Best and Coolest Slot Machine Names - Lucky Lady Games

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Slay the Spire and its "family"
Slay the Spire (StS) has finally arrived to Android! For two years many of us dreamed for this legendary game to be accessible on their mobile devices, and finally the day has come. No need to talk about how awesome this game is, how it basically started a new genre of card-based dungeon crawlers (UPD: or roguelike deck-builders, if you prefer the term), and even about how well or poor it works on Android hardware in its current state (there will be lots of these posts during the days to come). What I wanted to talk about is the impact this game had on (specifically) mobile industry and how other developers were able to utilize this innovative formula in their own products.
Personally, I am somewhat glad that StS release was delayed that much. This allowed a lot of "clones" to be spawned, many of which I enjoyed playing. Some of them appear to be straight rip-offs, but others introduced many fresh ideas of their own, some even surpassing the predecessor's greatness. What the heck am I talking about and how is this even possible will be revealed to you, should you decide to stay on a bit and read through the article below.

General info

First and foremost, let's clarify the important thing: card based dungeon crawlers are not Collectible Card Games (CCGs). Even though they share the same ideas, and some of them (StS included) even have a feature to permanently improve starting cards, or a mode to play with pre-constructed decks, this is not the case for the genre in general. There is no place for multiplayer and PvP battles here: a turn-down for the most, but an undeniable advantage for the rest - only though-out puzzle-like single-player experience which we can pause at any moment and continue when the time is appropriate. Thus, there will never be troubles with downtime, matchmaking, ratings, overpowered builds and other PvP stuff, as there will never be a satisfaction of crushing your opponents with the power of your mighty intellect... The fun of discovering interesting synergies between various card combinations is still present, though.
With this being said, let's quickly look through the core features of the genre, which will be relevant for almost every game we review below: - we must explore a dungeon, which (usually, but not necessarily) consists of three floors with increasing difficulty; - we have limited control over the order in which to face the challenges; - there is a powerful boss in the end of each floor; - we battle using deck of cards, usually drawing new cards from deck to hand each turn; - there is a limitation on how many cards we can play during our turn; - we start with a weak basic deck, but get new cards as rewards for fighting enemies; - there is a possibility to permanently remove (weak) cards from the deck; - successful gameplay strategies revolve around utilizing the synergies between different cards; - there are several character classes, each with their own cards and tactics; - there are often additional items to acquire in the dungeon, providing bonuses and emphasizing specific types of play;
Before Slay the Spire (StS) came out, there was another card-based dungeon crawler called Dream Quest (DQ), which considered by many to be the first game of the genre (at least the first one to make a significant impact). Not sure if the former drew inspiration from the latter, but certain parallels can easily be drawn: in fact, all of the features mentioned in the list above are valid for DQ the same way as it is for StS. The rich plethora of card based dungeon crawlers (both PC/Console and mobile) originated from some combination of the two.
StS, however, can not be considered a clone of DQ, as it introduced a lot of original ideas and spawned its own line of descendants. It is always interesting to analyze each new title to see which of two games was the biggest inspiration, and to group them accordingly. For me the main criteria lies in the core difference in battle system: - in StS, enemies (usually multiple) show their intentions at the beginning of each turn, so we know what to expect and what to play against; - in DQ, the enemy (usually single) draws and plays cards the same way as we do, often using the same abilities and synergies we ourselves can use.
Introductions aside, let's finally get to the interesting part - the games! (Note: Games are listed in alphabetical order to not give any privileges to one over another. For my personal preferences see the comment section).

Dream Quest clones

Call of Lophis takes us on a grim journey through infested lands full of deadly monsters, dangerous traps, and one of the most ridiculous card art I have ever seen. It's surprising to see how dark fantasy elements combine with the humor and gags this game presents. From the gameplay point of view, there is enough card variety and interesting synergies, but it will take a long time to reach the interesting parts. Really: this game just does not know when to end, forcing new and new dungeon locations onto us with basically the same monsters and same approaches to dealing with them over and over. Its the boss battles which crank the difficulty up to over 9000, and if we don't have the right deck by the time we reach them, there is nothing we can do to pull it off. Plus there is some shady business going on with monetization schemes, where even paid version of the game makes us spend money to unlock additional classes and grind a lot to buy permanent improvements. Only truly dedicated players will be interested in dealing with all this nonsense. [...] UPD: Haven't checked on it for a long time - maybe the situation improved somehow.
Crimson Deep is still in early alpha and was not updated for a long time. But the development hasn't stopped, and there is a new major release approaching in the nearest future. It makes no sense to talk about the game till then: the version in the store is too raw to provide any significant gameplay experience, but it would be interesting to see where it goes in the end.
Dimension of Dream is probably the only game that has the same grid-based dungeon layout as DQ itself. This time with full 3D and a possibility to fight only limited set of enemies before facing the final boss (which allows to moderate difficulty as we go, either defeating tougher enemies with better rewards, or to save HP and fight only the easy ones). This game has one of the most interesting battle systems and 6 truly unique classes with deep complex strategies unlike anything we have ever seen (not only the cards themselves, but the order in which we play them greatly affects the outcome). Unfortunately, the English version was pulled from Google Play, leaving only Chinese version for Asian people to enjoy. UPD: Apparently, the game was re-released under different publisher with the title Dreaming Dimension, so there you have it. [...]
Meteorfall: Journeys offers the streamlined approach to dungeon crawling, where all our decisions boil down to Reigns-like "swipe left / swipe right" operation: picking the path, encounter resolutions, and even battles are simplified to utilize this binary choice mechanic. But don't worry: these specifics do not affect the gameplay, still providing enough strategic depth to appeal even to hardcore players. Add here a neat visual style, lots of character classes and their variations, cool card combos, and you get a true masterpiece, which is Meteorfall. [...]
Night of the Full Moon offers a fresh take on a fairy tale of Red Riding Hood, but adding darker elements to it (including werewolves, zombies, mad scientists and cursed cultists). It demonstrates an amazing production quality with top-tier art, beautiful audio support, and intriguing storytelling. Gameplay wise, we have the closest thing to DQ, safe for the grid-based dungeon maps, which were changed to just picking the encounter out of available three. Some people may argue that the game does not offer enough strategic variety, only suggesting a single best build for each class, but you will still get different runs due to the randomness of card and power-up drops. Another argument of it being too easy is completely nullified on higher difficulty levels. Wish the story would develop in a different direction, though. [...]
Spellsword Cards: Origins provides the gameplay similar to the Night of the Full moon, but focuses more on role-playing character development part. Aside from choosing a class, we also get to pick race with unique traits, and a school of magic, greatly affecting which cards will be available to us during the run. The problem here, though, is that monster encounters do not demonstrate a lot of variety, forcing us to fight the same enemies over and over, and the difficulty is rather high, with starting cards doing almost nothing and enemies quickly run out of hand with their devastating attacks, whereas good cards are hard to come by, and even then you will still be devastated on later stages. [...] UPD: Or maybe I am just bad at this game (welcome to comment section for valid strategy suggestions).

Slay the Spire clones

Blood Card offers a unique possibility to construct the dungeon ourselves, providing a pool of encounters of different types: regular monsters, elite monsters, events and shops. We pick a desired encounter from the pool, deal with it and then move on to the next one. Another interesting feature is that our health is defined by the number of cards in draw pile, which limits our tactical possibilities, but is compensated by the fact that we get multiple copies of cards as rewards for fighting enemies. There are a lot of interesting mechanics related to moving cards between various piles, as well as other neat features (like: the Death inevitably arrives in three turns and starts whacking everyone on the field with increasing persistence), but I'll leave them for you to discover on your own.
Card Crusade seemed like a cool idea of mixing classic "roguelike" dungeon crawling with its "deck-based" counterpart, where we explore the dungeon the same way as we do it in Hack, Angband, Pixel Dungeon and other similar games, but use cards to fight actual enemies. In reality though, this implementation just adds a useless abstraction, as the adventuring does not provide any tactical benefits and is only there to inter-connect battle sequences (heck, even breaking pots and chests does not give us any coin, of which developers themselves warn us at the very beginning!). The cards are not very interesting, with next to none cool synergies, and new classes (which should be unlocked by performing specific actions on previous runs) do not provide any major difference. [...]
Card Quest takes us on an epic journey through fantasy lands, where we will perform great deeds as one of the classic RPG hero classes (fighter, wizard, rogue, ranger), each with their own equipment and fighting disciplines. The interesting part is that the cards we use during runs are defined by said equipment, and if we find some new pieces during our adventure, we get to keep them for further runs. Also worth noting that defense cards are played not during our turn, but during enemy turn, which requires us to plan ahead a bit. This being said, the game is extremely hard - it will take a lot of unsuccessful tries to finally reach the end. But the variety of dungeons and possible builds will keep us occupied for long.
Dungeon Tales for a long time was the closest, yet simplified copy of StS mechanics (up to similar cards and gaming strategies), but without certain elaborate features, like upgrading cards or using potions. The basics are left intact though: we still build our deck along the way and face the powerful boss in the end. There are only two characters available yet, but each has a couple of viable builds, so it can keep us invested for quite some time. [...]
Endless Abyss is a close StS clone with very similar character classes (only two so far) and a lot of cards with exactly the same effects. Graphically the game looks very good, but angry monetization, lots of grinding, and forced ads make it almost impossible to fully enjoy. [...]
Heroes of Abyss is a predecessor to Endless Abyss with basically the same core gameplay, but very simplified dungeon crawling part. There is no floor map with choosing our path, nor there are elaborate adventure events: just a series of battles with the boss in the end. The spoils we get after each battle go into improving our starting deck and unlocking new difficulty modes with higher rewards. What makes the game unusual, is that we chose the preferred build right from the beginning with appropriate set of starting cards, without the need to rely on the randomness of card drops. It may be interesting to unlock and compare all the 6 available builds, but once the task is done, there is almost no reason to play the game further.
Heroes Journey provides a different setting for a change: this time we will play as space explorers, who crash landed on an alien planet. Thus, instead of familiar swords and bows, we will be wielding blasters and energy shields: the rest remains the same, up to the majority of cards straight up copied from StS. Unfortunately, this innovative idea was completely ruined by repetitive grinding and angry monetization, forcing player to make dozens of identical runs with the same small card pool, until something adequate is unlocked. Oh, and the game is long abandoned by the developers.
Pirates Outlaws is an amazing rework of original StS ideas in a pirate setting with some changes to gameplay mechanics, such as introducing persistent charges needed to play certain cards, and different buff/debuff statuses that replace each other. There are also some questionable features, such as ship stamina that deteriorates over the course of the journey and leads to game over if not repaired in time, or a quest system, where quests can not be completed in parallel, but instead picking the new quest resets your progress in the current one. Some may also argue that new classes take long to grind for, or expensive to pay for, but with permanent booster pack this should not be a problem. Anyway, the game is highly recommended for any StS fan. [...]
Rogue Adventure offers a twist to usual mechanic: our hand is limited by 4 cards, but each time we use one of them, a new card is immediately drawn to its place, thus we never run out of cards to play. Non-starting cards are common for all classes, but are grouped by type (or race), giving huge synergies depending on how many similar cards we have. Aside from this, the game offers diverse gameplay by providing a lot of different classes, each with its own unique strategies and dynamics, and some interesting items to work around. The developers constantly provide updates with bug fixes and new content, but be warned that new mechanics may break what you are already accustomed for.
Royal Booty Quest started as a straight rip-off from StS with the same classes and abilities, and even cards having the same names. And absolutely atrocious pixelated visuals, which were not possible to look at without eyes bleeding out. Over time, though, it developed its own unique mechanics and interesting card combinations, but the art style did not get any better. However, if this is not a problem, the game is enjoyable to an extent, but since it was not updated for a long time, I doubt it will keeps anyone's interest for long. [...]
Tavern Rumble adds an unusual strategic element - a 3x3 grid, on each units and enemies are placed. The core gameplay remains the same (we still see what opponents are planning to do each turn and adjust our own strategy accordingly), but the addition of the grid introduces another tactical layer: not only we should maximize the damage output, but also plan the layout for our troops to provide the effective delivery of said output, while at the same time establish enough defense to minimize the damage to ourselves. There are a lot of cards and classes to play around, different play modes and a lot of features that are still being constantly added to the game. Some may argue about simplistic pixel graphics or long repetitive grinding, but it is easy to unlock everything within reasonable amount of time, even without paying. [...]

Other Games

Of course, my criteria does not work 100% of the time, as some games are way too different from anything else to confidently enroll them into one of the categories. They either demonstrate traits of both, or implement entirely unique mechanics of their own (which I like the most), while still maintaining the basic dungeon crawling ideas (so a lot of the games you might think of will not end up in the list). What I have in mind is the following:
Dungeon Reels removes the cards from card-based dungeon crawler - why bother, right? Instead, it provides some kind of a slot machine, where each turn three rows spin independently to pick available actions based on what slots we have in our reel. Winning battles awards us with new, better slots to add, each with their own specifics and synergies. Enemies also randomize their moves with slots of their own, but the most satisfying mechanic is the possibility to spin a jackpot with three identical slots for some powerful effect. It is interesting to see this concept developed further, but the game has not been updated for a long time.
Iris and the Giant takes us on journey through imaginary world, inspired by Ancient Greek mythology. Each battle takes place on a grid, where various enemies advance in huge numbers. We play a card from our hand, usually dealing damage to nearest enemy, and then everyone who is still standing and can reach us deals damage in return. There are cards that target multiple enemies at once, as well as ways to play more than one card during our turn, so most of the time we will be deciding which card to play at which moment. The deck has limited size, and if it becomes empty we lose, so new cards should be constantly acquired. There are a lot of interesting mechanics to discover, but the game is very hard and luck based, requiring a lot of trial-and-error to finally reach the end. [...]
Phantom Rose Scarlet has the same basic core, but with completely innovative battle system, not seen in any other game. On each turn there are four positions for cards to be played in strict order, where two of them are randomly filled with opponent's cards, and the remaining two are left for us to fill. Instead of drawing the hand, we have our entire deck available right away, but playing cards puts them on a cooldown, which does not reset between battles, so we constantly face the strategic choice of playing our best cards right away or keep them for later. The game is in active development, providing new mechanics and further developing the story, which is quite captivating here. [...]
Void Tyrant is a bit of a stretch, but still a "card based dungeon crawler", in which we basically play BlackJack against our enemies by dealing card with numbers from 1 to 6 one-by-one from our deck until we stand or bust. Whoever has the highest value wins and deals damage to the loser. There are various supporting cards on top of this mechanic, allowing us to either jinx the outcome in our favor, or to perform various other metagame manipulations. The only downside of the game is the lack of content, as it quickly runs out of interesting things, and since it was not updated for a long time, it is unlikely that anything new will be added in the future. [...]


As you see, there is a lot to play besides StS, so even if you are not hyped by its long-awaited Android release, but appreciate a good intellectual dungeon crawler, you will find something to suit your needs. I hope, even with StS release, new games of the genre will continue appearing on mobile phones, and I will gladly review them and add to the list. If you know any hidden gems (or even trash) that was not highlighted in this article, please share the names and/or links in the comments. I am also open to any discussions on the topic, as I am obviously able to talk a lot about my favorite genre.
Good luck to everyone in all your endeavors.
P.S. I am well aware of games like Dungeon Cards, Card Adventure, Dungeon Faster, Meteorfall: Krumitz Tale, Card Thief, Maze Machina, Cube Card, Card Hog, Fisherman, Relics of the Fallen and other "grid-based puzzles", but do not consider them to be a part of the "family".
submitted by Exotic-Ad-853 to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

[1.1 Update] Complete List of Verified Perks (Working / Not Working / Partially Working) [WIP]

Update: All items and perks testing completed. Still updating based on feedback as it comes in. I'll update the text below soon.
Update: Added a tab for bonuses per skill level and attribute level
Update: Tested the non functioning (Partially or Not Working) perks/items for the 1.11 hotfix. Several changes noted in the change log. I think I'll reserve testing the whole list for more significant updates, but definitely looking out for people posting/messaging about things they found that are not working/working. Already got 1 perk not working that was before.

Up to date Perks and Items and Skill Levels Testing can be found here: Link to Spreadsheet

Hope you guys find this helpful!
Reddit list last updated: 1/26/2021

Body - Athletics

Body - Annihilation

Body - Street Brawler

Reflexes - Assault

Reflexes - Handguns

Reflexes - Blades

Intelligence - Breach Protocol

Intelligence - Quickhacking

Technical Abilities - Crafting

Technical Abilities - Engineering

Cool - Stealth

Cool - Cold Blood

submitted by iCheekz to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Here are the alien related reports I've found in the new files.

I understand why nobody wants to really dig though these files. Some of them are reports of things like lunches with political people discussing utterly mundane politics, Russian TV listings, or other random stuff.
Every 1 out of 5 has some interesting things in it however, I've found a couple very interesting things so far. Some so incredible that it casts doubt on any of it, but here it is. I've not gone though them all, but I did spend about 3 hours just clicking on random files.
Obviously, some of this is bullshit. The lockness monster is not a dinosaur's ghost... I'm just sorting through all the "we got your letter" replies and reports of, whatever and linking UFO related stuff.
You should check em out for yourself. It's like a slot machine. You might get a report of what two people had for lunch, or you might find how Atlantis fell and remains at the bottom of Lake Titicaca via remote viewing...
"Still, they have managed to collect materials confirming such visits. Additionally, COL.Liyov said that according to an expert in unidentified flying objects, Russian antiaircraft forces downed a UFO in the north Caucasus last year and even took an alien "captive".
Oh, just got lucky and hit another one that actually talks UFO's;
"Still, they have managed to collect materials confirming such visits. Additionally, COL.Liyov said that according to an expert in unidentified flying objects, Russian antiaircraft forces downed a UFO in the north Caucasus last year and even took an alien "captive".
Essentially, the "object" was apparently simultaneously observed by a tanker aircraft (KC-19) pilot (visually) and by a ground reader.
Woah, this one feels significant;
The photography for this project was subblied by the Aerial Phenomena Office of the FTF (TDET/UFO), located at Wright-Patterson AFB... The photographic package included the photo enlargements of the UFO...
Their movement was slow but otherwise initially was not entirely unlike that of satellites he had seen before. Suddenly, however, the direction of movement changed... "Flying saucers" reported seen over Spain...
Initial sighting 2 objects 10 miles apart 2nd sighting picked up on screens... travelling towards ? at estimated speed of 6 thousand miles per hour. 3rd sighting...which made 160 degree turn and dropped off screen...
The chief piolet for Transair Airlines, Flight Captian... And his flight mechanic.... Reported that while flying over Skaane, they sighted a mysterious circular metal object flying in the opposite direction estimated at the speed of sound...
the Air Force is the executive agency and, in fact, the only agency qualified to speak on Unidentified Flying Objects... Air Force comes up A LOT.
This one is a quite detailed accounting;
But the beam of light suddenly opened up, turining into a brilliant luminous cone.... A second cone emerged...
Visual observations of UFO sightings... Two photographs... The paper was able to publish excerpts from only a few of the "more than 100 visual observations" compiled by teh commanders... "The target did not respond to the "identify--friend or for" request...
There is no need to establish contact with unearthly civilizations or to take precautions against unexpected contact with aliens. Unexpected things await us on Earth..... [Video shows Shommer sitting on what appears to be the hatch of a large saucer-like structure]....
An experimental space vehicle weighing 400kg was found on 25 September... It is strongly believed this rocket belongs to the Air Force... Will be collected by specialized personnel and taken to the Cordoba Air Force garrison...
The concept of creating an aircraft whose principal of operation is based on lift from an inert gas (hydrogen, helium)... Project being carried out by associates of the "Thermoplan" design Bureau... Develop an aircraft with a lifting capacity of 800 metric tons... From above, it looks like a disk about 20 meters in diameter. From the side it looks like a lens...
Three UFO's were seen midnight 29 October in different places in Las Tunas Province....
Bert gave remote-viewing a bad name, because of all of the other stuff he was involved in, says a former senior Pentagon official who knew him... Dellafiora eschewed remote viewing and instead "channeled" her psycic data through a group of entities....
A UFO landed in a mountain pass in the vicinity of Atsavan Village...
We turned off the light as quickly as possible. At this time, I saw shadowy form above the horizon to the south... There were two sources of light connected to the object...
Abstract: The author... presents several striking and reliable UFO observations and refutes the theory of U.S astrophycisist...
This file contains not only many documentary photographs and drawings, but also testimonies by actual participants in the events... Referred to this case as "a horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial creatures.... Launched a surface to air missle and hit the UFO.. Five short hominoids with large heads and large black eyes emerged from it... The creatures moved together and merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape... It exploded into a brilliant light and "instantly turned 23 solders into... Stone poles"...
Edit - There are so many "mundane" ufo reports in here, at this point I'm only gonna update if I find something absolutely insane, like that last one where the aliens merged into a light which turned 23 people into stone...
Edit - Just a few more involving UFO's in general, or coverups, or things that just seem interesting. Some are have few details, but I just included because of the names or places, or idea's which were being acknowledged. A few are pretty detailed accountings...
To thank him for his interest in possible affiliation as a consultant in the CIA attack on the "Flying Saucer problem"...
The following is a summary of the current situation with respect to the investigation of unidentified flying objects...
Overall committee responsibility for A) investigating UFO's and B) Handling all information releases to the public is voted in the Department of Air force.
Opened the meeting by saying that a project is to be started in the P&E division on Flying Saucers...
Among the case histories of significant sightings discussed in detail were the following...
German Engineer states soviets have German flying saucer experts...
Danish defense authorities take a serious view of the problem of flying saucers.... although most of the observations have turned out to be astronomical phenomena, there remains reports...
Moscow September 4 TASS -- unidentified flying objects and poltergiests, the bermuda triangle and the snowman will be the topics..
Even in China reports of Flying Saucers have begun...
Leading Soviet Newspapers have increased their reporting on UFO sightings...
"On file in the CIA library is a explotiation report of a metallic fragment...
Flying object was seen...
The Sphere appeared suddenly and at the first sighting was about three times the size of the full moon...
And I'm tired of pulling quotes. Just assume the rest are in the same nature.
Since I was more or less going though this at random, I keep turning up on things I've seen and can't find a good place to dig in anymore really so I think I'm done.
I encourage you to try your luck; You don't have to download the whole thing, you can just check individual files like I did. If you find anything interesting post it up. I wanna hear what you guys think about this stuff.
submitted by brendafiveclow to aliens [link] [comments]

I heard you guys like reading patch notes... So how about a fake one?

General / QoL


Gacha / Shop

In Consideration



Battlepass / 12 Episode Anime


Elemental Reactions

  • Vaporize's Steam deals aoe damage
  • Overloads damage (electro->pyro) now deals x1.5 (pyro) damage
  • Overloads damage (pyro->electro) now deals x2 (pyro) damage.
  • Overload's knockback decreased significantly
  • Superconduct's damage (electro->cryo) now deals 2x (cryo) damage
  • Superconduct's damage (cryo->electro) now deals 1.5x (cryo) damage
  • Superconduct's negative armor debuff is moved to Melt
  • Melt gains the negative armor debuff due to the sudden temperature change, making surfaces brittle.
  • Melt damage consequently reduced. (pyro->hydro) at x1.4% , (hydro->pyro) at x1.8%
  • Geo New Reaction : Smoldering Rock or something (pyro->geo)(reverse not applicable) deals x0.3 (pyro damage) on top of crystallize
  • Geo New Reaction : Mud or something (hydro->geo)(geo->hydro) deals x0.1 (geo damage) on top of crystallize, slows enemy movement
  • Geo New Reaction : Snow or something (hydro->geo)(reverse not applicable) deals x0.2 (cryo damage) on top of crystallize, slows enemy attack speed
  • Geo New Reaction : Seeds or something (dendro->geo) deals x0.1 (dendro damage) on top of crystallize, restores 3% of your hp. Or entangle. Prevents enemy movement (can still attacc and cast spells)


  • Enemies inside domains and abyss have their return-to-spawn-point-then-regenerate-to-full-health disabled.
  • Enemy AI a bit smarter. Those with mobility skills (whopper, smol geovishap, cycin mages) won't follow you to drown in the water. The game will not check if you are wet , but if you are in a swimming state.
  • Enemies attack cycle improve. Fixed bug when enemies stop attacking. Baedou Problems.
  • Hydro Abyss Mage's and Hydro Fatui Gunner's Hydro Barrier now takes the same damage rate/ratio from opposing elements (cryo,electro) for consistency.
  • Hydro barrier new opposing element : Geo. It makes it harder to maintain the water shield due to the mud soaking up the water and adding weight.
  • Boss Childe's Spirit Whale Attack generates water in the sides of the arena, pushing you towards the center. You must have enough stamina to keep dashing to the sides before he does this, or you will have to perfectly dodge the spirit whale attack.
  • Hydro SamaChurl now heals at a rate of +300/HoT per AR Milestone instead of percentage. This is for when you are hunting a LawaChurl Bounty that is near dead and healed to full health in 3 seconds. Having a fixed amount of healing ensures that it is big enough for the intended smaller enemies and portionally good enough for large enemies. The other option is to use different healing ratios for small and large enemies.
  • Queen of Pain , I mean Cycin Mages have a stagger window when they are about to cast their almost-undispellable shield
  • Zed , I mean Shadow Fatui Agent makes use of his shadows to dodge your attack sometimes.
  • Smol Geo Vishap now drops less geo shields
  • Smol Geo Vishap now uses his rolling attack near you, not 150m away from you.
  • Smol Geo Vishap now burrows a bit less frequently
  • Ruin Hunter doesn't stay in the air up and raining artillery forever , in consideration of bowless comps
  • Fatui Cryo and Hydro Gunner Turn Rate Reduced by 10% when on Spray Mode.
  • Primo GeoVishap now has a tired/exhausted animation, instead of standing still and looking at you and what life could have been for 10 seconds.
  • Primo GeoVishap spin attack now has a 0.2 dodge window (previously none) and Spin Radius Decreased by 100m.


  • Dvalin's Cutscene when you dispel his barrier is removed and much smoother. He just falls in place and no clipping.
  • Character's "Main Stat" is now visible in attributes. Previously you can only know it when ascending or when using google, or if you really have a big brain.
  • All characters passive talents are now combat related.
  • All characters now have their own cooking/exploration/crafting/smithing talents. It is possible not to have OR have multiple talents in each category. We get it , everyone can taste what a good gravy is, but not everyone can make a good gravy.


  • Alternate sprint binded to a different hotkey.
  • Yes I came from the future.


  • Elevator can be activated to go up and down by using the F key.
  • C2 stack counter / indicator via particles (think of razor geo sigils)
  • C4 plunged attack covers albedo's sword in geo energy (like noelle, but smol)
  • C6 crystallize shield has a different shape (leaf)


  • Increased ultimate radius by a tiny bit.
  • Allow targeting of ulimate by holding the ultimate button.
  • If baron bunny is present in the ultimate radius, it will absorb all pyro damage and deal it as bonus damage when it blows up.
  • If baron bunny was "charged" with pyro rain and hit with a C2 charged shot, it will trigger a micheal bay explosion animation.


  • Restored Barbara's Energetic Voice Lines
  • New Lines sold seperately as Dark Barbara™ , comes with a Dark Dress
  • C6 Revive indicator is now visible as a buff.
  • C4 now generates flying energy particles instead of instantly regaining energy. Mind you that this is a fucking nerf to this piece of shit healer that freezes you. It's just that there's no flying particles when you use this hero.


  • Casting the elemental skill applies a strong taunt and re-initializes enemies attack loop.
  • Bullet Time effect added when triggering a perfect counter, when playing in single player mode.
  • The ultimate's chain lightning deals tiny spark damage if it didn't jump.
  • C2 chain lightning has a different color.
  • C4 buff is triggered when you do a perfect counter (Taking damage to activate a skill promotes bad gameplay)
  • C4 perfect counter grants the maximum damage bonus
  • C4 shield has a different color.
  • C6 has aura on the ground (inspired by Dota 2's Necrophos , but purple)


  • C6 Ultimate pyro infusion just adds pyro damage to your attacks, and won't convert them fully into pyro.
  • C6 Ultimate restores up to 100% hp.


  • Improved manly posture when in aiming mode
  • C4 Riptide slash and flash uses different coloparticles/animation
  • C6 has an indicator when it works and when it is available


  • Cryo Field's Cryo infusion just adds cryo damage to your attacks, and won't convert them fully into cryo.


  • What seriously? You really want more?
  • Fuck this guy in particular
  • Elemental Sword Duration Indicator added
  • C6 his flames has some bluish tint


  • Fixed shield duration bug and increased by additional 1.1 seconds per claw.
  • Shield ratio based off max hp increased by 10%
  • C2 reduces skill cooldown by -2 seonds (press) and -4 (hold). The coop shield is added by default out of the box. Anything coop should not be locked behind a paywall because it will hurt the game and fanbase.
  • C4 has been reworked to grant normal and aimed uncharged shots 25% chance to deal charged attack shots.
  • C6 radius is increased and uses a different color.


  • Ultimate now deals tiny bit of damage per 0.2 seconds tick when making contact with enemies (aside from getting hit by lightning once)
  • Ultimate can fly/pass through thorn walls. I'm looking at you Dendro Samachurl.
  • Shadow Raven Let Night F---!!!
  • C4 Ultimate hp restored now scales off damage dealt by the ult.


  • holding the elemental skill allows you to aim and won't make you backdash
  • C4 Freezing Field changes color intensity per damage increase
  • C6 free frost charged arrow now works with normal unaimed attacks.
  • C6 uses a different particle color. Sometime it turns into a bazooka.


  • Reduced Increased swaying of boobs by a tiny amount while holding the skill. You can kinda feel them slapping against your face. You can almost describe their softness and warmth in a minimum of 10 pages apart from you going sommelier describing how deep her sweat tastes like.
  • Jean's Charged Attack Launch Height is too damn high that you cant even hit the enemy, so - Reworked Jean's Charged Attack : Holding the attack button launches the enemy in the air. If you keep holding it down you will perform 3 slashes in the air. If you let go early you will stay on the ground.
  • Base Attack Increased by +5
  • Jean can now pick up the slimes dropped by enemies and use it against them for a bighead move
  • Ultimate radius is increased
  • Ultimate Wall Mechanic Reversed. Enemies are now trapped inside. When you use your skill (usually to regain energy) you can air-wall slam them. Block Projectiles from outside.
  • If any of you actually played jean support, a normal person would use ult to heal, cast skill to regain energy, then switch back to other characters. It doesn't make fucking sense to push them outside your wind arena because you want to fight inside the swirl/healing zone.
  • Ultimate swirls every 0.2 seconds , depending on what elements are inside. Field Changes Color Each Time Like a Disco Ball
  • Ultimate now slowly succs enemies to the center(without lifting them up)
  • Ultimate Damage is consequently reduced.
  • C1 Uses a different colored windblast
  • C2 Buff Indicator
  • C4 uses a different color wind field
  • C6 Ultimate is now an aura and moves with you. To break away from "buffed area" convention.
  • C6 Ultimate will get you to keep the windsaber for the ult's duration
  • C6 Shield Buff Indicator via Particle and Status Icon


  • Base attack incresed by 5
  • Elemental Skill (Hold) Sprays Ice , think of Igni but Ice in Witcher 3 or DND's Burning Hands
  • C2 Icicles light up when you defeat an enemy indicating that it really works
  • C4 Barrier is of different shape
  • C6 uses a different icicle particle for bling purposes


  • Aiming mode feels a lot smoother. You can aim while moving and cursor immediately shows and the kungfu pose is only done when throwing the stilleto.
  • When in single player mode, casting your ultimate produces a bullet time effect.
  • C4 Buff Indicator
  • C6 Description is confusing as fuck.
  • C6 Buff indicator
  • C6 Makes your sword light up like a lightsaber.


  • Imroved Torch/Bonfire/Campfire and the likes Lockon (if there's any to begin with)
  • Throwing Jumpty Dumpty provides 0.1s iframe during her spin
  • Ult is now no longer greedy. Pyro satellites remain when you switch characters, making our lovable klee open up for support options. Child support.
  • C4 is now manually triggered, Pressing q again will make her explode, bigger damage based off remaining duration. less duration left, less damage.
  • C6 klee uses different bombs


  • A lingerie shop is opened in Mondstadt to change her pantsu, socks and garter belt style and colors. Black Leather Tight Suit™ Sold Seperately.
  • Option to wear glasses as a Librarian added.
  • Climbing voice volume is re-mastered in asmr microphone, in all languages.
  • Requires "i am of legal age" consent in the user center
  • Elemental skill (press) aoe slightly increased.
  • Base attack increased by 15.


  • Alternate dash is now binded to alt key.
  • Hydro Puppet now deals half damage upon cast and half damage upon explosion.
  • C6 normal attacks use a different attack animation.

MC (Anemo)

  • Palm vortex can be casted in midair to break your fall (but not propel you up)

MC (Geo)

  • When you overlap geo boulders (aimed mode) it will trigger the geo explosion of the older rock, then replace it with a new one


  • Holding the skill button surrounds her in mini jade screens , unable to perform any action until it is released or ends. Useful for cinematic stuff. Imagine tanking childe's whale attack. Or someone wants to recreate triple rashomon scene.
  • C6 has a chance to use different attack animation.
  • C6 star jade now resembles a primo gem.


  • Elemental Sword Duration Indicator added
  • C1 heals have a special effect and voice line when conditions are met.
  • C2 upgrade uses a different charged attack animation.
  • C4 uses a different barrier color
  • C6 upgrade uses different ult (possibly red with the same hue as her skirt) color.


  • C2 reworked as -15% attack debuff
  • C4 reworked as -20% elemental resistance debuff
  • C6 cooldown/availability indicator.
  • C6 has a different bling/color


  • Transformation Duration Indicator added
  • C1 increased damage now really works
  • C1 now has a buff indicator that it really works
  • C2 now has a special crit indicator
  • C4 armor shred now has a (claw mark) armor shred indicator that it really works
  • C4 (hold) has increased damage so it doesn't feel left out. It also has electro explosions similar to when you mine an electric ore as a special effect to indicate that you are C4 and have a big PP.
  • C6 covers your sword with electricity (like diluc) when it is charged and ready
  • Yes I play razor a lot.


  • Fixed crafting bug not producing any bonus when using large quantities (say 100+)
  • Improved lock on when blowing off dandelion flowers. Idk how she keeps missing them even at point blank range, Hell , at any given range.
  • C1 if you overlap the wind nukes the second one will be a 0.1s delay then it will go off with a slightly bigger radius
  • C2 ult has a different color
  • C4 has an indicator that it works
  • C6 buff indicator


  • Wind current generated by skill (hold) allows him to fall slower without gliding, and allows him to shoot wind lasers. Ehe
  • C2 Charged Shot produces a bullet time effect when shot at point blank or if all 3 arrows hit a single enemy. Sometimes he draws the holy lyre and it transforms into a primitive shotgun.
  • C4 buff indicator.
  • C6 uses different vacuum color


  • Ultimate deals additional damage when cast at point blank because you get stab and bonk while she is twirling her spear.
  • C2 last attack leaves a flaming trail special effect (inspired by kyo or iori from king of fighters)
  • C6 upon cast, Xianling automatically does a speed-up full normal attack combo and then releases the pyronado normally (while covered in flames or some shit). If you are in single player mode and there are no other enemies within 150 radius the ult will cause the screen to black out, like in legend of legaia.
  • C6 during the ultimate if it contacts with gouba's flames it produces micheal bay effects while raining carpet bombs and shit.
  • Yes flat is justice.


  • Floating Swords Duration added
  • Fixed crafting bug not producing any bonus when using large quantities (say 100+)
  • C4 Allows you to hold the elemental skill for double backflips (inspired by law from tekken) cooldown is 1 month.
  • C4 Elem Skill leaves a faint rainbow (when ulted)
  • C6 Swords emit faint rainbow color. Rainbow power motherf-


  • Hitting large enemies counts as 2 enemies.
  • C1 buff indicator
  • C2's level 3 shield has some bluish flames
  • C6 charged attack uses a diffent attack animation or has an indicator that it works


  • Transformation Duration Indicator added
  • C2 now leaves a trail of anemo energy that deals tiny bit of damage , trail lasts for 1 second and deals at 0.2s intervals.
  • C6 plunge attack counts large enemies as 2.
  • C6 plunge-attack-no-cooldown-empowered-dashes uses a different particle color and produces a bullet time effect when used for the 3rd time onwards. useful for cinematic purposes
  • C6 during the bullet time you can sneak in a normal attack once per dash
  • Bullet time is always disabled in multiplayer


  • Increased pillar aoe by a tiny bit
  • Generates energy particles per pulse, maximum of 1 enemy per pillar
  • Base attack increased by 5
  • Travelers can redeem promo code "WHOSYOURDADDY" for additional +5 damage, regardless if they have the hero or not.
  • Attack ratios increased by 3% per attack category.
  • C1 has a slightly bigger dong eherm statue
  • C4 Chaos Meteor errrr I mean Order Meteor has a different rock color
  • C6 shield uses a different color , come on you get the drift already.
  • C6 Meteor is affected by the element of the barrier you are wearing. The element is dealt as secondary damage, primary damage is still geo. (flaming space rock?)

Why different coloparticles/animation when you have C1-C6 upgrade?

It makes whales feels special, and it gives F2P players something to aspire for. It makes you want to spend with all the bling. Particle recolor is easy peasy and can be deployed within minutes. Attack animations on the other hand are time consuming. It almost always put smile in people's faces when a whale shows up in a ferrari. "Dude check this out a C6 GeoDaddy joined my domain run. Look at the size of his statue. Oh my what a BIG meteor."

Why are you doing this?

It's just for my amusement. I'm still adding random thoughts now that 1.3 has launched. I don't care if nothing gets implemented. I would nut hard in my shorts with QoL and alleged bug/bugfixes mentioned in this post more than anything.


Leave your thoughts below. Sorry and not sorry for the broken engrish , feel free to copy and paste whatever, use it wherever idc as long as it doesn't annoy or harm someone. Translate it in your language etc. No credits needed etc. Let your mind flow


  • Thanks for the awards and all kinds of reception
  • You guys are awesome and insane that's a shit load of awards thank you.
submitted by lordpuza to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

Version 1.1.20




Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
submitted by FactorioTeam to factorio [link] [comments]

No, you can't have a naked picture of my kid

I do not give permission for this post to be shared anywhere. At all. It belongs on this subreddit only.
The big casino compromise was that MIL and SFIL came to visit yesterday instead, because no fucking way am I seeing them after they go to a giant casino on Christmas to lick COVID off a slot machine.
I had read Toxic In-Laws (link in the resources page for this sub) this week. And made myself a list of statements that start with "I'm not willing..." and "I am willing..." as is advised in the book. So I felt better prepared for her visit and better prepared to discuss the babysitting thing if it came up. So of course, it did not.
She found out that I had unfriended her on FB, finally, and sent my husband a series of text messages saying I clearly hated her and she was done trying (girl what have you even tried?). My husband said what he always says, which is, "Mom, you're inventing this. You are making this up in your head. No one is slighting you, no one is mad at you, you are welcome in our home, I'm not discussing it further." She sulked for a few days and then asked to come visit this weekend as if the convo had never happened.
My husband said, "Well apparently she's realized that will get her nowhere, so can we just let it go?"
Thanks to Toxic In-Laws, I know my MIL is a fan of injustice collecting and also criticism by proxy. But I also know that the best time to address things is when they happen. MIL is out of FB drama to send to DH, since she can't invent slights from my FB posts anymore, so we will see if that ends the text screeds. If it does not, I have a plan.
All that to say I agreed to let it go. She has only EVER called/texted him with made up drama if she'd been looking at my FB (seeing other grandparents, SMIL getting a good grandma name, I appear more appreciative of other people than her, where is HER good grandma FB points, etc etc etc), so I set a boundary by unfriending her, I am satisfied with that.
We had an incredibly pleasant visit. Two boundaries in a week (well, she found OUT about two in one week) seems to have shaken her up a little, she was on her best behavior. Plus, there were presents to disperse and that is the great joy of her life. She didn't try to overstep or keep LO from me, she even took my gentle advice and sat a bit away from him and talked to him for a while before trying to hold him (he does NOT like people in his face).
A thing you should know about MIL is she has an entire baby album seemingly dedicated to DH's exposed junk, which he finds very trying. It's a lot. It's too much. Baby butts are adorable but why do you have 9 pictures of him from the back while he's crawling, with his junk hanging down totally visible? I used to work in child protection and I have strong opinions about people who share naked pictures of their babies on social media. Even if the pedophile who sees it likes older children, your naked baby could become trading material on the corners of the internet where things like that can be traded. I don't trust MIL with anything that I won't put on social media because, you know, everything goes on social media.
LO has a heart shaped birthmark high up on his left butt cheek. It's precious. If he were a realistic baby doll, it would be the little manufacturer logo, it looks placed there so intentionally. It's the cutest goddamn thing. DH mentioned it and she said, "Well next time you have him disrobed, take a picture for me!" I said, "No. We don't take pictures of LO with his clothes off."
She said, "I didn't mean for Facebook, I mean just for me to see it!" I said, in a neutral tone, "I am not willing to take pictures of my son with his clothes off. DH, why don't you show MIL the birthmark now, in person?"
So he pulled LO's diaper to the side so she could see the birthmark, she agreed it's the cutest thing she's ever seen in her life, and we all continued with our visit. No one got mad, no one argued with me. "I am not willing" has a different intention than "I won't" or "I can't," and it is already working for me!
Sorry for the rambling update, but I was so happy to tell her something and not have her handwave me, interrupt me, ignore me, or tell me, "It's fine, I'll just..." when I said a firm no.
submitted by thirtyflirtyandpetty to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

The History of Ground Types in OU

Catalogue for Previous Weeks - F.A.Q
Song of the Week
This article is far too long to fit within the thread word limit, so it's going to be continued in a child comment which I'll link when it gets there. Furthermore, I've elected to name a few pokemons who technically have niches but too fringe to expand more on. Some of them can be found in previous weeks if appropriate.
Rhydon and Golem are the most prominent Ground types in the tier, the former with significant more usage stats in the modern metagame. Their shared Rock Ground typing hardwalls Zapdos and, to a much less prominent degree, Jolteon and Moltres. They’re also both countered by Exeggutor, as well as weak to the very popular Blizzard slamming them on their pitiful special bulk.
Rhydon is the significantly more popular of the two. It boasts better bulk, though not to a significant degree. More crucially, it has a 130 base Atk that allows its Earthquake to 2HKO Chansey, 3HKO Slowbro (sometimes), and 3HKO Snorlax. As it threatens these slower bulky mons, it can use many opportunities to set up a Substitute. Rhydon is the only viable user of the move this generation, seeing as it doesn’t block status in gen 1, but Rhydon was already immune to Thunder Wave. It needs to watch out for Sleep Powder & Stun Spore from Exeggutor, however. STAB Rock Slide helps it chase out the fliers which it walls, and the last move slot is reserved for Body Slam, whose only real use is to threaten Paralysis on Starmie or Exeggutor’s switching in. Rhydon can be an incredibly dangerous threat given some Paralysis support, and being immune to Thunder Wave itself is a great characteristic to have.
Golem’s advantages over Rhydon are: speed (which outspeeds nothing more than opposing Rhydons) and Explosion. Its Earthquake misses on very important benchmarks, and therefore it leverages its Explosion, the 2nd strongest move in the game behind Snorlax’s Self-Destruct, to wallbreak for its teammates. While Rhydon can be a late-game sweeper, Golem instead darts in and out of battle to scout for the perfect Explosion timing. OHKO-ing an opposing Tauros can be game-breaking, but it has to be very careful of Gengar or opposing Rock Grounds absorbing it.
Not mentioned: Sandslash
The ground typing becomes even more prominent in this generation. As Blizzard has been largely phased out, along with the legendary Electrics being on every single team spamming Thunder, every notable Ground types can act as a switch to them.
Nidoking is an excellent offensive threat in the GSC metagame. Aside from STAB EQ, it also learns the famed Ice Beam Thunder(bolt) coverage that allows it to punish many EQ switchins like Zapdos, Skarmory, or Cloyster. While its power without super effective coverage isn’t amazing, only boasting 92/85/85 offensive stats, the move that truly pushes it into great territory is Lovely Kiss. GSC Sleep isn’t as terrible as RBY Sleep, but it’s nevertheless a huge momentum swing. Nidoking therefore can take advantage of this to fire off strong attacks to eventually break through its usual checks given the right opportunity, something no other mixed sweepers can do. If desired, it can also run Thief to steal enemy checks’ Leftovers at the cost of a moveslot.
Steelix is the new evolution of the worthless Onyx, with excellent physical bulk and an auspicious Steel Ground typing. This makes it not weak against the common Hidden Power Ice which the legendary Electrics run, and acts as a near surefire counter to them unless they carry the rarer HP Water. Its base Atk is a pitiful 85, however, and therefore it relies more on Explosion like RBY’s Golem to break walls, but also carry Roar to act as a phaser against things like Mono-lax, Raikou, or Perish Trap Misdreavus. This shuffling also allows its team to rack up more Spikes damage. The last move is often Curse, which allows it to create some offensive pressure with a boost or two, and then abuse Roar even further.
Golem returns with renewed vigor. Having learnt Rapid Spin in a Spike-ridden metagame, Golem found itself as one of the better role compression mons that acts as an Electric check, Rapid Spinner, phaser, and Snorlax check all in one. It still never enters a battle without Explosion, and its poor special bulk means that it must scout enemy Hidden Power lest it becomes a free kill. Nevertheless, Rapid Spin is such an important utility that it sees consistent usage on many teams, so much so that the rare Hidden Power Water from Zapdos or Raikou are mostly aimed to remove it. Unlike other Spinners, Golem matches up poorly against the spiking Cloyster and Forretress, and requires offensive support elsewhere to make sure the hazards stay off.
Marowak boasts the strongest Earthquake in the game. While somewhat gimmicky, its Swords Dance set can give it the maximum 999, and with Spikes support can OHKO nearly the entire metagame at +2. However, this requires serious backup, as Marowak is otherwise painfully slow, frail, and cannot hold Leftovers. Furthermore, help against Skarmory is highly appreciated, as even with 999 Atk, a Rock Slide only 3HKOs the metal bird, who is immune to Spikes and can proceed to phaze Wak out. The 4th moveslot is usually either HP Bug to slam Exeggutor on the switch, or Rest to give it a second chance at sweeping. To get Marowak to work, some support with Agility Baton Pass from Jolteon, or Screens from Blissey is recommended, especially since the latter can Heal Bell off the sleep from Rest.
Rhydon has taken quite a fall in viability since the last generation. With weaknesses to many special attacks, Machamp, and Earthquakes, Rhydon finds itself hard-pressed to accomplish much. Unlike Golem, it provides no utility for the team aside from Roar, and the Snorlax-checking Steelix isn’t weak to Grass, ice, nor 4x weak to Water. Rhydon runs a Curse set to take advantage of its strong 130 Atk and natural physical bulk, as being slower in this generation means your Roar will go first. It cannot get past Skarmory, but can still provide some strong hits to break walls with.
Quagsire’s sole niche is a near fool-proof counter for the legendary Electrics, being immune to their Thunders and not weak to either HP Ice or Water. Its typing makes it a decent mixed wall, as not a lot of pokemons run Grass moves this generation, and can use the free turns its ok bulk generates to set up Belly Drum. EQ and HP Rock makes an ok attacking combo, and Rest can be used for longevity. If unable to set up, however, it’s defensively outclassed by the likes of Miltank or Raikou, and offensively outclassed by Marowak or Snorlax. One must build their team capable of taking advantage of this offensive defensive combination to justify using Quagsire.
Not mentioned: Piloswine, Sandslash, Donphan, Gligar, Nidoqueen
Zapdos continues to be a prominent threat, and the rise of Tyranitar, Aerodactyl, and general Rock Slide coverage gives Grounds even more viability. Lastly, an immunity to Sand in a tier where Tyranitar is king effectively boosts the longevity of all Ground pokemons, allowing them to actually gain health in Sand with Leftovers.
Swampert is the face of bulky waters in gen 3. It’s one of the most sturdy DD Tyranitar counters there are, resisting Rock unlike its Water-type brethren, and can also act as a catch-all check to many more prominent physical sweepers in the tier like Metagross, Aerodactyl, and DD Salamence. It’s so prominent that it basically forced many, many pokemon to run HP Grass just to have a chance to get past it. As a pokemon itself, however, Swampert can be as defensive or as offensive as one likes, possessing decent mixed offensive stats to complement its STAB EQ and Hydro Pump / Surf, while carrying Ice Beam for many Flying types, especially Salamence, and Grasses, like Celebi. It also has access to the great Focus Punch, which allows it to threaten Snorlax and Blissey while OHKO-ing max HP Tyranitar, something its Hydro Pump cannot do. Toxic, Roar, Protect, Refresh are all excellent moves for a more defensive variant. No matter what set it’s running, Swampert’s role in ADV OU cannot be understated, and is therefore one of the most common offensive / defensive threats of the metagame.
Dugtrio has gained Arena Trap this generation, and becomes one of the best revenge killers of the metagame. While it’s not very strong, the introduction of Choice Band gives it the power to achieve crucial KOs, and its amazing base 120 Spe means it can outrun basically any threat it encounters. The list of its victims is vast: Tyranitar, Metagross, Jirachi, Blissey, Celebi, opposing Dugtrio, Breloom, and many, many more. It’s undoubtedly a metagame defining threat, as something like Jolteon is considered superior to the legendary Raikou by many simply due to its Dugtrio-beating speed and access to Baton Pass to escape trapping. It’s also a very important team member of special offence, an almost required piece that exists solely to reliably remove Blissey, sometimes by the otherwise unseen Beat Up.
Claydol is the Rapid Spinning Ground type of ADV. Its unique Ground Psychic typing along with Levitate means it resists all of Ground, Fighting, Electric, and Rock, and is immune to Spikes and Dugtrio’s Arena Trap. All of this means that Claydol finds many opportunities to switch in and get off a spin against many common attacks like Rock Slide, EQ, Thunderbolt etc. It also possesses a STAB Psychic to threaten out the most common spinblocker of the tier: Gengar. Finally, Explosion gives it utility as a wallbreaker, especially if running Adamant to threaten out most of the Explosion-resistant pokemon with Earthquake. However, its support requires teammates’ help against Skarmory, as it can’t meaningfully threaten the metal bird, who often forces the issue with Drill Peck.
Flygon is last. Its Ground Dragon typing and Levitate means it’s also resistant to QuakeSlide and Spikes, while also not being weak to HP Bug from DD TTar or HP Grass aimed at a teammate’s Swampert. While its 100/80/100 offensive stats won’t be winning awards, STAB EQ and a myriad of offensive options almost guarantees it’ll find a target to hit, and its defensive profile is excellent for finding chances to enter the field. It can even run a more defensive Protect Toxic set that abuses its defensive capabilities to spread status and break down many teams late-game.
Not mentioned: Gligar, Steelix, Donphan, Marowak, Camerupt, Rhydon
Stealth Rocks (SR) was introduced in this generation and became the most influential move in the metagame. Coincidentally, Ground types get them.
Swampert returns once again as the premier bulky water. With Tyranitar as popular as ever with physical Pursuit, Superpower, and STAB Stone Edge, Swampert’s defensive capabilities are called into need once again. That said, the physical special split also gave it access to physical water STAB in Waterfall and special Ground STAB in Earth Power, along with extra Ice Punch and Superpower coverage for the physical side. The most popular sets feature SR in some way, to guarantee Pert value as either a lead or a role player, either with max Atk for more damage, or mixed defence to be more of a tank. In this capacity, physical coverage is far more popular. If even more offence is desired, a bulky Choice Band set that runs Stone Edge for Zapdos and Gyarados can do a bit of wallbreaking, or even Modest special set with Hydro Pump spamming. However, these more offensive options remain unpopular compared to the utility set.
Gliscor features an excellent Ground Flying typing that gives it only 2 weaknesses, a SR neutrality but a Spikes immunity, and resistant to the new Close Combat and Superpower. 75/125/75 defences make for an excellent physical defensive profile, and 95/95 offensive stats are surprisingly decent for a mon with such great bulk. Its Stallbreaker set is its most popular, running Taunt to shut down recovery attempts on walls while also preventing offensive mons from setting up on it, and Roost for reliable recovery. If some offensive power is needed, it can run a Swords Dance set to abuse its natural bulk to gain multiple boosts due to its incredible staying power. Its attacks usually consisted of the mandatory STAB EQ, Ice Fang for Flyings, Dragons, and the occasional grasses, and perhaps Thunder Fang for bulky waters or Wing Attack for Breloom. Taunt and SR also make Gliscor a decent lead, as it can U-Turn out to keep momentum.
Flygon appreciated the generational shift very much. It gained an excellent physical dragon STAB in Outrage, and U-Turn allows it to run a very effective Choice Scarf set to utilise its good speed and great neutral coverage in just Outrage and Earthquake. Its last slot on a Scarf set can therefore be very flexible, either Thunder Punch for Gyarados, Dragon Claw for more stable STAB, or Toxic to cripple a wall. The new Life Orb also synergises well with its mixed move pool, allowing it to drop powerful Draco Meteor while still running Earthquake and Fire Blast to crush the Steels that resist its Dragon STAB. Roost can be used on this set to offset Life Orb recoil and give Flygon more general longevity, but if Expert Belt is run instead, U-Turn is always an excellent option.
Nidoqueen, despite its NU placement, is an excellent OU Stall machine. Its claim to fame is the new Toxic Spikes, and on stall teams the Poison Ground typing provide resistant to Fighting and Rock, which couples with 90/87/85 mixed bulk to check the likes of Breloom, Lucario, and Tyranitar, especially since EQ as a coverage move is rarely ran, and Poison Point can punish a lot of the U-Turn spammers in the tier. A lack of recovery does hurt, and thus Nidoqueen prefers Protect to get as much recovery out of Black Sludge as possible. While Nidoqueen’s offences aren’t anything special, its vast movepool means that its moveset can be specifically tailored to cover the threats which the rest of its team does not.
Hippowdon is the alternate Sand setter of the tier. While most prefer Tyranitar’s offensive prowess, Hippo itself is a near sure-fire Tyranitar counter, boasting a titanic physical bulk of 108/118 that can sit on most of the physical threats of the metagame. It complements this by excellent recovery in Slack Off, and SR which allows Hippo to always get pressure out of the switch. Roar synergises with this even more, racking up damage on the pesky flying types or Levitate-rs that otherwise walls it. If a more direct option is preferred, Ice Fang can slam the Gliscor and Dragons. Still, since it relies on pure bulk more than resistances to wall physical threats, it’s usually very specially frail, and has a weakness against some physical threats in Gyarados and Breloom.
Mamoswine boasts a meaty 130 Atk stat, and a unique STAB combination of Ground and Ice. Its Ice Shard is an excellent priority move which knocks the life out of dangerous threats like Latias, Flygon, and Gliscor, its STAB EQ crushes most neutral targets, and for everything else, there’s Stone Edge. Life Orb is the most popular item, allowing it to switch moves and especially abuse Ice Shard to finish off faster threats should the opportunity arise. While Superpower is a fine 4th move to slam Steels not weak to EQ like Bronzong or Skarmory, and OHKO Blissey without a second thought, Stealth Rocks can be used here to exert some pressure as the opponent switches out. Choice Band is an alternative, but locking into any of those four moves can be exploited heavily. Focus Sash makes Mamo a decent SR lead as well. Despite all this, its typing gives it a lot of common weaknesses, and 80 speed isn’t nearly as good as it used to be.
Quagsire lived under Swampert’s shadow in gen 3, but access to reliable recovery in Recover as well as Encore to counter setup sweepers gave it a niche this generation. As Swampert’s more often than not opt for offence this generation, Quagsire is a fine defensive Water Ground type that walls Starmie (with Water Absorb), Metagross, or Tyranitar. Its moveset is very predictable, however, as after the prerequisite Earthquake, the last move is either Toxic for more residual damage or Ice Punch for Flygon or Dragonite. Quagsire is extremely predictable, and must be used with consideration.
Gastrodon is yet another Water Ground type. While it isn’t immune to Water, and therefore doesn’t counter Starmie or Gyarados, it has Sticky Hold which makes it immune to Trick from a lot of choice-d pokemons. Its sole unique role is therefore as a Curse sweeper that’s immune to Trick, who sports good mixed bulk and Recover for longevity. Waterfall + Earthquake a.l.a Swampert is good enough coverage, but it’ll struggle to beat the likes of Gyarados or Latias with such limited coverage.
Rhyperior is a fierce wallbreaker, as 140 base Atk is nothing to scoff at, and its attacking options ranging from STAB EQ + Stone Edge to coverage in Aqua Tail, Megahorn, or Fire Punch are all excellent options. However, it’s really, really slow, and therefore easily forced out with its double 4x weaknesses and poor special bulk, even with Solid Rock or Sandstorm SpD boost to soften them. Choice Band is by far the most powerful option, boasting the ability to 2HKOs everything in the metagame with the right coverage. However, it doesn’t have a lot of opportunities to fire off this power due to its speed and poor matchup against the bulky waters of DPP like Swampert or Milotic.
Donphan gained SR and Ice Shard this generation. It’s now a fairly respectable Rapid Spinner in the metagame with excellent physical bulk and priority. For the most part, it’s a fine support pokemon that aims to set up SR, takes a few physical hits, and threatens revenge kills against Dragons with Ice Shard. It’s a very one dimensional pokemon in this aspect, but its effectiveness as a Rapid Spinner is appreciated.
Not mentioned: Dugtrio (R.I.P), Steelix, Nidoking, Camerupt, Gastrodon
Landorus-Therian is a name one should not fail to keep in mind. It has Gliscor’s auspicious typing, combined with an excellent ability in Intimidate, fearsome 145/105/91 mixed offensive stats, and a respectable 89/90/80 bulk if kept in mind its typing and ability. Lando-T is is one of the best pokemon of gen 5 OU, and is one of the best glues for any good non-rain team. Its Choice Scarf set is an excellent scout and revenge-killer, with a strong U-Turn to punish the like of Latios. Lando-T is in fact so common that it also runs HP Ice for the mirror matchup, despite it not hitting too many other relevant targets. Earthquake is its STAB move of choice, but any other move can be slotted in and out depending on sets. Stone Edge is a natural pairing on the Scarf set, but Superpower is a fine option to drop Skarmory, Ferrothorn, or Air Balloon Heatran. If an offensive pivot is desired, just drop the Scarf and speed for a bulky spread and either Leftovers or Rocky Helmet, and you have one of the best physical checks of the metagame against the dangerous Terrakion. Lastly, access to either Swords Dance, Rock Polish, or even both on the same set can turn Lando-T into a fearsome sweeper at the drop of a hat.
Excadrill is another gen 5 addition, and after a tumultuous history of ban and unban, it settles into the metagame as the best non-rain Rapid Spinner, a.l.a old Donphan. However, it instead boasts Steelix’s typing and a 135 base Atk, making sure that Jellicient cannot simply switch into its Spin with impunity in fear of eating a STAB Earthquake. Its most common set is an offensive spread but with Leftovers and Protect for longevity, befitting of a Rapid Spinner. Unlike most other Grounds, it prefers STAB Iron Head to Rock coverage, as the former hit Latios harder, and can help it beat Breloom. As a Spinner, it can either lean into an offensive spread with STABs, or a more defensive SpD spread that prioritises its laundry list of resistances, especially to Dragon, for better longevity. Though Sand Rush is banned, a Scarf set works perfectly fine to revenge kill, or get up a desperate fast Rapid Spin before falling. Sand Force comes in nicely here, as Exca runs all 3 types of moves that get the boost in its STABs + Rock Slide.
Garchomp dropped to OU this generation, but perhaps that was the chance it needed to flex its power on the metagame. While it’s never seen without its trusty Earthquake, the sheer breadth of sets this pokemon can and does run boggles the mind. The most popular is a very straightforward Choice Scarf set to elevate a great 102 base Spe, and would be great even with just 2 moves in Outrage and Earthquake. It can afford to run Dual Chop for Sash Zam or Multiscale Dragonite, or just straight up Dragon Claw as a more reliable 3rd move. The last move on a scarf set is usually a fire coverage, either Fire Fang or Fire Blast, to roast the likes of Skarmory, Bronzong, or Ferrothorn. As a sweeper, Garchomp leverages its forced switches well with a Substitute Swords Dance set that uses Salac Berry to boost its Spe past most opposing Scarf revenge killers, as its sheer STAB combination is so good on its own. If desired, one can run just an offensive Stealth Rocks set like other Ground types, but Garchomp’s Rough Skin means it has extra synergy with Rocky Helmet that really punishes U-Turn while being simultaneously immune to Volt Switch.
Gliscor gains the excellent Poison Heal this generation, giving it amazing passive recovery and immunity to statuses. For the most part, it uses its typing and access to reliable recovery to spread Toxic with Substitute, while having STAB Earthquake to slam the Steels and Poisons immune to the status. Being always poisoned means that it now has access to Facade as a really strong neutral move to complement its EQ, and thus the Swords Dance Roost set yet see a healthy amount of usage. While Gliscor can’t get past Skarmory at all, its general positioning against the rest of the physical metagame means it will probably always have value in a team, especially if running Taunt. As with all Ground types this generation, it can run a support Stealth Rocks set as well that spread statuses in the meantime.
Mamoswine is once again an excellent offensive threat. Having learnt Icicle Crash as a strong STAB Ice attack this generation, its general offensive coverage with just its STABs is very notable. As DragMag becomes a legitimate offensive force in the metagame, Mamoswine can be found with or against them, leverage Ice Shard to shut down the Salamence, Dragonite, or Garchomps one can find on those teams. Superpower is a great general coverage move to slam Ferrothorn and Kyurem-B with, and Stealth Rocks is always an option that goes well with priority and a Focus Sash.
Gastrodon gained a water immunity this generation, and has propelled into stardom as an anti-rain wall. Its distinction comes from being a Keldeo check that isn’t weak to Pursuit, unlike Jellicient and Latios, and instead spreads status of its own with Toxic and the ridiculous Scald. It also stops Thundurus-T cold, something many other Keldeo checks cannot claim. Physically defensive is the most common spread to fulfil this niche, and with proper support from the rest of its teammates to cover its vulnerability to Toxic and Grass types, Gastrodon is a stalwart defensive answer to many of the metagame’s biggest threats.
Seismitoad is Gastrodon but with Stealth Rocks, in essence. It does everything else Gastrodon does a little worse due to its poorer bulk and no access to Recover, but the role compression can be highly desirable on more offensive teams who prioritise the momentum that hazards give, rather than a long-term wall like Gastro is.
Hippowdon once again plays second fiddle to Tyranitar as a physically defensive Sand setter. Reliable recovery means it can act as a check to many strong physical threats and prevent their setting up with Whirlwind, while setting up Stealth Rocks of its own. Its poor special bulk and weakness to Rain spam means that it might not always put it as much work as it wants to against opposing Rain, but if you want your Sand setter to also be a physical wall, Hippo’s the one for the job.
Not mentioned: Dugtrio (R.I.P), Golurk, Nidoking, Nidoqueen
Continued here in a comment
submitted by Arabella_Fabiene to stunfisk [link] [comments]

Spiked Piston: Ideal Block-Breaker for Traps and Farms

Spiked Piston: Ideal Block-Breaker for Traps and Farms
Note: Dripstone Shard is basically a retextured Pointed Dripstone, since the current Pointed Dripstone is facing the other way.
Spiked or Spikey Pistons is made from Dripstone Shard and Regular Piston. It can be used to break blocks, i.e. convert a block to an item. This is pretty useful in reducing the size of farms/automating them, thus making them more compact and efficient, and can also be engineered to make tunneling machines for an underground base/railway. However, to prevent abuse/exploitation of usage, it would not drop all blocks with the same rate.
GUI → Ingot Slot + Book Slot
This will be different from the other pistons due to the fact that it has a GUI similar to a workbench. This GUI will consist of two slots, one for upgrading/tipping with either iron, gold, diamond, or netherite scrap/ingots to increase the drop rate; and one for inserting certain enchanted books (efficiency, silk touch, fortune) to enhance the tips. Efficiency, Silk Touch and Fortune enchantments work as they usually do.
From L-R: Untipped Spiked Piston, Iron-Tipped Spiked Piston, Gold-Tipped Spiked Piston, Diamond-Tipped Spiked Piston, Netherite-Tipped Spiked Piston
Spikey Piston: Top-view of Untipped and Tipped Variants
Tipped Spiked Pistons would show up in the inventory as respective different items with a separate name depending on the type of tip used along with the enchantments it has. They will be unstackable, even with their own type, just like regular tools.
Rates Untipped (Dripstone) Iron-Tipped Gold-Tipped Diamond-Tipped Netherite-Tipped
Shovel # 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Wood 95% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Stone 75% 90% 100% 100% 100%
Ores *10% ** 30% 20% 70% 80%
Obsidian *WNE *** WNE WNE 50% 75%
Damage (HP) 2 4 1 6 10
# Shovel-type stands for blocks whose preferred tool is the shovel, like dirt, snow, sand, etc.## Special blocks include items not in the Creative Mode List, End Gateway, Air, Barrier Blocks, etc.\ WNE for Diamond Ore, Ancient Debris, Diamond Block, Netherite Block** WNE –* Would Not Extend*. The piston jams up.*
Spikey Piston: Side-view of Untipped and Tipped Variants
Note: Listen, don't burn me on the stake just yet, I know that there's mixed resolution on the side view of the Spiked Pistons, but its not final. All these textures are purely representational, and theyre just here to show us what a Spiked Piston could look like.
Untipped/Regular Spiked Piston when jammed will become a regular piston, the dripstone spikes having crumbled. These pistons drop items as they would usually be dropped when broken by their respective tools. The drop rate for ores are low to prevent exploitation as these should not be used as substitutes to pickaxes (manual strip mining).
This suggestion has two versions- one is a simple Spiked piston that can break blocks and jam up for obsidian or special blocks. The other is the idea of a GUI which will allow customization of Spiked piston by tipping/plating of dripstone spikes using ingots and the enchanting of the spikes using enchantment books. Some may believe that the second version is more complex, and so prefer the former, while others may prefer the latter.
Some people might also say that this is too cheap for a potential tunneling machine, so perhaps the following additions could work:
  • The recipe requiring sticky piston rather than regular piston.
  • Spikes having durability, which will break when the durability runs out.
To prevent it from ceasing the flow of automation, hoppers can be used to provide ingots to the GUI which will replace the spikes just when its about to break. Or, Mending enchantment repairs the spikes when the piston is breaking ores and when it is damaging mobs.
These additions are debatable, as is the question of which version of the Spiked Piston suggestion is better.
Edit: u/roidrole suggests the following, and I think this is a better feature, so I'm including it in!
Instead of having a whole other GUI, why not make use of the smithing table?
There should also be both IMO. Just the standard dripstone piston upgradable via a smithing table (materials) and an anvil (enchantments)
submitted by Mygaz_The_Healer to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

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