy our first house to then Buying my second car. I feel like I’ve done it all, have it all. A dream come true.
I’ve started a family and I don’t have it as hard as some people out there but I am grateful.
** this is about my ex who think I had hope for 4 years, only to remind me that I was nothing more than just friends with benefits, he lied, cheated and much more. I’ve now moved on and I’m in a better place**
Thanks for reading! Something that’s needed to be said and I think this is the best place to have it.
I want to hear from you.
Were you in a similar position?
Did you have a toxic relationship?
How long did you keep thing going between you two?
submitted by thisonetimestory to u/thisonetimestory [link] [comments]

My toxic ex boyfriend

My toxic ex boyfriend
This is my story from when I was 14 (female) and my ex boyfriend at the time 14 male.
We dated we dated for 2 years and about 3 more is where my story arises.
I want to write this to get it off my chest because I have stayed quiet for way to long, to get my story out. I feel like reddit is where people can read it.
This is to why I’m so quiet, to why I kept my friend groups small.
This isn’t a sob story, but to probably why I pushed myself to do things I wouldn’t do, or even as far as going against my family’s words and just to think of only myself like what was better for me? To make my life a better place.
My first love broke me, and I probably still consider myself broken from what has happened to me, but I worked on that and have made myself a better person.
I was 14, I thought I had it all, a perfect boyfriend. He was honestly everything to me, both gamers and really didn’t ask for much other than each others attention. First for everything. We did everything together, stayed up for days without sleep just gaming and enjoying each other’s company. I genuinely thought we were both happy.
Until it changed, distancing. That hurt. Ever had those late responses or the short replies, the appearing offline sort of deal? Left on read. No more gaming nights. No more walking home together. No more spending any time together, everything was cut short. We didn’t even speak to each other at school. Till one day during lunch I asked for his phone because that’s where everything would be right?
Messages upon messages from another girl.
But this just didn’t happen once it was constant, and because he was my first I was so scared to be alone, I tried everything to keep him, to just have him stay.
When caught, he was angry, abusive, even hit me. But as I kept finding pictures and messages he started hurting himself, or others around him. He would punch anything that was near him to then just act like nothing happened.
All I ever wanted to know was what did I do wrong? Why was I not good enough? Did he even love me?
This went on for 2 years. Chances upon chances I gave him. Maybe he would stop?
Different girls, different accounts, different names he would even go under just to hide from me. He blocked my number to only unblock it. He never broke it off but he would constantly ignore me for days and even weeks till he felt like it was okay to message me like nothing ever happened.
He made me out to be that psycho to everyone. Even to the girls that I called my best friends, but as you may have experienced as well, one of those girls was already having another taste. I say that because she dated him in the past and now she thought it was a great idea to put two and two together. I found out when I was over at her place, when her iPad wouldn’t stop buzzing, finding out it was my boyfriend at the time both exchanging nudes on a different account. I kept that quite for a while.
When I finally called it off the word psycho spread like fire. I even tried cutting him off but he always found a way to make me feel guilty and just as I started to move on... I even ended up running back.
This went on for another 2 years during our high school years together. No we weren’t even dating. I call it abuse. I was confused and still in love and had no one else To even talk to about this situation but him.
The hard part was I lost everyone but the hardest bit was as he talked down on me to everyone he knew, when he was coming to me after school about what we had planned for the night. He was using me. He’d let me know what he wanted from me knowing I wouldn’t say no. He made it clear that I was nothing to him but just friends with benefits. I went with this because I thought I still had a chance. This went on as everyone started calling me the town bus, but me being me I didn’t care because I thought I still had someone... he knew what he was doing and he did it to keep other guys away from me.
We went everywhere together. He got me things as if I was still his girlfriend, it was hard because I loved him and he just always had to remind me he didn’t. He always wanted to know how happy I was with him, or how I couldn’t go without him.
He showed me photos nudes of girls he was messaging he asked me to do roll play the things they sext about. Which was when I knew I wasn’t even in his mind anymore.
I moved on in the last year we had of high school. Well I thought I did, thought I had it on with another guy, so happened to be his mate. But you guessed it he came crawling back. Yes I fell for it AGAIN.
I remember when it just fell apart, I broke a persons heart because I fell for this manic again.
We weren’t messaging for a good 6 months, I found new friends, people who kept my mind off everything. When one introduced me to this guy she knew, thought we would work. We messaged everyday for about two weeks , in classes, out of classes but then this is when it went down hill.
During class we had a media project, and I was in my ex’s media group. I had to do his makeup for a scene, as I was applying the make up we locked eyes, I would say it was a long stare. I shook it off before my boyfriend come into the room to check up on me, before he went home. That’s when I felt like I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready for another new relationship.
I went home with my ex. It was a mistake, I broke it off with the guy and honestly it’s not his fault. But he didn’t understand that I wasn’t ready. That I was still stuck in my old toxic relationship, and that it wasn’t right for me.
Just as school ended I guess they both spoke about me, because the guy I dated for two weeks asked if I could be and I quote “no strings attached”. I was shocked I asked him to repeat himself and all he had to said is “well you’re doing it with him so why not with me?”.
I left In my car crying, because is that really all I am?
I told myself I wasn’t doing this again, that this was too much for me.
I went 4 years and it was destroying me more. It was destroying my family. I was his sex doll as I can only describe it, called me when he needed me for his sexual needs as well as drive him places to get high as he had no licence. I even took him to other girls places. He had other girls too that he would see and because we were only “friends” he showed me people he was seeing. A lot more bigger girls, he liked the emo look in some the dark black hair, tats and all, he liked to be dominated by these girls. I felt uncomfortable but this is where I told myself it was enough.
I ended up changing my number and blocking all of his social media accounts, all his other named ones too.
It was the hardest thing I have ever done. It took a lot. I tried it so many times before and I felt as if this time was going to just end up like the rest but it didn’t. I successfully moved on. Without him.
Doesn’t end there though.
It’s now 2020 this started in 2012 all the way through to 2016.
I found someone and guess who didn’t like that? The first 2 years of being with my partner my ex checked up on me about every month, he went through the effort of finding my social media accounts. He always wanted to meet up and chat, but he didn’t like it when I showed up with my partner in my car and when I showed him I was happy guess who slowly got the point that I wasn’t ever coming back. Only took him 2 years? To get the message.
My partner knew I was broken, that my trust wasn’t so easy to gain. Honestly it was worth going through everything to end up where I am today.
He knows I’m still paranoid, sometimes a so called psycho but he assures me that even when I’m feeling that uneasy he will let me know that his nothing like my ex.
He understood that my past was going to come with me, He knew there was work needed to be done. He walked me through it, and that road wasn’t easy but it did get easier.
Being intimate was hard with my partner and still is today, in all honesty, because of the memories I have, it’s still a working battle but I’m able to talk about my past, and it’s made me stronger. I don’t hate on it. I just don’t wish it on anyone.
I’m quiet and chose my friends wisely but do you understand me?
I worked hard, so hard that my family even said I wouldn’t be able to with this depression that was circling me.
I found my happiness, in my partner.
I worked on better distractions, I even proved myself wrong, as well as my family.
I bought my first own car. I rented my first house to then buy our first house to then Buying my second car. I feel like I’ve done it all, have it all. A dream come true.
I’ve started a family and I don’t have it as hard as some people out there but I am grateful.
TL;DR** this is about my ex who think I had hope for 4 years, only to remind me that I was nothing more than just friends with benefits, he lied, cheated and much more. I’ve now moved on and I’m in a better place**
Thanks for reading! Something that’s needed to be said and I think this is the best place to have it.
I want to hear from you.
Were you in a similar position?
Did you have a toxic relationship?
How long did you keep thing going between you two?
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Top 15 Best Strategy Games for iOS/Android in 2020 - YouTube

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